Jiu Shen

Chapter 167: If the road is uneven, you must step on it


Accompanied by the golden phoenix separated from Suzaku's body, Ji Dong's right arm with the Suzaku bracelet lifted up by itself, shining golden light, and the golden phoenix went directly into it, merging with the bracelet that was already full of Suzaku's magic power . The feeling of opening up the world became stronger, and Ji Dong even felt that his storage bracelet seemed to come alive, filled with the huge and tyrannical vitality of Suzaku.

Suzaku's surging breath of life spread in every corner of the cave, and her voice rang in Ji Dong's ears, "I have improved this bracelet for you with my magic power that can open up space. Let Huo'er spend more time in the future Just live in it. There is a wide enough space inside, and I have a little thought attached to it. With this thought, I can always feel the breath of Huo'er, and she can also feel my existence. It can be regarded as masturbation. Ji Dong , stay for another three days, let us mother and daughter get together for another three days. After three days, you will leave here."

"Okay." Apart from agreeing, Ji Dong didn't know what to say anymore, he just told himself in his heart that he must bring more fire to visit Suzaku in the future.

Three days later, Ji Dong left Suzaku's territory with the eclipse Phoenix Huo'er who stepped forward and turned back three times. On this day, the monsters in the entire Diling Mountain range became uneasy, because the Binghuo mythical beast Suzaku was always hovering in the sky in the center of the Diling Mountain range, causing all beasts to lie dormant.

After finally losing sight of her mother, Huo'er dived into Ji Dong's modified Suzaku bracelet. Seeing her sad look, Ji Dong felt heartbroken, but he could only hope that she would adapt to the outside world sooner. .

Jumping up, the yin and yang vortex in Ji Dong's chest turned into a whirlpool, and he sped up with all his strength, holding the phoenix plume, and rushed towards the east of the Diling Mountain Range like an arrow.

It took more than half a day for him to finally walk out of the Earth Spirit Mountain Range. Although the outside air was not as fresh as in the mountain range, it made him feel the breath of freedom. Three months have passed, and I don't know if the arrest warrant for him has been withdrawn. Even if it still exists, Ji Dong is not very afraid. Having fully mastered the ability to fly, it is not an easy task to hunt him down. Unless it is as strong as Lei Di Fu Rui, combined with flying monsters, there is absolute certainty.

When Ji Dong passed by a village and town, he found that the originally posted pictures and graphics were no longer there. Time can dilute everything. Although the wanted man is still there, it is impossible to keep searching so closely. After all, the Middle Earth Empire also had to consider whether the people would panic.

Ji Dong took off his school uniform, changed into ordinary clothes that he bought when he was with Karl and Bi Su, and then put some dust on his face, the whole person looked quite different from that picture. difference. I don't know who painted this image, but Ji Dong's eyes are sharp and full of breathtaking arrogance. Although his face was slightly childish, the aura emanating from his whole body was full of danger.

At this time, there is no comparison with the portrait, and Ji Dong deliberately restrains his own aura. It is difficult for non-acquaintances to recognize him. After all, there are many teenagers like him who are fifteen or sixteen years old anywhere. At this time, Ji Dong's ordinary appearance, which is not considered handsome, is of great benefit. Such an appearance is the least likely to be noticed in the crowd.

Ji Dong's goal is to leave the territory of the Middle-earth Empire first. As long as he leaves the Middle-earth Empire, he naturally doesn't have to worry about being wanted. Therefore, his first destination was the Eastern Wood Empire. However, after he really started to hurry, he discovered the problem. The Dongmu Empire is in the east of the mainland, and the direction is not a problem. But the point is, he doesn't have a map of the mainland in his hand, so it's hard to resupply on the road, and he doesn't know where there are cities. When I left the Southern Fire Empire, I didn't feel much about the map provided by Bi Su. Now that I was on my way, this problem appeared.

After three days on the road, Ji Dong was already in danger of running out of food. The food he had stored in the Suzaku bracelet was not consumed when he was in the Diling Mountains. There were various fruits provided by Suzaku to satisfy his hunger. But after starting to rush, you can only rely on yourself. Although Huo'er's body is not big, he eats more than Ji Dong, and the dry food on both of them is already stretched.

It seems that we have to find a city to replenish it. Ji Dong sat by the road and thought while resting.

Fortunately, he found the official road in front of him. There will always be pedestrians on the official road. Ji Dong decided to find someone to find out where the nearest city is, and then go there to buy a map, food, drinking water, and some clothes to tidy himself up. keep going. The farther he was from Central Plains City, the safer he would be. It is conservatively estimated that he has already left the Central Plains City for more than 1,500 miles.

After eating the last bit of dry food and leaving the last piece of bacon for Huo'er, Ji Dong was about to continue on his way, when suddenly, he found that there seemed to be several people approaching him not far away.

The speed of these people is very fast, because the distance is still far away, Ji Dong can only vaguely see that there seems to be one person running fast in front, and four or five people are chasing him behind. It is obvious that none of them are ordinary people, and they can vaguely see the light of magic power shining.

Gradually, these people got closer, and Ji Dong saw that the one running in the front was a 16 or 17-year-old boy with plain clothes and a dusty face. The clothes on his body were torn in many places, and there were bloodstains in many places. Following behind were four young men in their twenties, all dressed gorgeously. Including the young man who ran ahead, the five of them had yin and yang crowns condensed on their heads. On the top of the head of the young man in the front are impressively two sun crowns, the peaks of which are imprinted with black water droplets, and the two crowns of magicians of the Renshui system.

Of the four people chasing after him, two belonged to the Wutu family, another one was from the same Renshui family as the young man, and one was from the Gengjin family. The sun crowns on their heads are also without exception, and they are all at the level of two crowns.

Seeing that they were already approaching Ji Dong, suddenly, the young man who was running in the front staggered, and a yellow light flashed on the body of a young man from the Wutu system behind him, and the ground seemed to shake slightly, and the fleeing young man from the Renshui system was immediately caught He tripped and rolled on the ground, and when he stood up again, he was surrounded by the four young men only ten meters away from Ji Dong.

"Yun Tianji, I'll see where you're going this time." The older one of the two Wutu youths said, his eyes were full of sternness.

The young man of the Renshui system known as Yun Tianji pursed his lips tightly. Although he had a dusty face, he could still see that good appearance. With sword eyebrows and tiger eyes, straight nose and square mouth, he is very handsome, but he gives people a very cold feeling. He didn't speak, but looked at the young man who spoke with stubborn eyes full of hatred. The black magic power kept fluctuating around the body, and it was obvious that he had no intention of catching him without a fight.

The Wutu youth snorted coldly, "At this time, you still dare to look at me like this. Yun Tianji, you lowly commoner. Didn't my brother just make out with your sister, and you actually castrated him. Don't worry , I will not kill you now. I will take you back and hand it over to my younger brother. I will make sure that you cannot live or die. Catch him, first cripple his limbs and take him back."

The other three obviously looked forward to this young man's lead, and their magic power bloomed at the same time, and they were about to pounce on the Renshui system Yuntianji.

"Stop." A deep voice rang out, causing the few people who were about to start to pause for a moment. At this moment, the young man named Yun Tianji suddenly jumped up, and the black light around his body instantly condensed on his right fist, and he punched away the young man who was of Renshui system like him on the side, and flew out, his body After rolling on the ground, dodging the attacks of several other people, he had already broken out of the encirclement. Not only is his movement very neat, but his fist with Renshui magic power is extremely concentrated. In the case that the magic power did not have the upper hand, he just beat the opponent who was a few levels higher than him to the ground.

As soon as his body rolled out, Yun Tianji jumped up with a vertical leap, showing his physical fitness far beyond ordinary people, and ran forward again.

"Bastard, catch him." The Wutu youth who had spoken before roared angrily, and immediately led several others to catch up.

When Yun Tianji passed by Ji Dong, he deliberately turned his head to look at Ji Dong, but Ji Dong ignored him, did not look at him, and let him rush past him. However, when the four chasing people rushed up, he was not so easy to talk, he opened his arms and said in a deep voice: "I told you to stop, didn't you hear?"

The Wutu youth shouted angrily, "What are you, get out of here."

The fiery Binghuo rose instantly, and the intense red flame accompanied by the white sun crown showed the three crowns of brilliance. Under the control of the law of God Locking Yin and Yang, Ji Dong only showed the magic power of Binghuo. Even so, the fiery breath also It still stopped the progress of the four people in front of them.

The Wutu young man originally saw that Ji Dong was about the same age as Yun Tianji, so he didn't take him seriously at all, but when he saw the Binghuo Yang crown on Ji Dong's head showing the glory of the three crowns, his face suddenly changed . Not everyone has the ability to challenge like Ji Dong. In the normal rules of the magician world, the difference in level is the gap in strength. If the two crowns meet the three crowns, there is no chance.

The strong breath of Binghuo abruptly stopped the four people in front of him, and Ji Dong's eyes were full of arrogance. Perhaps it's been a long time since I have been hiding my identity to escape being suppressed for a long time. At this time, when the breath of Binghuo blooms, the magic power released from the whole body is full of strong oppression. The four young people in front of them can clearly feel Ji Dong. The explosive power contained in the magic power.

"Master Binghuo?" The arrogant expression of the young man of the Wutu family restrained a bit, "Master Binghuo, we are dealing with housework, please don't interfere."

Yun Tianji had already rushed past Ji Dong, perhaps because he felt the surge of Binghuo's magical power coming from behind, he couldn't help but stop and turned to look at Ji Dong, who was blooming with red fire. He didn't say anything, just gulped panting. Obviously, his physical strength is close to being overdrawn. It is only supported by an unyielding will to support it until now.

Ji Dong's answer to the four people in front of him was only one word, "Get lost."

The Wutu young man's eyes were fixed, and he said in a deep voice: "Friend, do you know who we are? Do you know the consequences of meddling easily?"

Ji Dong didn't even lift his eyelids, and said coldly, "Get lost."

"There are four of us." The Wutu youth growled, and the other three also surrounded him. And Yun Tianji, who was behind Ji Dong, did not take this opportunity to leave, but instead walked towards Ji Dong and stood behind Ji Dong. The hatred in his eyes seemed to grow stronger.

At this moment, Ji Dong suddenly moved, his figure flashed, and a fiery red light appeared. His movement was so fast that the young man of the Renshui system on the left hadn't reacted yet, and a fiery red light had already appeared on him. The blooming on the chest is exactly the blazing sun.

What is the result of being hit head-on by the fierce sun? Even if it was an opponent whose cultivation base surpassed Ji Dong's at the beginning, none of them felt comfortable. What's more, this magic power is not as good as his Renshui youth. The fiery flames instantly covered his body, making him feel like a ball of flames was burning. Amidst the low roar, the young man of the Renshui system seemed to have been hit by a body-holding spell. His own Renshui Magic power can't play a blocking role at all. Ji Dong's attack was too violent, and the explosive power unique to Binghuo was displayed by him, fully displaying the characteristics of this attribute.

With a punch of Lieyang Bite, Ji Dong didn't even look at the result of the hit. He turned his body and pressed out with both hands at the same time. The strong Binghuo instantly turned into a wall of fire, blocking all the other three people. Out, under the suppression of the magic power, they kicked the three people's stomachs respectively, and the three figures flew out backwards.

Until then, Ji Dong asked indifferently, "What can the quantity determine?"

As immovable as a mountain, as moving as a raging fire, how could Ji Dong, who once dared to fight against the heavenly warriors, see these people in his eyes.

The Renshui young man who was concentrated by the blazing sun slowly collapsed. He was lucky, because Ji Dong did not use the holy fire of Bingwu Yuanyang, otherwise he would be directly reduced to ashes with this blow.

But even so, he didn't feel well, the surface of his skin was scorched, his hands that were used to block the scorching sun were completely unconscious, and his own magic power of Renshui system could barely protect his inner organs.

"Let's go." Strength is the source of everything. The Wutu youth stood up and didn't dare to look at Ji Dong again. He turned around and ran away with the two companions who were also kicked over.

Puff, a broken sound came from Ji Dong's side. When Ji Dong turned his head to look, he couldn't help frowning slightly. He saw that Yun Tianji punched the young Renshui youth who was burning by the scorching sun and knocked him to the ground. Binghuo burned his clothes, almost frantically attacking the enemy who could no longer resist. After just a few attacks, the Renshui youth lost his breath.