Jiu Shen

Chapter 168: Cloud machine


Ji Dong stood aside and watched quietly. He didn't try to block Yun Tianji. The reason why he chose to attack was because of the unyielding look in Yun Tianji's eyes when he was surrounded by those four youths. At this time, this young man of the Renshui family was full of wild aura. Every punch was filled with endless hatred. His eyes had even turned blood red.

"Enough." Ji Dong snorted.

Yun Tianji, however, was still pounding crazily as if he hadn't heard his voice, his fists had slowed down and were not as powerful as before, and the torn clothes on his body were also soaked in sweat, but he didn't It means to stop.

"Will whipping the corpse get rid of the pain in your heart? Although I don't know what happened to you, but if you continue like this, I'm afraid you will go crazy because of hysteria before you get revenge." Ji Dong said lightly Said.

Yun Tianji's fist, which was about to fall again, finally stopped in the air, and his fist was already stained with blood.

Ji Dong didn't think he was dirty, stepped forward, grabbed his hand that was raised in the air, and pulled his body up. At the same time, he pushed out his left hand, and another group of thick Binghuo erupted, shattering the already The beaten corpses were completely burned into a ball of coke.

A piece of two-stage Renshui system crystal nucleus was stuffed into the trembling hand. Ji Dong pulled Yun Tianji to the side of the road and asked him to sit down. The piece of bacon for Huo'er.

Yun Tianji raised his head and glanced at Ji Dong, the red in his eyes was still thick, and the panting sound was even more intense, holding the second-order crystal nucleus with one hand to absorb the magic power in it, while the other hand grabbed the water bag, and gulped drank up.

Ji Dong walked to a place five meters away from him and sat down, closed his eyes, and waited quietly, without saying anything.

The second-order magic power is consumed quickly, and the recovery is also fast. After a short time, Yun Tianji's magic power had basically recovered, and the bacon and water were also fed into his stomach. The redness in his eyes finally faded away slowly, and he was stunned to see the coke in the avenue.

The two of them sat like that, and after a full cup of tea, Ji Dong opened his eyes, stood up slowly, and asked Yun Tianji, "Where is the nearest city? How far is it?"

Yun Tianji's confused eyes narrowed, and became cold again, "Is this what you want to ask me?" He finally spoke. His voice is very characteristic, slightly hoarse, but full of chill.

Ji Dong glanced at him, "Then what do you want me to ask?"

Yun Tianji stood up and threw the water bag in his hand to Ji Dong, "If you are willing to avenge me, my life will be yours in the future."

Ji Dong smiled indifferently, "How do you know that I have the ability to avenge you? Your enemy should be more than just two crowns."

Yun Tianji suddenly turned around and faced Ji Dong, "Although the three crowns are strong, you are only 32nd level, but the four of them are suppressed and have no power to fight back. If I still can't see the difference between you, I won't be punished." Known as the Tianji Candidate of Tianji City."

Ji Dong looked at him with great interest, "Is your life valuable? I don't think it is of any use to me."

Yun Tianji said coldly: "Do you know what is called Tianji?"

Ji shook her head.

Yun Tianji said: "The so-called secrets refer to prophecies. Only people living in the city of Tianji City have such abilities. Every generation of Tianji City's lord has a duke title. In such a small city, almost It is inconceivable. The lord of Tianji City is different from other cities. It is not a hereditary title, but a selection. Choose someone who can inherit the ability of Tianji."

Ji Dong smiled lightly, "Then you are the candidate for the Lord of Tianji City?"

Yun Tianji nodded, "Yes, I am one of the candidates for Tianji City Lord. If you avenge me, I will give up the chance to choose Tianji and go with you. No matter what you want me to do, I will agree."

Ji Dong said: "I don't believe in prophecies. You have to convince me first."

Yun Tianji stared at Ji Dong, and his eyes suddenly became clear. Compared with the red color of anger and resentment before, he seemed to be a different person at this time. The eyes shone with a brilliance like diamonds, and the light in the eyes kept flickering, as if they were changing various colors. Ji Dong's determination is definitely resolute, but looking into Yun Tianji's eyes, he still feels dazzled. From the depths of Yun Tianji's eyes, he even saw an ancient vicissitudes.

After a long time, Yun Tianji's eyes dimmed. Looking at Ji Dong, there was a little strangeness in his eyes, "I'm not mistaken, you are very human. I have been running in this direction because I predicted that there will be people in this direction." The noble man who helped me avenge. Now I can be sure that you are this noble man. Mr. Wanted."

Ji Dong's heart trembled slightly, "What did you see?"

Yun Tianji said: "I have seen Ao'an, I have seen the bleeding-like future blooming on your body. I have seen the breath of death, and I have also seen the horror of your future. Unfortunately, I am not yet a secret, I can't see clearly. The only thing that can be sure , is the identity of your wanted criminal."

Ji Dong carefully looked at Yun Tianji's eyes that had returned to normal, "Very well, you have convinced me. It made me curious about you. However, you still have to convince my two monarchs. For the rest of your life, There are two rulers who rule my life, one is morality and the other is conscience. They will rule all my thoughts. If I break through their shackles, then I am no longer a human being. Do you understand what I mean? "

Yun Tianji's voice became cold again, "If everyone is bound by these two monarchs, then you wouldn't meet me today."

"I live in a commoner family in Tianji City not far from here. When I was very young, my parents passed away one after another. It was my sister who was five years older than me who brought me up. When I was young, my sister wanted to let me She had enough to eat, and did some odd jobs for the noble family every day. At that time, she was only ten years old, but she supported our small but warm family."

"Everything my sister does is for me. Girls the same age as her have a pair of delicate hands, but my sister's hands are very rough. Even in the cold winter, she has to wash clothes for others. Just for It can keep me fed and warm. When I was ten years old, my sister sent me to a magician academy to test my magic power with all the savings I had accumulated for several years. Because she knew that becoming a Yin-Yang magician is what makes me The only chance to turn around fate. Can you imagine how much my sister paid to save that money? As long as I can remember, my sister has never had fewer than five patches on her clothes."

Speaking of this, the coldness in Yun Tianji's eyes has completely disappeared, and the only thing left is the thick layer of water mist.

Ji Dong's emotions also entered the story along with his hoarse voice, and he listened quietly without interrupting him.

"I know my sister's suffering, and I know her hope. I didn't let my sister down. During the innate attribute test, I was tested to have 90% of the talent of Yangshui. I was exempted from the entrance examination and all tuition fees were waived. Everything All the expenses were borne by the college. Since then, my sister’s life has become more comfortable. Finally, I don’t have to worry about my food and clothing.”

"A few years later, during the process of studying in the college, I only had one thought in my mind, that is, to let my sister live a good life and live a happy life. Therefore, I practiced hard day and night. When I was thirteen years old, In one year, he successfully condensed the Yin-Yang crown. At the age of fifteen, he broke through two crowns. He became the youngest magician with two crowns in the history of our academy. He was also selected as a candidate for Tianji by the lord of Tianji City, so he changed his name to Yuntianji. Just wait When the age of twenty comes, I will compete with other candidates to determine whether I can become the next generation of Tianji. The city lord opened the eyes of Tianji for me and gave me the ability to see the future. He also told me that as long as I work hard to improve my cultivation, and the eye of heaven will evolve on its own. I am the youngest among all the selected candidates, but the one with the highest magic power. For this reason, I have just been promoted to the senior level The college also gave me ten gold coins. I still remember how happy my sister was when she got the ten gold coins."

Yun Tianji's eyes became much gentler, as if recalling the happy life with his sister in the past.

"Everything is going according to my plan. I want to become stronger and richer. My sister has worked so hard for me for so many years. It's time for me to repay her. I want my sister to live those days The lives of noble ladies. However, just as I was working hard, a few days ago, my dream was shattered."

Speaking of this, Yun Tianji's fists were clenched suddenly, and even Ji Dong couldn't help being secretly surprised by the look of resentment emanating from his eyes.

"The person I killed just now is called Cai Lou, the senior of the advanced academy. When I first arrived at the academy, he took good care of me and even gave me a few basic skills. Commoner students like us, learn The skills are too difficult. I treat him like an older brother. But who knows, this beastly guy... Sister, I killed you, and I brought this beastly guy home. Otherwise, you wouldn’t die, It was I who killed you!"

Speaking of this, Yun Tianji couldn't help crying, his body was trembling, and the strong resentment made his body seem to have an extremely cold atmosphere, and his eyes that had returned to normal before had turned red again.

"I invited Cai Lou home as a guest. He met my sister. Although my sister was running around for a living every day, she was still extremely beautiful. Cai Lou didn't show anything at the time, and I still regarded him as a good friend. But who knows, the two Days later, while I was attending class at the college, he took the second son of the Viscount Shi family, who is second to none in Tianji City, to our house. That bastard was Shi Xiaolei, who was in the same college as us, and he was a well-known playboy. Raped my sister. When I came home, I saw my sister sitting on the bed in disheveled clothes and gasping. No matter how I asked, my sister refused to tell me what was going on. Later I realized that she was afraid of me I was hurt by those people. Early the next morning, when I finished my practice as usual, I saw that the table was still the same as usual, with the breakfast my sister made for me. After I had breakfast, I was going to ask my sister about the previous day. But what I saw was the body of my sister, who had hanged herself. Not even a word was left."

His lips were trembling, he had been bitten by his own teeth, and the blood was flowing, but he didn't realize it, "After this incident, I was shocked and went crazy to investigate the situation that day. It was the neighbor who told me that Shi Xiaolei had seen Shi Xiaolei He and Cai Lou have been to my house. I went to the college to look for Shi Xiaolei, and pretended to be groveling. That bastard Shi Xiaolei actually told me triumphantly that my sister tasted good and would definitely take care of me in the future. I didn’t kill him, For such a beast, killing him is too cheap. How can his body that has been hollowed out by wine and sex be my opponent? I castrated this beast and cut off his tendons and tendons. After that, you I see, Shi Xiaolei's elder brother Shi Dalei led people to chase me down."

Ji Dong said: "Didn't you be chosen by the Tianji City Lord? Why didn't you ask him for help?"

Yun Tianji sneered, "Do you think Tianji is so easy to see? Tianji has the ability to predict the future. As a chosen one, it is impossible for him to predict everything that happens to me. But he did not show up, which means He has no intention of helping me at all. The only thing I can rely on is myself. The big deal is death. Anyway, that bastard Shi Xiaolei has been abolished. Even the best water and wood magicians can at most restore his Hand tendons, hamstrings, but he can't regenerate the thing he broke. He is destined to be a eunuch for the rest of his life."

Ji Dong nodded to Yun Tianji, "Let's go."

"Where are you going?" Yun Tianji stared at him in a daze.

Ji Dong said: "Tianji City. Tell me, how do you want to take revenge?"

The blood in Yun Tianji's eyes instantly became thicker, "Mie Qi is full of people."

"They all deserve to die?" Ji Dong frowned.

Yun Tianji snorted coldly, "Every member of the Shi family can be killed a hundred times. You can inquire about it in Tianji City. If I make a false statement, my sister's spirit in heaven will not be at peace."

Ji Dong nodded slightly, "I believe in you. However, I have three things I don't want to kill. I don't want to kill women and children, I don't want to kill slaves who don't help the tyrant, and I don't want to kill children."

Yun Tianji looked at Ji Dong, "Do you really want to avenge me?"

Ji Dong said: "It's not for you, but for eliminating harm. I can't take care of all the injustices in the world, but I have to take care of what I see. People live a lifetime, if they don't have any pursuit, they can only be walking dead. I I only want to be kind and enmity."