Jiu Shen

Chapter 17: Yang and Yin crowns (top)


Ji Dong looked at Teacher Qiu in surprise. In his memory, there was another way of saying Nanfang Bingdinghuo, that is, Southern Suzaku Bingdinghuo. Just like the Oriental Qinglong Jiayi wood. In other words, according to his memory, both Binghuo and Dinghuo's beasts should be Suzaku. Suzaku is also Phoenix, and the phantoms behind Xia Tian and Dean Yang Bingtian are undoubtedly Phoenix. But why does Mr. Qiu, who is a yin-yang magician of the Dinghuo department, appear behind a big blue snake? And the snake also appears to have a pair of very pale wings.

Red light and blue light condensed above the heads of the two teachers respectively, and a crown appeared on their heads respectively. When the crown appeared, it immediately became the center of their own magic power release.

The crown that appeared on Teacher Xia's head was the same as Dean Yang Bingtian's. It was white all over, covered with gold rims, with nine points standing upright, and there was a red bead on each point. The only differences are the flame pattern on the spikes and the number of stars on the front of the crown. The crown on Mrs. Xia's head has only three frontal points with red flame marks, but there are as many as four stars on the ring below, which is half more than Dean Yang Bingtian's.

On the other side, Ji Dong saw the crown on Teacher Qiu's head for the first time. The whole body of the crown is black, covered with a golden edge, and it also has nine vertical points, but there is a blue bead on each point, and there are also three points with flame patterns on them, but they are also blue. The star-shaped imprint on the ring below is two and a half.

The whole body is covered with red light, and the blazing flames on the palms make Xia Tian look like the God of Vulcan descending. His originally extremely sturdy appearance looks even more tyrannical, and even his eyes are tinged with red. "See it. This is the complete battle state of the Yin-Yang Mage of the Bing Fire Department and the Yin-Yang Magician of the Ding Fire Department."

While talking, Xia Tian raised his hand, and the crown on the top of his head flew down and fell into his hand, "The ten-line Yin-Yang magician, the fifth line belongs to Yang, and the fifth line belongs to Yin. What I release now, this is C The Yang crown of the fire system, and what Teacher Qiu released was the Yin crown of the Ding fire system. Whether it is the Yang crown or the Yin crown, it is the source of power for the Yin-Yang magician. Basic requirements."

He held his yang crown in one hand, and pointed his finger at the five-centimeter-wide ring below the yang crown, "Whether it is a yang crown or a yin crown, the whole is divided into four parts. First of all, the ring you see It is called the crown ring, which is the basis of the Yin-Yang crown. Each ring has nine peaks, which we call the crown peaks, which are the tips of the nine triangles above. They are combined to form the most basic Yin-Yang crown. You have all seen the four stars on my coronal ring, they are called the coronal star, and the flame brand on the coronal peak, we call it the crown. These all represent the level of the Yin-Yang magician."

"The crown star represents the basic level of our Yin-Yang magicians. It is divided into ten levels, from one to ten. You have to remember clearly that a crown star does not represent the first level, but two levels. Like me There are four coronal stars on the Dingyang crown, which means that I have reached the eighth level in my current title. I have three crowns with a flame brand that symbolizes our C-fire system, which is called the three crowns. There are several crowns The peak has such a brand, it is called a few crowns. Whenever we cultivate the crown to five, that is, tenth level, then, through special cultivation methods, we can have a crown. Similarly, our yin and yang The title of the magician will also change."

Teacher Qiu also took the yin crown on his head into his hands, and took Xia Tian's words, "No matter what kind of Yin-Yang magician it is, we all have the same classification. According to different cultivation levels, we have different titles."

"Students like you who have just started to practice, or colleges that have not condensed the Yin-Yang crown, we collectively call them apprentices. Those of the Binghuo department are Binghuo apprentices, and those of the Dinghuo department are Dinghuo apprentices. When you have You can add a level to the front of your own crown star. For example, half a crown star is a first-level C-fire apprentice or a first-level Ding fire apprentice. When you have cultivated to a five-star tenth-level apprentice, you can condense your own Yin and Yang crowns, then your titles will change accordingly. At that time, you will have a crown. The five crown stars will also disappear. Wait until you have cultivated five more crown stars to the tenth level, and then you will have another crown. Promote to two crowns. The titles of our Yin-Yang magicians change with the number of crowns. From low to high, they are apprentice, bachelor, teacher, master, master, grand master, heavenly scholar, heavenly master, and heavenly master , the exclusive title."

Xia Tian interjected: "Therefore, all my titles in the world of Yin-Yang magicians should be, the master of the third-level fire department of the three-crown yang crown, and the master of the third-level fire department of the three-crown yang crown. Teacher Qiu's title is the master of the five-level D-fire department of the three-crown yin crown. Today is your first class, so that's all for the theoretical knowledge. Anyone who doesn't understand can ask now. Teacher Qiu and I will answer for you." While talking, he and Qiu withdrew their magic power , the Yang and Yin crowns also disappear.

Ji Dong was still the first to ask questions. It is the first time for an ordinary ten-year-old child to be in a new environment, and he will be a little bit stage fright, but this situation obviously will not happen to him whose mental age is over thirty . As soon as Xia Tian's voice fell, he immediately raised his hand and asked, "Teacher Xia, I have three questions. First, what is the last exclusive title among the ten titles of Yin-Yang Mage that you mentioned earlier. It should be the title of Nine Crowns Only later, right?"

Xia Tian was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "You kid wants to go far, the Nine Crowns, that is just a legendary existence, and it is also the ultimate goal that all of our Yin-Yang magicians yearn for. Frankly speaking, you don't need to know at all. But since you asked, I can tell you that the exclusive titles of Yin-Yang magicians of the ten departments to the top nine crowns are different. The exclusive title of our Binghuo department is: Gongcao. The exclusive title of Dinghuo department is: Taichong. As for other departments , even I don't know very well."

There was a thoughtful light in Ji Dong's eyes, "My second question is, an illusory light and shadow appeared behind you and Teacher Qiu just now, behind you is a big red bird, and behind Teacher Qiu It's a big snake that seems to have grown wings. What's going on here?"