Jiu Shen

Chapter 170: devil? Devil?


At the moment when Ji Dong was rushing towards the ground like a shooting star, the Gengjin three-crown magician made the most correct choice with his double fists. Obviously, he had quite a lot of actual combat experience. Although Ji Dong's speed is fast, it's not as fast as anyone else can do with a little effort.

However, as Ji Dong inherited the fourth skill of the Flame King besides the special skill Yanyang Cone, is Mingyang Hunter so easy to resist

Seeing the metal spike condensed with white magic power piercing Ji Dong's chest, suddenly, the Gengjin magician was horrified to find that the magic power he emitted seemed to be without any resistance, and Ji Dong's body twisted strangely After a while, the golden flame that had never been seen before covered the metal spike he sent out almost instantly. In the eyes of others, the metal spike had indeed pierced the concentrated chest, but while making physical contact with Ji Dong It began to melt, and when Ji Dong's hand grabbed the neck of the three-crown magician, the metal spike had disappeared.

The strong body of the Gengjin three-crown magician was lifted above his head. At the same time, the attacks of at least three magicians had already approached Ji Dong's body.

There was an extremely cold and angry snort, and amidst the loud noise, the Gengjin magician in Ji's hands had turned into a ball of golden flames, just in time to meet the attack of a double-crown magician. A huge golden fireball crashed into it abruptly.

There is no need to look at it at all, how can a two-crown-level cultivation base be able to resist being contaminated by the Bingwu Yuanyang Holy Flame. At the same time, Ji Dong didn't dodge, and turned around suddenly, ignoring the attack of another two-crowned magician of the Renshui system on the side, stepped forward, punched, and Lieyang Bite seemed to evacuate the holy fire of Bingwu Yuanyang on his body in an instant , Jiji just punched his opponent straight away.

If you say what Ji Dong feels like at this time, there are only two words that can describe it, and that is wild.

Ji Dong's actions were so fast that Yun Tianji had just rushed over from where he was before, and it was impossible for him to help him. But in Yun Tianji's eyes, Ji Dong, whose whole body was blooming with golden flames and the golden phantom of a humanoid king shining behind him, didn't need help at all.

Another Triple-Crown Mage is from the Wu-earth system. In the Middle-Earth Empire, there are no earth-type magicians anywhere. This three-crown five-earth magician is obviously full of fear of Ji Dong. He is covered with a half-foot-thick layer of rock armor, which is obviously a special magic skill. It is precisely because of this that he was one step too late when he made the shot.


Lie Yangyan collided with the opponent's fist wrapped in rock armor. At the same time, the attack of the two-crowned Renshui magician next to him also fell on Ji Dong.

The black magic power fell on Ji Dong's body and disappeared instantly, and Ji Dong's body didn't even shake, but the three-crown five-earth magician in front of him only felt an unparalleled explosive power blooming in front of him.

Amidst the loud bang, the rock armor on his fist had already burst, and at the same time, a strong golden flame swept across his whole body in an instant. The suction pulls on the body, making it impossible to retreat half a point.

"Can't the stone be burned?" The cold smile on Ji Dong's face was in stark contrast to his violent and domineering attack style, and his shoulder had already hit the opponent heavily at this time. This was the first person who allowed him to use two magic skills after he came to the mansion of Viscount Shi.

In the Bingwu Yuanyang holy fire, the blazing sun devours and blazing sun collapses superimposed and erupts, and the result is fragmentation.

The scattered golden flames blocked all the other two-crowned mages. Naming's Renshui-type mage who attacked Ji Dong earlier was even contaminated by the Bingwu Yuanyang holy fire, screaming and rolling all over the ground. How is it possible for Renshui's magic power to fight against Ji Dong's extreme Yanghuo.

In an instant, two dead and two seriously injured, the two strongest three-crown magicians among the dead official opponents. More than half of all seven magicians have already gone. What kind of arrogance is this.

"Devil, you, you are the devil..." Shi Dalei's voice had become as shrill as a woman's, and he yelled angrily while falling back with a pale face.

At this time, no one dared to rush forward, and the servants, strong men, and servants of the Viscount's Mansion even swarmed away. In addition to Shi Dalei, there are two double-crown magicians, but at this moment, they seem to have no strength to escape.

The two most simple and direct golden fireballs found them, and two more firemen appeared in the main courtyard. Not to mention that the level is lower than Ji Dong, even opponents of the same level as him will find it difficult to resist in front of the ultimate double fire.

"Where are your father and younger brother?" In a flash, the fourth person caught by Mingyang Lie was Shi Dalei, but this time Ji Dong didn't let the flames spread to him, but just grabbed him out of thin air. Under the suppression of his attributes, Shi Dalei couldn't display any magic skills at all.

"Woooo..." Shi Dalei was pinched by Ji Dong, his face turned from pale to purple, and he couldn't speak at all.

Throwing him on the ground casually, Ji Dong said coldly: "Tell me, where are Viscount Shi and Shi Xiaolei? If you tell me, I won't kill you."

"I, I said..." Shi Dalei had less backbone than Ji Dong imagined, and he didn't struggle at all. "Father took his younger brother to seek medical treatment. He should be back soon."

"Ask for a doctor? Can the severed limb be reattached?" Ji Dong asked suspiciously.

Shi Dalei said: "My younger brother is not good. But his tendons and hamstrings should still be fine. His father took him to a well-known wooden therapist in the city. As long as the therapist has money, he will treat him."

Ji Dong nodded, looked at Yun Tianji and said, "Then we'll wait here. They will always come back. He will leave it to you to handle." While talking, Ji Dong tapped his toe and sent Shi Dalei to Yun Tianji .

Shi Dalei suddenly wailed: "You, you said you wouldn't kill me."

Ji Dong said indifferently: "I just said that I won't kill you. As for whether he will kill you, you have to ask him." Restore previously consumed mana through cultivation. Crystal nuclei are always limited, so if you can save, you can save.

When Shi Dalei saw Yun Tianji's blood-red eyes, he knew he was finished.

The screams seemed to spread throughout the Tianji City, and when Ji Dong finished training and opened his eyes, he couldn't help frowning.

The blood in Yun Tianji's eyes has faded, and his gaze has returned to the clear and deep look when he predicted it. Right in front of him, Shi Dalei no longer looks like a person. Yun Tianji didn't kill him, and even used the magic power of Renshui to heal his wound briefly. However, Shi Dalei's limbs have been separated from his body. Just like what Yun Tianji said before, death is never the scariest thing.

Seeing Ji Dong waking up from his practice, Yun Tianji nodded to him, "Thank you. I've thought it through. No matter how many people I kill, my sister can't survive. Viscount Shi is the culprit of everything. Kill him, and then cut off Shi Xiaolei's limbs, my revenge will be considered."

Ji Dong nodded to him, "Okay."

Yun Tianji said indifferently: "You are a strange three-crown magician. It is the first time I have seen magic skills like you can use, and it is also the first time I have seen this golden flame from you. Those people called you It's a devil, I don't think it's right, it should be called a demon king, the virtual image of the king that appeared behind you just now doesn't seem to belong to any demon system. It's a demon king who specializes in devouring those beasts."

"Devil King?" Ji Dong smiled lightly, "I like this name. If you want, you can call me that in the future."

He is the successor of the Flame King and the Dark Flame Demon King. The word Demon King can completely represent the inheritance of the two kings, as well as the arrogance that belongs to the king.

Yun Tianji's eyes seemed to become deeper, "It would be great if there were more devil kings like you in this world."

Ji Dong said: "Are you dissatisfied with this world? The Five Elements Continent is in a peaceful age with almost no wars. You can't hate the whole world just because of what happened to you."

Yun Tianji sneered, "If there is no war, it must be a prosperous world? Without the baptism of war, the exploitation of the nobles is more ferocious than the baptism of war. What you see is only the surface. How much can you see the dark side of this society? The Viscount Shi is just a drop in the ocean among the nobles, and he is just a small Viscount. Have you ever seen what happens in the fiefs of the big nobles with fiefs? In some places, when women marry They must all be handed over to the noble lord. They are no different from slaves."

Ji Dong frowned and said, "Don't the governments of all countries care?"

"Control? How?" Yun Tianji laughed, "The aristocrats are the ones who support the five great empires in the mainland. The aristocratic class is the foundation of each empire. Unless you can overthrow all the five great empires, otherwise the aristocratic class is unshakable. The interests of the aristocrats The roots are intertwined, and the whole situation can be affected by one incident.”

Ji Dong said: "You seem to know the situation in the mainland very well?"

Yun Tianji's eyes dimmed a little: "This is a compulsory course for every candidate for Tianji. I have to study these two days a week. It's been a few years, so how can I not understand it. The teacher who taught us showed us Yes, they are the darkest things in this society. I can only say one statistic, and you can understand the extent of the current aristocratic class. The number of civilians who die due to riots every year, the five empires add up, exceeds one million. Civilians are very Those who are easy to satisfy, even if they have a bite to eat, even if they are not forced to the extreme, will they riot?"

Seeing the brilliance in Yun Tianji's eyes, Ji Dong said: "If you expect to persuade me to rebel, I'm afraid you will be disappointed. I have no ambition to unify the world and change the world. At most, I just want to be a demon king who wants to be kind and friendly. .I like to enjoy life, not be tied down."

A hint of disappointment flashed in Yun Tianji's eyes. Although he looked about the same age as Ji Dong, he didn't look like he was only a teenager at this moment.

"It's also good to be happy and enmity. Since you only want to be a devil king, then be a great devil king. Although the world can't kill all the villains, there will always be one less if you kill one. When your reputation can shock the world, dare to do evil At least there will be fewer nobles."

Ji Dong laughed and said, "Do you think I have such ability? I'm just a three-crown magician."

Yun Tianji said seriously: "I think you can, definitely can. As long as I am still alive, I will always be by your side to witness all this."

At this moment, suddenly, Ji Dong's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked towards the gate connecting the front yard and the main yard.

Yun Tianji turned around suddenly, and saw a group of more than twenty people walking in from the outside.

"Who dares to come to my mansion to make trouble?" The leader, who looks to be in his forties, is not tall, but extremely muscular, with broad shoulders and broad back. Nobility, but the anger on his face at this time.

There is no doubt that this person is Viscount Shi. Behind him, followed by two middle-aged men with serious demeanor, and behind them were the servants of the Viscount's Mansion, four of them were carrying a stretcher, and a person was lying on it, whose appearance could not be seen clearly.

Among these people, apart from Viscount Shi, the one who attracted Ji Dong's attention the most was a young man in Tsing Yi who was walking beside Viscount Shi. This person looked like he was in his twenties. When everyone entered the yard and saw the blood and corpses on the ground, their faces changed drastically. Only he still had a calm expression on his face. It seems that all of this has nothing to do with him.

Those who were killed by Ji Dong have all been reduced to ashes, even those who were contaminated with the holy fire of Bingwu Yuanyang were no exception. Suddenly, his eyes turned red, and he roared, "Bastard." He rushed straight in the direction of Yun Tianji.

Launched together with Viscount Shi, and the two middle-aged men behind him, both of them looked very gloomy, and they almost released their respective Yang Crowns together with Viscount Shi.

Viscount Shi is of the Wu-earth system, and the two middle-aged men are both of the Bing-fire system, and they are both triple-crowns. One is 36th level, and the other has reached 38th level. Coupled with Shi Zijue, the grandmaster of Wutu who has reached the forty-fourth level of the four crowns, the three of them rushed out together, with an extremely astonishing momentum.

Ji Dong turned around and came to Yun Tianji, "Stand back."

Facing three enemies with four crowns and two triple crowns, he showed no fear at all, and the golden ultimate yang fire rose again. When he saw the golden flame, the indifferent young man in Tsing Yi showed surprise in his eyes, his brows were slightly frowned, as if he was thinking about something.

At the same time that Ji Dong's Bingwu Yuanyang holy fire was rising, the Binghuo that bloomed from the two middle-aged men behind Viscount Shi suddenly dimmed by as much as twice, and the attribute suppression of Bingwu Yuanyang holy fire appeared.