Jiu Shen

Chapter 4: A Generation of Dionysus (Part 2)


Yang Lao's face froze almost the moment he took the wine, and he stood there as if in a daze, his original introverted breath completely disappeared, and a blush spread across his face in an instant.

Suddenly, without any warning, his eyes shone brightly, as if two clusters of flames were burning. "Well, a good flame should be lit from within."

Boss Zhao asked nervously, "Old Yang, how does this glass of wine taste?"

Elder Yang looked at him with unconcealable excitement, "This is the most distinctive cocktail I've ever had, and it's also the cocktail that gave me the most shock, because it really made me feel the flames burning in my heart Only when you really drink it in your mouth can you feel its difference. If you have to give it an evaluation, then I think there are two words that are most suitable." At this point, he paused slightly, After scanning the many drinkers around him, he said in a firm and forceful voice, "Wushuang."

While talking, Yang Lao seemed to be afraid that others would snatch his glass of wine, and drank it all in one gulp. Immediately, a burning feeling of anger surged up, and the burning flame in his chest blazed, comforting him. The 36 million pores in the whole body seemed to be stretched. After drinking this glass of wine, he actually felt that his life was wasted, and now he felt that the word "trash" that a little beggar used to burn his love with flames was so appropriate. yes! I actually drank rubbish all my life.

No one would doubt Elder Yang's judgment. He is not only one of the oldest drinkers in Lihuo City, but also one of the highest-ranking people in Lihuo City. Boss Zhao was stunned, the bartenders couldn't say a word, but there was an uproar among the drinkers, and various discussions spread throughout the open space.

I don't know who said, "Hey, where's the little beggar?"

Elder Yang came back to his senses immediately, and looked again, the little beggar who was behind the bar had disappeared, so he quickly turned around and grabbed Boss Zhao, "Where's the person?"

"Ah? I don't know!" Just now, everyone's eyes fell on Elder Yang who was tasting the fine wine. The little beggar was so thin that he really didn't attract attention, but after a while, he disappeared.

Elder Yang didn't care about chattering with Boss Zhao, and in a flash, he was already at the door of the bar, and disappeared like a red cloud.

The little beggar left after handing the wine to Elder Yang and leaving those words, strolling on the street, he didn't walk fast, but he felt a sense of loss in his heart.

Once upon a time, I was still a generation of Dionysus, but at this time, I have fallen to such a point. With a long sigh, the little beggar shook his head helplessly, the expression in his eyes was not at all like that of an eleven or twelve year old child. And in fact, that's exactly what happened.

His original name was Li Thaw, and he didn't belong to this world. In his original world, he was only thirty-two years old, but he was the world's number one Dionysus. He has created countless myths in the world of bartending and wine tasting. Originally the highest honor in the wine tasting industry was the five-star gold diamond medal, but for him alone, a six-star imperial diamond medal was added. Because his achievements are unparalleled.

In his previous life, Li Thawong never left wine in his short thirty-two years of life, and was even more obsessed with wine. When he was invited to appreciate the thousand-year-old fine wine unearthed in his country, he finally couldn't hold back the impulse in his heart and ate it. He took a sip of the creamy amber liquor. So sleepless.

Li Thaw has no regrets at all. If he had to do it all over again, he would still choose this way. Even now, his mind is still filled with the touching taste of that paste-like wine. His last thought before falling asleep was that death was worth it.

However, he didn't die, and even he himself didn't know whether it was luck or misfortune. When he woke up, he found that he was no longer Li Thawing, the God of Dionysus, but a little beggar who made a living by begging. Ji Dong is so innocent that his memory is poor. What frustrates him the most is that even the whole world has changed.

It has been a month since I came to this world called Wuxing Dalu. Because of Ji Dong's original memory, language is not a barrier. However, he, the majestic Dionysus of the generation, had to work hard to survive. This was unimaginable in the previous life.

Li Thaw has never been a complainer. After three days, he gradually accepted his new identity. He would also like to thank God for giving him a chance to live again. At least, it didn't deprive him of his memory and obsession with good wine. Now that he has come to this new world, he is no longer the former Li Thaw, so he decided to use the little beggar's original name from now on, and call him Ji Dong.

Ji Dong's memory is so simple that it is outrageous. The memory before the age of five does not exist at all. After the age of five, he just begs on the street for a living. Except for a red rope hanging around his neck, there is a piece carved with the word Ji Dong on it. The white jade brand seems to be worth a little money. There is only this one patched patchwork clothes.

In the end, he did not sell the jade token, because in the memory of the original owner of this body, he seemed to cherish the jade token very much. But he wants to survive and eat. Of course, the dignified generation of Dionysus cannot make a living by begging. Soon, he found the most famous bar in Lihuo City.

During this month, in addition to getting to know the world gradually, Ji Dong observed around the Lie Yan Qing Bar every day. His knowledge of this world is very limited until now, he only knows that this is a country at the southern end of the Five Elements Continent, with flames as its totem.

Fortunately for Ji Dong, people here also like to drink. In the following time, he maintained his new life by relying on a dozen steamed buns and some dried meat that the original owner of this body left under a bridge. Every day, I carefully observe the Lie Yan Fen Qing bar.

Ji Dong's observation, of course, is not just as simple as seeing, he is still smelling and listening. The first thing he needs to observe is the difference between the wine in this world and his previous world, as well as the taste and characteristics of these wines. That's right, as a little beggar, of course it is impossible for him to taste it. However, after traveling to this world, Ji Dong retained one ability, that is, his six senses that are much sharper than ordinary people.

The reason why the International Sommelier Association awarded him the unprecedented six-star diamond medal is because of his invention of the six-sense wine tasting method. In Ji Dong's theory, wine tasting is not just based on taste, smell, sight, hearing, touch, and feeling can also be used to taste wine. But in fact, in that world, the only one who can do this is himself.