Jiu Shen

Chapter 65: Ice Peak is in danger


Ji Dong still failed to get his wish. After dinner, before Carl and Bisu had a rest, he quietly went back to Earth Center Lake for detoxification, but he still didn't see Lie Yan, so he had to make a cocktail and return quickly. The good mood of the evening was gone.

Both Karl and Bisu got into the tents and fell asleep, but Ji Dong couldn't sleep for a long time. Looking at the hot bonfire in front of him, the shadow of flames kept flashing before his eyes. Intense longing constantly gnawed at his heart. Having not seen Lie Yan these few days, he realized the importance of Lie Yan in his heart even more. That is beyond words.

I don't know if the bonfire played a role. The night passed peacefully. Bisu and Karl got up to watch the night. They didn't encounter any wild beasts, let alone monsters.

After simply eating something, the three of Ji Dong practiced for half an hour, adjusted their state to the best, and then set off again.

Sleeping in the wild may be easy for ordinary people to feel tired, but all three of them are magicians, and they are at the age full of energy. Even Bi Su, who was still complaining of suffering and tiredness last night, woke up in good spirits in the morning.

Continue to set off, cross a ravine, and the three of them entered the range of the first peak of the Fengshuang Mountain Range. Although there is no road on the mountain, the plants growing on the mountain are enough to help them climb smoothly. Soon, they climbed halfway up the mountain.

However, after arriving here, their forward speed slowed down significantly, and the higher they went, the steeper the mountain became. In order to avoid unnecessary danger, Ji Dong took out a rope from the storage bracelet and connected him with Karl and Bi Su, really becoming a grasshopper on a rope.

It makes sense for Ji Dong to do this. They are all magicians, and their bodies are much stronger than ordinary people. If anyone stumbles, the strength of the other two will definitely be able to hold the stumbler. , the security is naturally greatly increased.

Finally, when the fiery red sun gradually rose to the middle of the day, the three of them also entered the snow-covered area of the main peak. The temperature has dropped significantly, and occasionally a gust of mountain wind will immediately bring a chilling feeling.

Karl and Bisu have always lived in the Southern Fire Empire, and they are somewhat uncomfortable with the cold. Ji Dong's two lives are human beings, let them each put on their coats, and then rely on their own fire attribute magic power to keep warm, so they won't be invaded by the cold. When he got here, Ji Dong found that the fire element had obviously become much thinner than that at the foot of the mountain. There are very few red and blue light spots in mind perception.

Seeing that they were less than 200 meters away from the top of the mountain, the three of them found a relatively flat place to rest temporarily.

Bi Su heaved a sigh of relief, "Finally we are almost at the top of the mountain. I didn't expect this mountain to be so difficult to climb."

Ji Dong said: "I made a mistake in my judgment. It seems that it will be difficult for us to get out of the Fengshuang Mountains before the sun sets today."

Karl said: "No way, the downhill should be much faster later. Let's hurry up, it's not a big problem."

Ji shook his head and said: "Such a steep mountain, it is not easy to go down the mountain, but it will be more difficult. You must not be careless, you must be more careful. Check the rope on your body later."

For Ji Dong, Karl and Bi Su are more and more convinced. This time on the road and the camping from yesterday to now, whether it is strength or experience in wild life, Karl and Bisu, two children who are not yet fifteen years old, are naturally the only ones who follow Ji Dong's lead.

In this kind of place, there is no shelter around them, so they are naturally not afraid of any monsters, so the three of them simply closed their eyes and began to enter the state of cultivation. Restores mana and stamina. This trimming, under Ji Dong's insistence, lasted for half an hour. The trio hit the road again. In one go, he climbed the last 200 meters and reached the top of the highest peak of the Fengshuang Mountains.

The terrain on the top of the mountain is flat, covering thousands of square meters. Looking around, there are rolling peaks all around.

"Haha, we have climbed to the top of the mountain. Ah—" Bi Su and Karl were still teenagers after all, seeing the spectacle in front of them, Bi Su was the first to shout out loudly. The rolling sound waves emptied away, echoing and refracting in the mountains.

Carl also couldn't help shouting like Bi Su. Bisu's voice was a little sharp, and Karl's voice was much thicker. The cries of the two are like their physical attributes, complementing each other and echoing in the mountains.

Ji Dong found a raised rock and sat down. Since he couldn't walk out of the Fengshuang Mountains tonight, it was only noon, and he was not in a hurry to go down the mountain, so he simply let them relax, and they were on the top of the highest peak, where the ice and snow It only covered the top few hundred meters, and he was not afraid of an avalanche at all, so he let them shout, and his own mental age is no longer such a kid who likes to laugh, so he just Sitting there, drinking water, looking at the distant mountains, thinking about his flames.

Karl and Bisubi shouted desperately, Bisu's voice was sharp and more penetrating, and Karl's voice was louder and more distant. It was as if the entire Wind and Frost Mountains were echoing their cries.

The two yelled until they were exhausted, and then they just lay down on the solid snow on the top of the mountain and looked up at the sky.

"It's so exciting!" Karl and Bisu sighed almost at the same time, and the joyful feeling even made their magic power smoother.

Karl said: "I think I'm about to break through the twelfth level. After owning the Yin-Yang Crown, the speed of cultivation has indeed increased. It is said that the second bottleneck will not be encountered until the three crowns are condensed. The speed of cultivation after that will be due to The gap in magic power at each level is large and slows down."

Bi Su turned over and got up, hehe said with a smile: "I also feel that the magic power is about to break through, and I will never fall behind you. When we all have the strength of the three crowns, this world will be able to go. Boss, turn around and we brothers How about the three of you travel around the world together?"

Ji Dong smiled slightly, and said: "Who can say what will happen in the future? Let's talk about it after working hard to achieve the triple crown."

Click, click...

At this moment, a strange noise suddenly interrupted the chat between Ji Dong and the three of them. All three of them were stunned for a moment. Karl turned over and got up from the ground.

"Boss, Bisu, did you hear anything?"

Bi Su said in surprise: "I thought I heard it wrong. What is this sound?"

Click, click...

The three of them looked at each other, and the voice seemed to be getting louder and denser.

Carl and Bisu said in panic at the same time: "What's going on?"

Ji Dong didn't understand, so he said: "It can't be Xue Beng. Xue Beng won't make such a sound, and we are already at the top of the mountain."

Click, click...

The weird voice kept ringing like a reminder, and the heartstrings of Ji Dong and the others suddenly tensed.

Bi Su anxiously said: "Then what should we do now? Let's go down the mountain quickly."

"No." Ji Dong said decisively: "The sound seems to be the sound of ice cracking. Now if we rush down the mountain and encounter an avalanche, we will not even have a chance to run. Don't move, wait and see what happens. Fasten the rope." When they climbed to the top of the mountain just now, the three of them had already untied the rope, and now they hurriedly tied it around their waists again.

At this moment, suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the three of Ji Dong were shocked to see that a corner on the top of the mountain broke suddenly, and a large piece of tens of square meters crashed down along the three thousand meter high mountain. It fell down and separated from the main body of the mountain top without warning.

"My God! Fortunately, I didn't rush down the mountain."

The deafening roar fully demonstrated the majesty of nature. Faced with such a magnificent natural scene, the three of them felt so small in their hearts.

The clicking sound stopped, and their hearts hanging in their throats gradually returned to their chests. They looked at each other, and they both saw each other's lingering fear.

Before they could speak again, a more terrifying roar suddenly exploded. The three of Ji Dong only felt that their feet were empty, and their bodies had lost weight rapidly, and they slid down instantly.

In order to avoid being affected, they subconsciously came to the middle of the top of the mountain, but who would have thought that there was a huge gap in the middle of the top of the mountain, as if the entire top of the mountain was split by something. The three brothers also slipped down from the crack.

"Don't panic, release the magic power." Ji Dong let out a roar, and yanked the rope on his body to help Bi Su and Karl stabilize their bodies. He looked down, and he vaguely saw that the place where they fell didn't seem to be very clear. The depth is only tens of meters, and you can vaguely see the reflection of light below, and the light means that there is a foothold.

At this time, he didn't care about hiding his strength anymore, the ultimate twin flames burst out instantly, gold and black flames rushed up, his hands circled on both sides of his body at the same time, the dazzling golden flames and dark black flames instantly rose to The top he could reach, converged on his chest.

The ultimate double fire version of the Bingding fireball burst out towards the bottom.

Compared with Ji Dong's reaction, Karl and Bi Su are much worse. After all, they are not like Ji Dong's two lives. After a sudden change, their hearts are full of panic. Under Ji Dong's reminder, they can barely Concentrate your own magic power and release their respective Yin-Yang crowns, but it is impossible to say that Ji Dong is sending out magic skills like Ji Dong. Especially their Bingding fireball still needs the cooperation of two people, how can they cooperate when their bodies are falling.


Ji Dong's judgment was correct. Not long after the Bingding fireball flew out, a violent roar came from below, and the strong fire element rose into the air, bringing up a strong air current, which suddenly supported the three of Ji Dong, Greatly slowed down the momentum of their whereabouts. The distance of tens of meters is there in an instant. Ji Dong's body turned halfway in the air, converting all the remaining magic power in his body into the holy fire of Bingwu Yuanyang, punching the blazing sun, and blasting straight down.

When Ji Dong's series of actions, especially the energy rebound of the ultimate Bingding fireball, delayed the fall, Karl and Bisu finally reacted reluctantly, burst out their magic power with all their strength, and slapped the ground below.

The roaring sound and the bursting fire element sounded several times, echoing and climbing in the cracks of the ice peak. At this time, it reflects the strength of magic skills.

Although Ji Dong's right arm was in pain, he finally resolved most of the recoil force by virtue of the ultimate double fireball and the scorching sun. The moment his body hit the ground, he rolled with all his strength. Although his clothes were scratched by the uneven ground, The skin was also scratched, but after all, it didn't suffer too much damage.

The situation of Karl and Bi Su was much worse than that of Ji Dong. They used the counter-shock force released by magic to offset the lack of momentum, fell to the ground, and fainted directly from the shock.

His chest rose and fell violently, Ji Dong was gasping for breath, and his bones were exuding protest-like aches and pains. He hadn't yet recovered from the sudden change, so he barely managed to get up and quickly arrived at the end of the road. Sue and Karl. Due to his previous life experience, he didn't directly pull the bodies of the two of them, sniffed and listened to their heartbeats. Make sure the two are alright. They were all undoubtedly lucky that their heads didn't land first. Just stunned for a while.

Ji Dong took off his coat first, and covered the two of them to keep them warm. At this time, his own magic power has also been exhausted, and he cannot light a fire to keep warm. On this ice peak, their fire attribute magic power is undoubtedly greatly restricted.

After doing this, Ji Dong began to look around and looked up. The sky was bright, but from where they were to the top, there was at least 50 meters of height. Moreover, the ice walls on both sides are completely vertical, and there are even some reverse angles, and the ice itself is as smooth as a mirror.

Blasts of cold hit, in this kind of place, it is easy to give people a feeling of despair. Fortunately, although Ji Dong's own magic power is exhausted, he has the ultimate double fire after all, and it is not easy for the cold to invade his body.

Click, click...

Just when Ji Dong was thinking about how to get out of trouble, suddenly, that devil-like voice sounded again, which immediately made his heart sink to freezing point. At this time, the three of them were in the crack of the ice peak. If the ice wall here collapsed again, they would have no chance of surviving.

At this time, suddenly, Ji Dong saw two huge blue lights suddenly lit up in the darkness at the end of the crack in the ice peak. The light like two big lanterns became brighter and brighter with the sound of clicking. A strange and cold voice suddenly sounded, echoing throughout the crack.

"Humble human beings, it's you who woke up my thousand-year sleep? You will pay the price for this."

what is that? Ji Dong's heart suddenly tightened, and at this moment, an incomparably violent roar replaced the cracking sound, and there was a sudden explosion at the end of the crack.