Jiu Shen

Chapter 68: Flames (on)


Ji Dong was shocked. He never thought that such a scene would appear in front of him. The tension and anxiety in his heart had turned into a special and strange emotion at this moment.

He knew that Lie Yan was powerful, but he never imagined that Lie Yan was so powerful that just a single sentence made a dragon that should be the peak of World of Warcraft kneel down, and it was also a dragon with similar attributes.

The flaming red lips moved, and a special voice and tone came out of her mouth. The jerky and difficult tone was still so beautiful because it was spoken from her mouth. There is no need to worry about her safety, Ji Dong only has her in his eyes at this time.

The depression in my heart for the past few days disappeared at this moment. She came here at her most critical moment. This alone is enough to explain everything. It shows that he still has a place in her heart. He didn't know how Lie Yan came from, and he didn't think about it, as long as he knew that she was in front of him, and he was still holding her soft and smooth jade hand, it was enough.

Hearing Lie Yan's words, the giant dragon Fengshuang had already completely prostrated on the ground, its body was even shaking, so it didn't have any dignity of a giant dragon.

Lie Yan exuded a layer of faint brilliance, and the invisible majesty was not strong, but the giant dragon Fengshuang didn't even dare to look up at her, only humming in his mouth.

Lie Yan's voice suddenly became severe, and the giant dragon Fengshuang climbed up cautiously, the only thing left in those orchid dragon eyes was a look of pleading.

A faint cold light flashed from Lie Yanyan's eyes, and switched back to human language, "I'll just say it once."

Suddenly able to understand Lie Yan's words, Ji Dong subconsciously looked at the ice and snow giant dragon with a pitiful face. A depression as deep as two meters was stamped on the hard ice.

Lie Yan pulled Ji Dong forward, almost as they took a step forward, the ice and snow giant Fengshuang took a step back, with such a huge body, looking at Lie Yan, his eyes were full of flattery and flattery.

Lie Yan pulled Ji Dong all the way to the ice pit stamped out by the wind and frost, let go of Ji Dong's hand, pointed to the ice pit in front of him, and said to Ji Dong: "Take off your clothes and lie down."

"Ah?" Ji Dong was taken aback for a moment.

Lie Yan turned to look at him, and Ji Dong clearly saw a trace of tenderness in her eyes. Seeing this tenderness, Ji Dong felt that the blood rushed into his brain instantly, let alone a two-meter-deep ice pit in front of him, even if it was the magma of the earth's core lake, he would do it without hesitation.

His coat had been given to Karl and Bisu before, and now only the clothes inside were left, so he quickly took off his clothes, leaving only a pair of underwear, and was about to jump into the ice pit.

"Take it off." A faint rosy glow emerged from Lie Yan's pretty face, so bright that she turned her head and stopped looking at Ji Dong.

Ji Dong looked at himself and then at Lie Yan, feeling embarrassed for a while, but he still gritted his teeth and took off the last restraint on his body, and jumped into the ice pit.

The ice and snow dragon Fengshuang kept staring wide-eyed at the scene in front of him. When it saw the red glow rising from Lie Yan's face, it opened its mouth wide enough to swallow a carriage, and its surprised dragon eyes protruded a little. up.

Lie Yan seemed to sense Fengshuang's gaze, and glanced at it coldly, "What are you looking at? Hurry up."

"Woo..." Fengshuang nodded pitifully, but he almost walked forward with his feet, his upper body leaned back slightly, as if Lie Yan was the most terrifying existence in the world, and he dared not approach him no matter what.

The coldness in the ice pit is unquestionable, especially when he is naked. Fortunately, Ji Dong's extreme twin fires recovered a bit when he felt the will of the two kings before, and this barely resisted the chill from the outside world.

The big head of the ice and snow dragon Fengshuang appeared above the ice pit. It raised a front paw, hesitated again and again, and finally sent this dragon claw into its huge dragon mouth. Under Ji Dong's surprised gaze, he took a sharp bite.

Why does it bite itself? Ji Dong thought suspiciously. The next moment, a stream of viscous dark purple blood sprayed out from the ice and snow giant Fengshuang's claws, and fell into the ice pit like a spring, covering Ji Dong's body in an instant.

An extreme chill instantly permeated the whole body, and the dragon blood of the ice and snow dragon Fengshuang was even colder than ice. Ji Dong wanted to jump up under conditioned reflex, but Lie Yan's voice came from his ear, "Lie down, don't move!" .”

Gritting his teeth, Ji Dong tried his best not to jump up, but at this time, the deep purple blood had completely submerged his body, and he couldn't even breathe. But at this time, even if he wanted to move, he couldn't move anymore, because the deep purple blood had already coagulated rapidly, completely sealing him in it.

The body of the ice and snow dragon Fengshuang is too huge, and the blood is too much to be appalling. In just a short while, the two-meter-deep and two-meter-diameter ice pit has been filled.

Fengshuang blew on the dragon's claw like a miser. Immediately, its wound was completely condensed, and the next moment, the previously huge wound had healed. One thing Ji Dong's judgment is correct, the giant dragon with a terrifying size in front of him is indeed the top existence among the world's Warcraft.

Lie Yan once again spat out a language that Ji Dong could not understand before, and the ice and snow dragon Fengshuang stood up helplessly, and carefully lifted off an amethyst-like scale under the neck with the injured dragon claw from before, and the dragon claw lightly stabbed Among them, a drop of bright purple blood dripped down and merged into the completely coagulated deep purple blood.

Suddenly, a layer of purple brilliance rose from the ice pit, and the cracks in the entire ice valley were filled with surges of magic power. However, the Ice and Snow Dragon, which had lost so much blood before, was nothing but after dripping out this drop of bright purple blood, the eyes in the dragon's eyes obviously became much darker, and it crawled on the ground wearily. He looked at Lie Yan pitifully.

Only then did Lie Yan nodded in satisfaction, walked to the ice pit, and under the inconceivable gaze of the ice and snow giant Fengshuang, put his spring onion-like right index finger into his mouth and nibbled. The next moment, a drop of golden-red blood had flowed from her. The fingertips popped out and fell into the ice pit.

Although Ji Dong was frozen in the ice pit and couldn't breathe, and was attacked by the extreme cold, he still didn't lose consciousness under the heat provided by the original yin and yang crown for a while.