Jiu Shen

Chapter 83: Freshman assessment (below)


In the ten series, Renshui represents Yangshui, like the water of a river, flowing for thousands of miles. Guishui represents Yin water, also known as the water of rain and dew. If Renshui is grand and magnificent, then Guishui moistens things silently. What Luo Qingfeng brought to Ji Dong was surging positive pressure, but Leng Yue behind Ji Dong seemed to not exist, and the magic power of Guishui was released quietly. Faint purple light condensed.

Ji Dong knows that this assessment may only rely on his own strength, and if Leng Yue makes a move, it may also affect him. Water can overcome fire, and when fire is strong, it may not be able to overcome water. What's more, he still has a lot of cards.

At the same time as Binghuo's magic power was released, Ji Dong had already rushed forward. The other freshmen were eager to delay some time after the assessment began, but Ji Dong didn't think about it at all. He didn't think about the time. He only had one goal , is to defeat the opponent in front of you.

Seeing Ji Dong rushing towards him, Luo Qingfeng of the Renshui department smiled lightly, stroked his right hand out, the two sun crowns above his head burst into black light, and three black water arrows condensed, shot straight at Ji Dong's chest. If you observe carefully, you can find that the three water arrows do not have arrow tips. After all, this is an assessment, not a life-and-death struggle. Apparently he was showing mercy.

The black water arrow flew towards Ji Dong with an icy cold air. Ji Dong didn't dodge, and quickly took a step forward with his left leg, and the most skilled benchmark technique, Lieyang Bite, had already punched out.

Contrary to the black light shining all over Luo Qingfeng's body, at the moment the punch was thrown, the magic power of Binghuo on Ji Dong's body suddenly disappeared, and all of it was condensed on the fist.

Chi-, the fist and arrow collided, and strong steam rose up. Ji Dong only felt that his right fist was cold for a while, and his own Binghuo magic power was obviously weakened, but the magic power on his fist still exploded.

The most powerful magic power of Binghuo is its instant explosive power. There is no doubt that Lieyang Bite, the benchmark skill from the Flame King, fully exerts the characteristics of Binghuo magic power.

"Huh." When Luo Qingfeng saw Ji Dong's fourteenth-level C-fire bachelor's cultivation, he didn't take him seriously at all. There is no doubt that Yangshui overcomes Yanghuo. His own cultivation base is far above Ji Dong, how could he have a chance

However, his three Renshui arrows suddenly disappeared in Ji Dong's Lieyang Biting punch. Although Ji Dong's body paused for a moment, the next moment, he had already jumped forward, and the distance between the two had been shortened instantly. to within ten meters.

"Okay." Luo Qingfeng exclaimed. Sure enough, no one who could be recommended to Tiangan Academy for the assessment was simple. That seemingly simple punch is definitely an advanced benchmark skill. Facing Ji Dong's frontal advance, he no longer used the external magic skills, stepped forward with one step, and pushed out both hands at the same time.

Suddenly, the black light from Luo Qingfeng's body surged up, turning into black waves and heading straight for Ji Dong. Although the surging magic power of the Renshui system is scattered, the Yangshui attribute is also fully exerted. Relying on the magic power far surpassing Ji Dong, Luo Qingfeng's doing this is undoubtedly to completely suppress Ji Dong in terms of attributes. Don't give him any chance to come back.

Luo Qingfeng was surprised by Ji Dong's blazing sun, and Ji Dong was also secretly surprised. The magic power of the official student in front of him is not as good as that of Liu Jun back then, but judging by his use of magic skills and the choice of magic skills, he is all ingenious. For himself, his actual combat ability is definitely higher than that of Liu Jun.

Is the absolute suppression of magic power plus attribute restraint? Ji Dong's eyes shone with a hint of purple, and even his black hair faintly emitted a dark purple light under the sunlight. A situation that Luo Qingfeng absolutely did not expect appeared. Facing his surging Renshui magic power. Ji Dong didn't stop rushing forward or even retreat as he imagined, but sped up again, leaning his body slightly, with his right shoulder in front, and slammed into him hard. The most peculiar thing is that the fiery red Binghuo magic power that he originally exuded outside his body was withdrawn into his body in an instant.

"Brother Jidong, be careful." Leng Yue exclaimed from behind, and the purple Guishui magic power turned into a little purple crystal glow floating out. The crystal glow was only the size of a fingernail, and the flying speed was not fast, but after it was emitted However, Leng Yue's small face was pale, and she sat down on the ground with a plop.


A scene that shocked the audience appeared. It's just that Ji Dong, who was using the magic power of Binghuo, bumped into Luo Qingfeng's surging magic power of Renshui so abruptly. What's even more weird is that although Ji Dong's body trembled violently, he still forcibly rushed out of the black waves.

"How is it possible?" The two official students in charge of recording stood up from their chairs, but what surprised them was still behind.

Just as Ji Dong knocked away the black waves, the purple crystal light thrown by Leng Yue bounced off the ground, drawing a beautiful parabola, passing the attacks from Ji Dong and Luo Qingfeng, and heading directly towards Luo Qingfeng fell from the top of his head.

Luo Qingfeng also didn't expect Ji Dong to be able to rush out of his range magic skill. You know, this is a hit skill, not a benchmark skill. And it's an intermediate hit skill. Just as he was slightly dazed, that little purple crystal glow had fallen.

After all, Luo Qingfeng has a wealth of actual combat experience. Although he discovered it a bit late, he still subconsciously raised his hand and punched out. That purple is the magic power of the Guishui system, so he naturally recognized it. In his opinion, how much attack power can a ten-year-old girl have just condensed the Yin-Yang Crown? It's perfectly normal to resolve it casually.

However, the moment his fist collided with the purple crystal light, Luo Qingfeng immediately yelled that it was not good, and a piercing chill appeared at the same time as the purple crystal light disappeared. A sharp ice needle pierced through the magic power of Renshui on his fist, and immediately after that, the ice needle erupted in his body instantly, turning into thousands of threads and spreading out, and the intense cold instantly invaded, passing through the skin and bones , muscles, rushing straight to the internal organs.

The sudden feeling surprised Luo Qingfeng, and he could no longer pay attention to Ji Dong. The magic power of the Renshui system in his body exploded, and forcibly expelled the magic power of Guishui that moistened things silently, but in this way, his whole body also froze There, the black light emanating from his body kept flickering, his face became even paler, and he couldn't move at all.

Squeezing through the galloping black light, Ji Dong didn't stop for a moment, and reached the distance of ten meters in two steps. At this moment, the yin and yang crown above his head changed instantly, and the originally pure white yang crown suddenly turned into black and white two-color , the Binghuo burning in both hands also turned into blue on the left and red on the right, Bingding and Dinghuo.

The gloomy blue light slanted out like lightning, and the left hand was clawed, flashing past. Luo Qingfeng was trying his best to resist the magic power of Guishui entering his body at this time, but in desperation, he had no choice but to block it with his body.