Joy of Life

Chapter 1455: The epilogue is facing the sea


Haitang Duoduo, I have a friend whose ID is Qingxiang Duoduo, and there is a book friend whose ID is Haitang Duoduo in the book review area, and I saw it by accident that night, so I decided on this name. As for Songzhi Xianling... the following Xianling In fact, it shines. .

This name is not bad, it must be said this way, not to praise yourself, you can't offend your friends, right? But when I was writing the character of Haitang, I thought it would be best to make her look ordinary. Because a refined fairy character is really hateful! And I don't want everyone and I to hate this character, so it has to be vulgar.

How vulgar? Floral clothes, flower baskets, bright red and green... Laughing, she dresses up like a village girl, but she is not really a village girl. Fortunately, Haitang's walking posture is very cute, dragging, dragging, dragging... I like it to death.

Why do I like village girls? This brings up another issue. I used to like to watch Korean dramas, such as Blue Life and Death, etc. These years, because I was busy writing stories for everyone to read, I watched less, but one day, I watched a Korean drama that I like very much. It's called Dream Lover. It's an old Hollywood story. The heroine is played by Han Ye-seul. You can watch it when you have time. It's not bad.

In this TV series, the rich woman played by Han Ye-seul lost her memory and was picked up by the male protagonist and returned home, and became a village girl named Luo Sang-sil... Well, the sun was shining in the village, and she was lazily walking on the road with her shoes on , occasionally set up a tent, and muttered a few words about Jajiangmian, why do I like it so much

How come you look so good when you're drunk with rice wine? How can you get along with the silly girl from the village chief's house

So Haitang must be a village girl.

Oh, God, I suddenly thought of Dabao, lovely Dabao, how could I forget you? Forget it, forget it, anyway, you only remember Xiao Xianxian’s bun and the girl in Danzhou now, you won’t remember who we outsiders are.

... Zhan Doudou and Si Lili, this only proves that I chose the name poorly to the extreme, and my high respect for Lily. As for the beautiful and charming Miss Si Lili, I originally expected her to shine brightly, but when I was writing on the night of the flower boat, I suddenly turned around and did not let Fan Xian and her first night coincide on that boat... No I wanted to pretend to be something, but when I was writing, I suddenly thought that there were no condoms in that era, and even if Ye Qingmei wanted to invent it, she couldn't find the raw materials... In this case, the traveler with a clearer mind probably couldn't He would sacrifice his body casually in the brothel.

Take this opportunity to publicize to everyone, especially to girls, that safety comes first.

Zhan Doudou is a very interesting and capable person. He can write about his abilities, but he can't say that he is interesting, even if he is killed. Anyway, few people in the world know about it.

... ... About Sisi, there is only one sentence: she thinks she is happy, that is happiness, because happiness is subjective, but I have no chance to write what she thinks is happiness, it is my problem, not hers question.

Then I want to talk about Dong'er, this is exactly the woman mentioned earlier who does not belong to Fan Xian, but is classified into the category of Fan Xian's women. Try to enter Fan Xian's body and imagine, a young soul, in a child's body, looking at the maid who is closest to her, growing up day by day, while I am still young, watching her leave, but not at all. Impossible to keep, what a... ummm.

The king was born and I was not born. Only this kind of rhetoric can be regarded as what actually happened, which is very confusing. Fan Xian has a very special feeling for Dong'er, if it were me, I would have it too - I sat by the bed, watching my fingertips already like smoke.

... Don't mention Sun Yan'er, because I scratch my head when I say it, I originally thought that Miss Sun and Fan Xian would go to the gambling shop together in Kyoto afterwards, so I can't write a lot of things I thought about, because that would really be dragging the show.

And when I mentioned Sun Yaner, I couldn't help but sigh, because there was a girl's family in the capital of the Northern Qi Dynasty who wanted to write about it.

The girl's family never appeared, and it is impossible for everyone to remember, because there is no positive mention at all. That was when Fan Xian tried to contact Nanqing's secret spy system in Shangjing and was followed by the Northern Qi Jinyiwei.

I wrote: Fan Xian entered a certain official's mansion, walked out of the courtyard wall, disguised himself, got rid of the stalking, went to the oil shop to buy palm oil, left the oil shop, came to the bridge, rubbed his hands, put on gouache and rouge, melted Make a ball and throw it into the river... That girl's house is in that mansion, otherwise, where did Fan Xian steal the rouge and gouache? What happened in that house? Was the girl's family shocked, and later found out the identity of that beautiful young man? Which boudoir close friend did you tell

This could have been written, it was very interesting, but since I didn’t have the chance to go to Beijing again, naturally I couldn’t write it. Everyone may think that I am too boring, why do I remember this clearly, anyway, it is a character who did not appear... It is because I have guesses about this lady, so I thought about it, so I wanted to write... Ha ha.

... It's time for the main event.

The eldest princess Li Yunrui, um, I won’t talk about the origin of the name. Many people know that the key is this person. It’s just that I really can’t sum it up. ... Even if love is abnormal, its lethality is still incomparably abundant.

In the public area, there is an article written by MM about the summary of Dianqianhuan, and the statement about the eldest princess, which is better than mine. Everyone just read that article, and I will leave.

Next up is the character everyone has been waiting for.

Ye Qingmei didn't appear in this story because she was already dead. Her appearance is only known to be very beautiful, but is she a god who has been extolled by later generations, or is she really that beautiful? No one knows, because the woman in the yellow shirt in the portrait is a silhouette... Is Ye Qingmei really like some people said, this is just a template protagonist for a female female figure? No, of course not. Why not? It's very simple. I never wrote about the details and process of that year. In this case, everyone can only see the motivation and results.

Her motives are lofty, and her results are rich. Even if she didn't even affect the scope of Kyoto in the end, she at least influenced many people, many people who can change the world.

I'm Xiaobai, Ye Qingmei is not, she doesn't exude the air of a princess, because I didn't write, naturally she didn't.

If you don't write about the process, then the process must be good, and the motivation and result are good, so she is good.

It seems that I am a little obsessed, yes, I must be obsessed, because I am allowed to believe that ideals can shine. I can't face reality and be loyal to ideals, but we should all have the power to face reality and fantasize about ideals.

... ... How long has it been since I saw you? Where did you think you were? You used to live in the bottom of my heart and accompany my breath. How far away I thought I couldn’t smell your breath. , also Fan Xian in the rainy night, Wuzhu smiling in the house, Chen Pingping sitting in a wheelchair, Fan Xian drawing a small portrait in the study, Emperor Qing who was in a daze at the portrait of the small building, and many, many people who could say goodbye to Ye Qingmei used a useful phrase.

... We have all benefited, and the whole world is grateful for his teaching; what was unique to him has spread to the masses.

He is like a dying comet, radiant in all directions, combining the infinite light with his light forever.

It is said that this is a poem written by Goethe in memory of Schiller. Anyway, I know that this poem is dedicated to Einstein. Here it is presented to Ye Qingmei on behalf of the people of the Qing Dynasty. , Anyway, it's a story I wrote, nothing can be too much.

... Who does Ye Qingmei love? This is something that many book lovers care about. Wuzhu is not Williams, and Ye Qingmei is not that granddaughter. What kind of relationship does this kind of existence exist

It's probably about being close to each other, betting on life and total trust, no need for words, just understanding each other, and needing each other.

Because Ye Qingmei is the only one in this world, and Wu Zhu is also the only one, maybe only when they are together, can they not be alone, or convince themselves that they are not alone.

Does Ye Qingmei love Emperor Qing? why not? Why can't she fall in love with such a handsome young prince Cheng, who is full of thoughts, has the world in his heart, is amazingly talented but introverted, looks dull but has little feelings, and is willing to climb walls for her every day

If not love, why would there be Fan Xian? Is what written in the letter a kind of indifferent proclamation, or Ye Qingmei, who is the most ignorant of emotions, forcibly pretending to be rough and heroic in order to cover up her slight shame

A girl is a girl after all, wearing a mustache and pretending to be a bandit, but it still doesn't look like one.

Wuzhu must be jealous, otherwise why do you hate Emperor Qing so much? Well, this is just my own guesswork, hehe.

... Finally, let's talk about Emperor Qing.

Why did you say Emperor Qing after all the men and women had finished? Because as mentioned several times in Qing Yu Nian, there are only three kinds of people in the world: men, women, and emperors.

The emperor is not in the category of men and women, the emperor is not even in the category of people, the emperor is not a person, all the emperors are not people, they are just a code name of power, a chair, a knife, and a seal.

Emperor Qing has no name. I'm a lazy person who doesn't know how to choose names. I didn't name some of the more important characters in the book until the end. However, Emperor Qing didn't have a name, but it was deliberate, because he didn't need a name, so he just Call His Majesty the Emperor.

I said before that Ye Qingmei loves Emperor Qing, many people may be angry, how can such a wolf-hearted guy deserve to be loved, Ye Qingmei is so stupid? But don't forget that at that time, Emperor Qing hadn't sat on that chair yet, so he could take the opportunity to pretend to be a good person, and remind the girls readers that all men will turn bad, if you don't treat the warden as a good person... I am sorry Emperor Qing doesn't have any personal likes and dislikes, even I admire him sometimes, he is also an idealist... However, I have endless dislikes for that chair.

Sun Xiao described the magic power of that chair, and some friends in the book review area also mentioned that once entering the palace and sitting on the dragon chair, anyone will be deprived of their human nature. Maybe it is better to be a faint king, but like Emperor Qing Woolen cloth

Speechless, the cold and calculating emperor, the grand master who endured the longest in the world, are not enough to explain this person, only that he is not human.

I will always remember the words of a person who has no experience, a person who is heartless and ungrateful, and a friend in the book review area. People who have no addictions can't make friends, similar trifles.

... A book friend once asked me if I was a dull person, so the Qing Yu Nian I wrote would be so gloomy. I said no, if this story wasn't written by a cheerful young man like me, I'm afraid it would be bloody and cruel Dirty countless times, because imperial power... is such a disgusting thing.

Emperor Qing sat on that chair and enjoyed it, so there is nothing to say. I never worship Mingjun and the like, and so does Li Shimin.

Perhaps that is history and characters worthy of respect, but we are modern people after all, aren't we? Never reverse the car. So that's all about Emperor Qing.

————————— About Qing Yunian’s writing process and my views on some characters in the book, the above has said enough, just look at the book reviews quoted in the book review area, and you will know how much I care about everyone In my opinion of this story, I always remember every bit that moved me.

Yes, I'm just kissing everyone's ass.

Without your help... well, I could have finished this story, hehe, just seriously, it would definitely be worse than it is now. Whether it is posting in the book review area or in the group, friends who chat with me alone, provide me with ideas, and help me fill in the gaps, I am very grateful to you, I will not be named here, can you

It's not over yet, this postscript is still too early to end, please don't rush to close the page.

I value the book review area very much, but since July last year, I have never been to the book review area or any forum. For me, this is an extremely uncomfortable torture, because I have long been used to it. After finishing writing every day, I go to the book review area to look around and go to Longkong. However, since July last year, I have never gone to .

The reason is very simple, I am afraid that I will not be happy. Well, I don't like to read things with negative comments. Although sometimes the criticism is very reasonable, I still don't like to read it... There is no way to do this. After reading it, I feel depressed and my state declines instead.

I understand the problems and shortcomings of my book writing, but it is really difficult to attract motivation from criticism. After all, I have participated in too little organization and life, and I have a bad personality, so it is difficult to resolve the unhappiness in my heart. , so just don't read it.

I know that everyone in the book review area has given me a lot of face, but I really have something wrong with me, even if one out of a hundred comments scolds me, I just stare at this one, gnashing my teeth in front of the computer, wishing to Jumping into the computer to compete against real people, but I don’t have the brick skills... Maybe it’s because I was spoiled by old book friends when I was in Suzaku. At that time, it was updated indiscriminately, and it was rare to see a negative post in a month. Yes, haha, after all, there were fewer friends who read books at that time.

The moment Qing Yu Nian finished writing, I returned to the book review area and the forum, feeling very good, like smoking an old jadeite suddenly after quitting cigarettes for 14 days.

Thank you for your tolerance and support, especially subscriptions and monthly tickets, because I am a layman and I like banknotes the most.

The book review area has always been managed by the leader. If there is something offended, everyone will go to her, and it has nothing to do with me... Echo... ah...... In the past two years, I have a lot of feelings, but I can’t explain what at the moment . I just know that the girl who is pregnant has already given birth, and the teacher who is pregnant has also given birth. It seems that from the time of Suzaku, many female readers were pregnant with children, and this seems to have become a beautiful habit.

However, I just found out a few days ago that two readers who were celebrating more than one year got together because of reading books and started to fall in love... I really don't know what to say, I feel quite strong. Qing Yunian has advanced from a nanny to a matchmaker. Congratulations, bless them, although they are still in a long-distance relationship, but what is this? Think about poor me... Is there any regret about the story of these two years? No, really not, I did my best, engaged in a career I loved, earned money to support my family, and was very satisfied. However, I was just a little tired. When I first wrote Suzaku Ji, it was a continuous learning process, so after I finished writing, I learned a lot and felt very fulfilled, but Qing Yu Nian kept digging my head, almost Hollowed me out.

It's very literary, and it's literary again.

Qing Yu Nian is well written. This is not narcissism, but self-awareness after writing. On average, more than 5,000 words are updated every day. It is almost enough to write like this.

What do I like most about this story? There are many, many, many scenes mentioned before, and I will not repeat them here. Anyway, in my opinion, all of these are very good, haha, and I like them all.

I rode a white horse through three passes.

... My desktop is a painting of celebrating more than one year. After Fan Xian broke into the execution ground, a friend painted Fan Xian dressed in black riding. It is very magnificent. I don't know how to draw, but I like it very much. I saw it on the Internet occasionally. , I am very grateful to this unknown friend, because he also drew a lot of pictures, and I collected them all, but I really dare not recognize your signature on the drawing, for fear of being ashamed.

There are a lot of cast members in my favorites, from my bad laughing classmates to many classmates in the book review area, this cast list has been listed countless times, and the latest one is a real-life photo cast list found by a certain MM reader. I am amazed by countless people, and I am naturally very smart. I am very grateful to this MM reader for her hard work, and even more grateful to God for allowing so many MM readers to read my story.

I really like the Sang Wen selected in the cast list, she is really gentle. I also had a Sang Wen in my heart at the beginning, a violin girl in the Super Avenue of Stars, mainly because of her big mouth, and the housewife is also lethal.

The casting of Begonia is also pretty good, at least that photo is pretty good, but... as I said before, I chose it after Luo Sang. Han Ye-seul, a vixen from the countryside, can really scare people.

Fan Sizhe's choice is especially good! It's exactly the same as me! He vomited blood in secret, and the ugly photos were flying everywhere... Thank you all, really, thank you to all the friends who like to watch the celebration of Yu Nian, because for me, your liking is a kind of reward in itself.

... The postscript is so long, I don't know if there will be any in the future, but it was estimated that there were not many in the past. But I still want to write. When Suzaku was written, I also wrote such a long postscript, which seemed very serious, and I didn't care that most of the book friends might have drifted away.

It seems to be summarizing the major events in life, yes, because I always regard writing a book as a major event, and I will do it for the rest of my life. It is rare for me to find such a job that I like. The end of is extremely important to me, which represents the hard work and time devoted to it.

The things I value very much are trivial matters to the world. In particular, what I often sigh is that no matter how glorious the Internet was at the time, it will still be forgotten in the end. I started writing on the Internet in 2003. There are people in front of me and people next to me. There are many wonderful things, but few people can remember them. This kind of feeling is really not very good.

Yes, those of us who write about YY, Italian banks, fast food, Internet... are actually bullshit. What we write is called popular, or commercial, and this is the point of view I have always insisted on.

We may not be advanced, it is impossible to be advanced, but no matter how bad the writing is, it can let readers pass the time and relieve pressure. Deep down, we are all in the same rivers and lakes, aren't we

Looking through the history of China, in fact, there were many colleagues in ancient times, and they often couldn't make money at that time.

Last July in Shanghai, the chairman of a certain Writers Association and the three young masters danced there to discuss the issue of Internet literature and traditional literature. I listened below and was thinking about this issue. Heaven and earth share the same life, then I can write this, at least I can write until I die, and I am not afraid of running out of food, right

Oh, not angry, just thinking about it, and a little scared that what I wrote will really be forgotten by everyone in the future, I don't like this feeling.

So I write such a long postscript to make my own memory deeper. At the same time, please remember, Qing Yu Nian, Suzaku Ji, Yingxiu, because as I said before, these are very good, if you can still forget ... Don't be afraid, I will continue to write the book anyway, keep writing, and then write an afterword to remind you, haha.

... I read a lot of good-looking ones at the starting point. I am very grateful to these authors for writing plots that make me happy, refreshing or moving, and they have been with me for the past two years.

Hereby thank you: reborn in the last years of Kangxi, official immortal, ordinary Qingchuan life, space-time smuggling since 2000, lethal force, patron saint of the beauty tribe, big inner master, rebirth of the official road business, rebirth of the official road, mobile Storm, the interstellar undead empire, marrying a sister as a wife, very pure and ambiguous, Xiangguo Jingyan, seemingly pure, Aventure legend, the most chaotic in history, Shunming, Jiangshan beauty, superb, living together with Houhou Son, usurping the Qing Dynasty, the heaven of humanity, the law of demons, the official career, the ups and downs of the officialdom, the official career, the fake hero, the rogue master, the hero of the Soviet Union, the hidden killer, the champion godfather, rewriting life, cohabitation blog, the best servant, back to the Ming Dynasty Being a prince, lost in the last years of Kangxi, boiled Qing Dynasty, road of glory, collapse of clouds, champion godfather, parasite... Damn, I can't write anymore, I wrote this purely from memory, there must be mistakes and omissions , at least half of the names can't be remembered for a while, and they are going to offend the dead. But anyway, this is not an advertisement, and it is impossible for this advertisement to have any effect, right? Just really thank you, a life with books to read is a good life, the rankings are in no particular order, haha.

At the same time, I would like to thank the girls who posted photos on Tianya Zhenwo, especially Nana.

... No matter how long the epilogue is, no matter how wordy I can be, there will always be a time to finish. Maybe it was because I didn't want to finish writing, this kind of resentment was too strong, so the computer had a problem, so when I made a special trip to cut my hair before writing the last two chapters to express my solemnity, the little girl who cut her hair downstairs held her hands I cut my finger, I’m really sorry, according to my brother-in-law yesterday, her barber shop is still closed... Regarding the subject of the new book and the release time, I’m really ashamed. I would like to learn from Zhou Xingwen, Tan Lang, and Gengsu comrades. However, due to well-known reasons, I am still considering it.

As for the time to release the book, it will take longer, at least after April. Dear old T has educated me, but I may still have to rest for a while. Popularity is vain. Logically speaking, it is best for me to publish new books continuously, but if my writing is not good-looking, you will Can't see it

I am not capable enough, it is difficult to write one book after another, I need to rest for a while, and prepare the new book well. No matter what the subject matter, the materials that should be bought, borrowed or stolen should always be prepared, and the outline should always be in my mind Forming a story can only be done, just like Qing Yu Nian, I have to think about what kind of guy the characters in the story are... I said with a smile, the day Qing Yu Nian started writing, I only came up with the name of the hero, Fan Shen, That's leftovers, Fan Xian, that's a known suspect. I am a person who has no creativity, can only eat leftovers, and is wordy.

Another gossip, the reason why Shuning stands out in the last chapter is because in Ping Qing, Shuning has gradually become a background board as Weiwei said. Is that what Tom said? Forgot... Ping Qing is a bad ending, a bad ending! The resentment of being scolded by Banana recently is vented here!

Well, in the end, I like Fan Xian because he is us.

... Friends who can read this postscript here are definitely ironclads. Tiezi speaks the Northeast dialect, I have been learning the Northeast dialect, because I might go to the Northeast, smiling.

The title of Qing Yu Nian has many meanings. At the very beginning, I told my friends that it represents the extra life that I am lucky to spend in the country of Qing. The kingdom of Emperor Qing has entered the end. There is another meaning, zero seven In May of this year, I said I would not tell you.

In fact, it is very simple. The leader is in Daqing, and I want to go to Daqing to spend the rest of the year together.

... Haizi's poem, the ending words, to myself, my leaders, and my dear brothers and sisters:

From tomorrow, I will be a happy person Feed horses, chop firewood, travel around the world From tomorrow, I will care about food and vegetables What the happy lightning told me I will tell everyone Give every river and every mountain a warm name Stranger, I also bless you May you have a bright future May your lover be married in the end May you be in love To be happy in this world, I only want to face the sea, spring flowers... The following is purely fictitious, absolutely false, I have described it before, and I will describe it again, just to satisfy and sort out my own emotions.

"Yezi, your eyes are cured."


"The patient in that bed died."


"Yeah, I heard that when you die in the end, you can only cry alone. Fortunately, you didn't break your eyes."

... One year, in a temple in a snow-capped mountain, a little girl in a delicate leather jacket looked at the boy next to him with black eyes blindfolded, and said, "Zhuzhu, why are you so cool?"

That year, Xiao En and Ku He, who crawled out from the pile of dead people, crawled to the black and blue temple with tears in their eyes, and then a little girl ran out of it.

In the same year, the boy covered with black cloth was looking at the tent with the light on it from a distance, and the little girl was watching the wind and snow at the door of the tent. Their eyes met and they did not separate. The little girl asked the boy to leave with her, but the boy refused, so the little girl followed him back to the temple without saying a word.

After another year, the little girl finally left the cold temple with the blind boy, who was carrying a heavy box in his hand.

That year, the little girl and the boy traveled around the country of Wei, and the boy killed many people. They came to Dongyi City, and under the big green tree, they saw an idiot who was dedicated to killing ants.

One year, the growing little girl and boy traveled along the undulating coastline in a sea boat and landed at Danzhou Port. A young man on the pier looked at the little girl coming from the sea, and was so dazed for a moment that he almost fell into the sea—he had never been so embarrassed in his life, and he had never been so happy.

In another year, the girl and boy accepted the invitation of the young man and his companions, came to the south of the country of Qing, carried a suitcase, and entered the capital.

When entering the gate of the capital city, because he refused to accept the request to check the box, he clashed with Ye Zhong, the youngest commander of the capital defense division in the history of Qing Dynasty. The boy pressed Ye Zhong's hands on the wet city gate, and the girl beat Ye Zhong into a pig's head.

In the same year, Ye Zhong's uncle Ye Liuyun sparred with that young man, and since then he no longer used a sword.

That year, the girl's family entered Prince Cheng's mansion, looked at the eunuch with a sad face, and said distressedly: "The name Wuchang is not as nice as Pingping, I'm just worried, are we sisters or what?"

One year, Si Nanbo stopped going to Huafang and got married. The second child of Cheng Wang's mansion, the mud monkey, ran to the Taiping courtyard outside the capital every day, and the princess of Cheng Wang's mansion opened his big and innocent eyes, I wondered how Sister Ye was born so beautiful

One year, when the three major workshops in the south of the Yangtze River were first established, Quanzhou opened the port, and set up a navy. The girl was sitting on the reef by the sea, watching the waves in the sea, subconsciously throwing the metal bullet in her hand, and began to miss someone. Then he smiled and said a few words to a soldier beside him.

During those years, the two princes died of thunder, and the young man who became the prince still went to climb the wall in the Taiping Courtyard every day, even though he was knocked off the wall countless times by the boy covered in black cloth.

During those years, the eunuch whose real name was Chen Wuchang began to stick a fake beard under his chin, perhaps because he was not used to being called a sister.

In those years, Nanqing, which was as prosperous as the rising sun, started the Northern Expedition, began to fail, and began to gain confidence from the failure.

In those years, Chen Pingping, who had put on a beard, led the black riders to raid three thousand miles, saved someone, captured someone, injured herself, and never left in a wheelchair ever since.

One year, that girl gave birth to a boy, and she leaned weakly and contentedly on the bed, looking at the tightly closed newborn with those gentle eyes. The child's father was far away in the Western Grassland, and the boy covered with black cloth looked at her tenderly beside the bed. Then the boy felt something and left Taiping Bieyuan quietly.

In that year, those days, someone passed away, but the baby opened his eyes and saw his hands like white lotuses, the blind boy in front of him and the old man in a wheelchair behind him.

Another year, the growing children shouted loudly on the roof of Danzhou Port: "It's thundering, it's raining, put away your clothes!

(End of the book)

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