Joyful Reunion

Chapter 228: Finally, for the joy of geometry


Two years later.

The 200,000-strong army of the Chen Kingdom would hunt at the foot of the General's Ridge, while the Yuan army, like a mountain and sea, would be on the opposite side.

The two armies were under 400,000 people, not a single horse neighed, and snowflakes flew up one after another. In Duan Ling's memory, the song melodiously sounded again.

The Yuan army made way, and Buer, Chijinbadu, all dressed in armor, stood out from the crowd. Duan Ling rode a war horse and came to the front of the battle, and the two faced each other from a distance.

The strong wind flew up, and the flags of Chen Jun and Yuan Jun fluttered and squeaked.

"It's time to fight." Duan Ling said softly.

Wu Du, dressed in black armor, came to Duan Ling in a leisurely manner.

The blizzard was flying, and in the distant sky, there seemed to be thousands of war gods falling like meteors dragging the white light. When each one came to the front of the formation, they all turned into figures that had guarded the land of Nanchen for many years. They rode steeds, Came empty.

"It's time to fight!" an unknown voice shouted, "Fight!"

Xie You came to the front in black armor.

"My big Chen Erlangs!" Duan Ling's voice overlapped with Xie You's broken drink.

Chen Junshan called a tsunami.

The galaxy of stars turned into a boundless wind of light, and that person, driving the white tiger, spread the wings of the god of war, and soared in the vast light and dust.

The White Tiger of the Western Pole, the Lord of Swords and Soldiers in the World!

The man flew in the air from the end where the heavens and the earth meet, flashing the silver brilliance that illuminated the battlefield.

"Would you like to die for Your Majesty?"

It was roaring in unison again, overwhelming the mountains and the sea, and the earth cracked and the sky collapsed.

"My son."

The gentle voice sounded beside Duan Ling. Li Jianhong, dressed in bare armor and wearing the moon and stars, turned into an illusory heroic spirit, lifted the mountains and rivers, and flew towards the battle formation.

"Father." Duan Ling's pupils reflected the splendid starry sky and the eternal Milky Way.

It's always there.

Thousands of years, as always.

"War." In Duan Ling's hand, Zhenshan River pointed into the distance.

In an instant, Nanchen's 200,000 soldiers, under the protection of the heroic souls who died in battle for generations, killed the Yuan army.

In Jiangzhou, thousands of miles away, fine snow was falling all over the sky. Li Yanqiu stood upstairs in the apse, watching the snow fluttering.

"Today they should have also arrived at the General's Ridge." Li Yanqiu said, "Third brother, may you bless Ruo'er."

In the snow field under the General's Ridge, the vanguard troops of both sides launched a charge under the horns, and the new army of the North Army stepped into the flying snow powder and crashed into the battle formation.

Countless moments were frozen in this battle. The historian recorded many fragments. Zheng Yan led the army to outflank, rushed into the enemy's line, and returned injured. Wu Du lost the battle and was knocked off his horse. Duan Ling rushed over and rescued Wu Du. The Yuan army supervisor Timur was beheaded by Wu Du with a single sword.

Hanmo Tie'er, a subordinate of Kipchattai, was shot to death, and the army under his command would not retreat.

Xie You led the army to attack the flank of the Yuan army in a roundabout way.

The 400,000-strong army first fought on the General's Ridge, leaving thousands of miles of snow covered in blood, and the entrance to the canyon has become a huge meat grinder. Almost as soon as Chen Jun made contact, he won an overwhelming victory. However, the Yuan army did not retreat, and was expelled by the flank army led by Zheng Yan on the cliff. When they fell off the cliff, a series of avalanches occurred.

Hundreds of Yuan troops fell off the cliff, and the avalanche buried tens of thousands of soldiers, and Chen Jun was cut off.

Duan Ling led his troops to ambush and attacked Batu. The two sides met face to face. Duan Ling shot Batu off his horse.

"Catch him!" someone shouted in meta language, "Just catch him! We win!"

At this point, the Yuan army is already at the end of the force, and the number of people buried in the avalanche is less than 120,000. However, in the last battle, they are desperate to retreat. In the chaos, they still want to catch the prince of Chen State first and disintegrate the opponent's offensive.

Chen Jun encountered more fierce resistance, the main force was scattered, the vanguard led by Wu Du and the Chinese army led by Duan Ling were blocked by avalanches.

"His Royal Highness! They are chasing!" someone shouted.

"How many people?!" There were only more than 2,000 people left by Duan Ling's side, and the rest were all by Xie You's side.

"Twenty thousand!" someone shouted.

"Bypass the canyon!" Duan Ling shouted decisively, "Reunite with the vanguard as soon as possible! We have already won! This is their last force!"

The army of 20,000 yuan launched a charge along the slope of the valley. The heavy snow rolled in like a tsunami, and Duan Ling rushed to the end of the canyon under the cover of personal guards.

"I'm coming!" Shuluduan shouted, "You go! Your Highness!"

Duan Ling looked back and saw that Shuluduan had once again organized a charge to resist the 20,000 yuan chasing army. As soon as the two sides made contact, the melee began, and the Yuan army crossed the line of defense and rushed towards Duanling.

The personal soldiers protected Duan Ling and rushed to the end of the canyon, but in front of the canyon, thousands of people charged towards them.

"Ben Xiao! It's up to you!" Duan Ling shouted.

The arrow hit Duan Ling, but was blocked by the white tiger's bright light armor. Duan Ling rushed into the battle formation desperately. Seeing that a man's left arm was heavily wrapped in cloth, he picked up a horse-cutting sword and charged towards Duan Ling. With the strength of the horse-cutting sword, he was beheaded!

The horse-chopping sword provoked a light, and Duan Ling saw the blood-stained face of Amugu holding the sword, but he could no longer step back, so he had to lean his shoulders to carry the sword of Amugu!

Seeing that the strength of the sword was about to smash his shoulders to pieces, a black shadow passed by, one foot on the saddle, picked up Duan Ling, and punched the sword with his left hand. Duanling suffered severe eardrum pain.

The man held him in front of him, leaped, and left Ben Xiao, while Ben Xiao rushed into the battle formation and left with thousands of pursuers.

Duan Ling was led to roll in the snow, but was grabbed by a strong hand, intertwined with his fingers, and dragged him out of the snow. Duan Ling's ring finger slipped, and he felt that the man was missing a little finger. .

"Kill them!" Amugu roared.

"Lang Junxia?!" Duan Ling said in a trembling voice.

Lang Junxia was wearing a white robe, which was tattered.

"How long have you been with me?" Duan Ling said, "Why are you here?!"

"Shh." Lang Junxia said, "Don't ask."

With a smile in his eyes, he put his right hand between his lips, whistled, and rushed to the sky to reply.

"Get on the horse!" Lang Junxia shouted, pushing Duan Ling onto the horse again, and then turned over.

"Ready to shoot!" Lang Junxia said, "Are you cold?"

Duan Ling was wearing armor, and his eyebrows and hair were covered with snowflakes. Ben Xiao stopped in a hurry and faced the thousands of Yuan troops led by Amugu.

"No... not cold." Duan Ling said, "I'm very warm."

"Your voice is shaking." Lang Junxia said, "Where's the bow and arrow?"

Duan Ling took off the longbow and held it in his hand. Amugu threw the giant sword in the snow and drew out the long sword at his waist. The Yuan army all retreated and prepared to charge.

"You are dead, Prince." Amugu said, "No one can protect you anymore."

"And me." Lang Junxia murmured. He rode on a horse with Duan Ling behind him. In his clear eyes, there were thousands of Yuan soldiers in front of him, as well as the archers who appeared on the cliff, all bending bows and arrows. towards the middle.

Duan Ling pointed his bow and arrow into the distance, too nervous to breathe.

"Have you seen the letter?" Lang Junxia said.

"What?" Duan Ling asked with a frown.

Lang Junxia was silent for a while, and said, "It's in the scabbard of Qingfeng Sword. This sword is not very useful. I'll try to block it for a while. This time, it's your turn to protect me. Duan Ling, leave it to me, Amugu. I'll leave it to you."

Duan Ling's heartbeat seemed to stop, and he released the first arrow, followed by Lang Junxia shouting, "Drive!"

Ben Xiao took the two of them and rushed to the exit of the canyon. At the same time, a thousand Yuan troops launched a charge, and under the leadership of Amugu, they charged towards them!

Duan Ling shot arrows at the enemy line at the fastest speed, one arrow after another.

At the moment when the two sides faced each other, Lang Junxia slammed into Amugu sideways, raised his long sword, and faced his long sword!

"In this life, there will always be someone to protect you, you don't need to stand in front of me..."

"I can't protect you. It's my fault. If one day, if I don't die, someone will come to kill me, but it's okay. After I die, there will naturally be someone who will come one after another to defend you and swallow the sword..."

The voice was extremely far away, yet it seemed to be close to my ears.

The moment they passed by, Lang Junxia and Amugu exchanged swords.

Amugu stabbed Lang Junxia in the chest with a knife, Lang Junxia grabbed the blade with his right hand, and his palms folded together, locked.

Immediately after, Lang Junxia picked it up beautifully and silently pierced Amugu's throat with his long sword.

Ben Xiao dashed past the enemy line like this, riding Juechen, raising snow powder and rushing away, leaving the pursuers far behind. Duan Ling looked back and shouted, "Let's rush out!"

"Very... good." Lang Junxia said.

"You're injured! Lang Junxia!" Duan Ling touched his front, his hands were covered in blood, and Lang Junxia's back showed a very short blade.

Benxiao rushed farther and farther, rushed into the woods, and after rushing out, jumped off the cliff, and then rushed down on the snow-covered slope, causing crazy snow waves along the way, and led the two of them towards the valley.

In the snow in the deep valley, Lang Junxia fell sideways and fell into the snow.

Duan Ling rolled over and dismounted, staggered, and rushed back. Lang Junxia still managed to stand up in the snow, but after a few tries, he was unable to straighten up.

Duan Ling saw the long knife in front of Lang Junxia's chest and let out a desperate scream, but Lang Junxia pushed him away fiercely.

"Don't... Look." Blood spilled from Lang Junxia's mouth, staggered, barely stood up straight, pulled out the long knife on his chest, coughed up a mouthful of blood, and fell back.

Duan Ling rushed over, Lang Junxia fell and fell into Duan Ling's arms.

The gust of wind blew up, rolling up the flying snow, covering the sky and the ground.

In the snowstorm, Duan Ling knelt on a vast snow field, the snow fluttered, Lang Junxia lay in Duan Ling's arms, raised his hand with difficulty, trembling, and touched his face.

"Lang Junxia..." Duan Ling choked, "Why did you come back."

The corners of Lang Junxia's mouth twitched slightly.

It was as if he had returned to that gentle night in Shangjing many years ago, he was lying in the snow, Duan Ling hugged him with difficulty when he was a child, and dragged him back to his room.

"because I… "

"Want to't be...a...good..."

"Little... Emperor..."

"… God."

When Wu Du's army found them, Lang Junxia was lying in Duan Ling's arms, with one hand spread in the snow, only four fingers. Duan Ling cried and twitched, and hugged him tightly.

Their bodies are covered with snow, and the snow is falling finely, covering both the dead and the living, stretching for thousands of miles, like an ancient one.

Twelve years ago, another person jumped off the cliff here and galloped towards the new life with flying snow. In twelve years, the flowers have bloomed and withered, and the spring has gone to the spring. The gentle time has already covered everything up, and with a touch of it, there is no trace.

Duan Ling cried so hard, his tears dripped in the snow, which had condensed into ice, he took Lang Junxia's hand and shook him, as if his fingerless palm would grab his hand.

Just as time was frozen in the evening when he went to Beijing that year, he held his hand and took him to Mingtang to go to school. He always wanted to break free and escaped home without looking back.

In the winter of the fifth year of Jingwu, after three days and three nights of bloody battle, the general Chen Jun at Lingxia drove the Yuan people 300 miles north of Yubi Pass.

In June of the sixth year of Jingwu, Buerchijinbatu submitted a letter of surrender, and the Yuan people withdrew from the Great Wall and moved to the west of Uighur.

Liao and Chen re-demarcated their territory, east of Yubi Pass, and even Hebei County returned to Chen.

In the seventh month of the sixth year of Jingwu, after Prince Chen and Li Ruo re-deployed in Hebei County, he returned to the court.

The seventh day of July.

The Milky Way in the sky is like a belt. On the night of Duan Ling's return to the dynasty, he told the story of General Ling's next battle, but he did not mention the death of Lang Junxia.

A person who has already died cannot die again; he also gradually understood what Li Yanqiu wanted to teach him.

If Lang Junxia didn't reappear later, he would not be able to return to Jiangzhou alive.

Life and death are like a dream of floating life; ups and downs are like the ups and downs of the ocean.

"God bless me, Prince Chen." Li Yanqiu raised his glass after listening.

The ministers clamored, then raised their glasses, and the cups were staggered. In each cup, the tens of thousands of stars in the sky were reflected.

The music faded away, and Duan Ling got out of the seat, walked through the corridor, and came to the White Tiger Pavilion rebuilt in the Imperial Garden. After returning to the dynasty, he still remembered the wish he made in front of the White Tiger Xingjun, and invited the White Tiger sculpture to the palace and re-laid jasper eyes. It watches the joys, sorrows and sorrows of the world, and also watches the rise and fall of Dachen.

Just as he walked into the White Tiger Pavilion, the music suddenly sounded behind him, and the music seemed to be still there, lingering in the garden.

Duan Ling pondered for a moment and walked into the White Tiger Pavilion.

On both sides of Baihu Xingjun, there is a Qingfeng sword and a white rainbow sword.

Duan Ling took the Qingfeng sword from the weapon rack, saw a corner of paper in the scabbard, and carefully took it out, flattened it, and saw the words written by Lang Junxia by the lights in the pavilion.

Duan Ling:

This letter was written on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month when you returned to Jiangzhou. This time, I know that you will come back and will not leave again, so I will write some words for you here.

Thousands of words, I don't know where to start, when I saw the letter, I was already far away, I hope you will show the letter and not be sad. There is a saying in the ancients that "life is like a distant traveller in the world", and there is another saying that "floating life is like a dream, for joy", it can be seen that the world always gathers less and leaves more, and cannot be forced.

That year, I hurriedly met your mother, Xiaowan, and formed an indissoluble bond. I came here with the heart of revenge and rescued Xiaowan from the king of the Huns. Xiaowan thanked me for saving my life and repeated it again and again. , again and again to persuade Li Jianhong to spare my life. Even when she left the northern Xinjiang and escorted her back to the Duan family, she teased me that if she had a child, she would worship me as a teacher; if she had a daughter, she would marry me as a wife.

I have the hatred of annihilation of my family, and I am a traitor to my teacher. How can I teach an apprentice and start a family? Unexpectedly, she was pregnant at that time, and it was a prophecy.

I'm just an assassin who lives in a sea of blood in purgatory all day long. I'm not tolerated by the world. Your father asked me to go south to find you. Let the old man who sells wontons die. If you have a chance to revisit your old place in the future, I can take you to eat another bowl of wontons.

Duan Ling's tears dripped silently and landed on the letter paper. He raised his head and looked at Baihu Xingjun's eyes, remembering that year, Lang Junxia took him away from Runan from the vast snow and wind to Shangjing. His father's face was stern, and he also knew that he had humiliated the reputation of his teacher's school. The children brought up since childhood must no longer be as ruthless and unscrupulous as himself, and treat human life like a mustard.

My hands are bloodied and I can't look back; your Father forgives my sins, but I don't want you to know about the heinous crimes I have committed. Some lives are in the daytime, some are in the night, and that's probably the case with assassins. After that day, I left in a hurry, but I didn't go far. I turned back several times on the way. I saw that you quickly got used to your father by your side, and I am happy for you.

When it was difficult to go to Beijing, Zhao Kui ordered me to use you to hold your father's army hostage. After hearing from me, he even sent a shadow team to find you. I don’t dare to leave Shangjing rashly, I’m afraid something will change, I have to stay by your side every day, let alone warn you, I’m afraid Xunchun won’t believe it, and I’m afraid Zhao Kui will take your fourth uncle as a hostage if he learns of my betrayal .

When you and Yelu Zongzhen returned home that night, the members of the shadow team lay in ambush, and had no choice but to attack Zongzhen by sneak attack. Even so, in the end, I still miscalculated the strength of the enemy, and even your father was killed by Helan Jie.

When your father entered the capital, I couldn't get back to rescue in time. Helan Jie chased after you and Xunchun. I tried my best to cut him off. After procrastinating, I chased after you to the Xianbei Mountains. When I learned that you and Cai Yan were separated, I couldn’t find it anywhere, I just thought you were dead. When all my thoughts were lost, I was worried that your fourth uncle had no heir. After your father's death, the military commander became even more difficult to rule, so Cai Yan was made to take his place.

When you returned that day, the dagger was sent to the palace. Cai Yan wanted to kill you, but I first stabilized it and ordered you to feign death with the annihilation. Cai Yan sent a shadow team to follow me. In the past, when I escaped from Zhao Kui's men, I escaped from the river twice, and I threw you into the river, hoping to take you ashore by taking advantage of the undercurrent of the river.

The next day, I wanted to go to the riverside to find you, but I was stumbled by Yao Zheng, who accidentally found me out of the city and chased after Wu Du. You were rescued by Wu Du. I searched for a long time, but I couldn't find it. I was so anxious that I almost committed suicide several times.

Fortunately, you and Wu had already become attached to each other when they went to Beijing alone, and he treated you with sincerity, which made me feel at ease. Shepherd was so powerful that he could not be eliminated for a while, and the real culprit behind Jianhong's death has not yet been identified. Helan Jie is buried in your hands, it can be seen that there is cause and effect.

The removal of the long-term employment has made Cai Yan and Mu suspicious of each other, hoping to help you. In Luoyan City, the shadow team was in ambush and had no choice but to make a rash move, but it didn't mean to hurt you.

At the age of sixteen, I killed all my mentors. I traveled outside the Great Wall, killing Han people, as well as Liao people and Yuan people. To Yuquan Town, because the guard died in my hands, I realized that the crime had been monstrous, and no one could forgive it. When I met you at the age of twenty-seven, through you, I saw this peaceful day in the mountains and rivers. When this happens, you will become the emperor in the future. It is expected that the land of the Central Plains will eventually wait for the belated Shengping to rule the world. .

People in the world talk about my merits and demerits, and they can laugh at them, but you are the only one who is always in my heart. There is a saying in the ancients, "I have a glass of wine, which can comfort the wind and dust".

For me, maybe a few years of fate with you is enough to comfort me in my life.

The paper is short and long, not as long as the detailed table; when I read the letter, I may have returned to the Xianbei sacred mountain for the rest of my life.

In the future, I will look at the Central Plains in the distance and know that you are far away in Jiangzhou, but you are under a splendid galaxy with me. This life is enough.

Lang Junxia

The melody of seeing each other is resonant, gradually lowering in the garden, and finally quietly inaudible.

Duan Ling folded the letter and stood in front of Baihu Xingjun, silent for a long time.

"Have you read it?" Wu Du came from outside the pavilion and stood at the door.

He was bathed in the starlight of Qixi Festival, and behind him was the vast galaxy.

"It's over." Duan Ling replied.

Wu Du stretched out his hand, wiped away the tears from the corner of Duan Ling's eyes, pulled him into his arms, and held each other quietly. A Milky Way crossed the zenith and passed through the world.

The seventh day of July.

From south to north, from mountains to plains, from rivers to lakes and seas, from ancient times to the future.

As if Tiansun's hand shook gently under the clear night sky, Wanli Xingsha leaned towards the world.

Like a hazy and magnificent dream, weaving the joys and sorrows of countless people, drunk life and dream death.

On the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, the stars returned to swords and shoes last night, and the wind and moon filled the rivers and lakes the year before.

-See you at the end-

After ten years of separation, they meet when they grow up. Asked the surname to be shocked at the first sight, and the name recalled the old appearance. Don't come to Canghai, stop talking to the twilight clock. Tomorrow's Baling Road, how heavy is the Autumn Mountain

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