Judge of the Song Dynasty

Chapter 15: Impeccable


Sima Guang said: "I also know about Fang Datian's marriage fraud. It is undeniable that this case would not have happened without Fang Datian. However, Fang Datian's fault cannot reduce Ayun's guilt, because Fang Datian did not instruct Ayun to murder Wei Ada."

Zhang Fei nodded and said, "What the chief judge said is right, and I agree with him. Therefore, when I appealed for Wei Ada, I did not ask Fang Datian to bear criminal responsibility, but asked him for compensation, because Fang Datian had no intention of murdering Wei Ada, he just wanted to make money. But the whole case originated from this. Only by understanding the reasons behind it can we clearly know why Ayun committed the crime."

At this point, Zhang Fei sighed and said, "It must be said that this is a tragedy! Ah Yun lost her father at an early age and has been dependent on her mother. As her mother has been bedridden for many years, the 20 acres of land left by her father has been handed over to her uncles to take care of, and they only give them a small amount of food every year.

These grains were not enough to feed the mother and daughter. In desperation, Ayun could only take care of her mother at home and do some needlework to make a living.

Are you telling a story? Sima Guang immediately interrupted Zhang Fei, "This is not the place to tell stories, and I already know about Ayun's life story, so you don't need to elaborate on it."

Zhang Fei immediately said: "If the presiding judge really knew Ayun's background and motives, he would not think that Ayun had the intention to murder."

Sima Guang immediately said, "Ayun's motive for committing the crime was because he thought Wei Ada was ugly. This has already been found out."

Zhang Fei shook his head and said, "This may be a reason, but it is definitely not the main motive."

Sima Guang asked: "What do you think was Ah Yun's main motive for committing the crime?"

"Filial piety."

Zhang Fei said: "Everything I just said is enough to prove that Ayun is a very filial daughter. The government can send people to investigate this. Almost everyone in the local area knows this."

When Wang Anshi heard this, his eyes lit up and he thought to himself, this kid is really amazing.

Sima Guang hesitated for a moment, as if he had guessed what Zhang Fei was going to say next, and said, "Even if Ah Yun is a filial daughter, this is not a reason for her to commit a crime, and they cannot be confused."

"Everyone wants to take the broad road, but there is only a single-plank bridge in front of them. Many things cannot be judged by appearance alone."

Zhang Fei continued, "A year ago, Ayun's mother passed away due to illness, which was a huge blow to Ayun. During this year, Ayun has been at home mourning for her mother. Her filial piety is enough to move heaven and earth.

As we all know, the mourning period is generally three years, and the laws of our dynasty also clearly stipulate that marriage is not allowed during the mourning period, which is filial piety. However, under the coercion of Fang Datian, she was forcibly betrothed to Wei Ada, and the key step of paying the tribute had been completed.

Her mother's body was still warm, but she wanted to leave her mother and marry another man. This was something a filial daughter could not accept. Ayun had always been against this marriage, but no matter how hard she tried, it was still in vain.

I would like to ask everyone present, in this situation, what can a weak woman like Ayun do?"

Everyone remained silent.

They are not stupid. At this point, they also understand what Zhang Fei's trump card is.

Sima Guang said righteously: "Filial piety is absolutely not a reason to kill people, you should not confuse people here. Moreover, the criminal woman herself is honest, she just thinks Wei Ada is ugly and does not want to marry her, so she has evil intentions."

Zhang Fei said, "Ayun's words are not credible."

Sima Guang was so angry that he laughed and said, "This is really outrageous. You don't even believe the murderer's confession, so how can you believe your one-sided statement?"

Zhang Fei said, "Don't forget, Chief Judge. I am also one of the parties involved. Fangjia Village and Weijia Village are separated by only a river, and it takes less than half an hour to go back and forth. Ah Yun committed the crime at midnight, but she rescued me at dawn."

Sima Guang asked: "What does this mean?"

Zhang Fei said: "This makes people curious. Why did the murderer stay by the river after committing the crime? Anyone with common sense would quickly go home under the cover of night and not let anyone see him.

Moreover, Ah Yun jumped into the river without hesitation, risking her life to save a stranger. I was in a very bad state at the time, so it was impossible for her to be attracted by my handsome appearance. "

“… … !”

Sima Guang didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard this, and said, "This is a court, not a theater. If you continue to joke like this, don't blame me for being rude."

What I mean is, do you think you are humorous

Zhang Fei said seriously, "Judge, I was suspected of having an affair with Ayun and was imprisoned for three months. The Wei brothers also raised doubts about this. Wei Ada's brother Wei Aer believed that Ayun saved me because I was handsome. Therefore, I need to clarify this point."

Sima Guang was also drunk. You can even say this with righteousness. He said helplessly: "I believe that Ayun definitely did not save you because of your appearance."

Zhang Fei glanced at Sima Guang depressedly and said, "Then we have to ask, what was the reason that made Ayun risk her life to save others in such a dangerous situation? Although Ayun was kind, it was really too dangerous, but she jumped into the water to save people without hesitation."

Sima Guang could no longer bear it and asked, "Why do you think that is?"


Zhang Fei said: "Ayun wanted to atone her sins because she cut off Wei Ada's fingers and mistakenly thought she had killed Wei Ada. She was in pain. She stayed by the river because she wanted to die to atone for her sins. In other words, Ayun had no intention of killing anyone. The reason why she immediately confessed everything to the government and provided testimony against herself was that she hoped to atone for her sins and pay with her life for her life."

"What nonsense!"

Sima Guang said: "This is just your speculation. You don't have any evidence to prove that Ayun has no intention of murder."

Zhang Fei immediately asked back: "Does the presiding judge have solid evidence to prove that Ayun had the intention to murder? Although she brought a knife to slash Wei Ada, there were more than ten wounds on Wei Ada's body, none of which hit the vital parts, and all were minor injuries. This can only prove that she had the intention to hurt people, but not to kill.

As for Ah Yun's confession, it cannot be used as evidence to prove that she had the intention to murder, because if she said that she just went to chop Wei Ada, would the presiding judge believe it? "

Everyone was stunned.

The murderer's confession cannot be used as the main evidence

But if you think about it carefully, it seems to make some sense. You can't say that if the murderer admits it, it can be used as conclusive evidence, but if he doesn't admit it, it can't be used as conclusive evidence.

Evidence is objective, not subjective.

Sima Guang said: "But all the evidence proves that Ayun intended to murder Wei Ada."

"That's just superficial evidence."

Zhang Fei retorted: "If a normal person wants to murder someone, he must have a good reason. If Ayun really didn't like Wei Ada's appearance and refused to marry her, this could constitute a motive for murder. But this is not the case."

As he spoke, he took out a confession and said, "This is a confession provided by the Fang family and the villagers of Fangjia Village. This confession fully proves one point, that is, not long after Ayun's mother passed away, her uncles and aunts wanted to marry Ayun off more than once, and the target at that time was not Wei Ada, but someone else. But Ayun refused all of them, because she wanted to observe mourning for her mother."

Sima Guang gave a look to the official beside him.

The official immediately brought the confession and presented it to Sima Guang.

After reading it, Sima Guang said, "Even if this confession is true, what does it prove?"

Zhang Fei said: "This is enough to prove that Wei Ada's ugly appearance is not the main reason why Ayun killed him. If Ayun was only interested in his appearance, why did she refuse before

Moreover, when Ayun opposed this marriage, she also expressed to her uncle that she was in mourning for her mother and could not get married, but unfortunately her uncle completely ignored her reasons.

If this clause does not count, and she just wants to observe mourning for her mother for three years, then is it necessary for her to murder Wei Ada? No, she only needs to injure Wei Ada and delay the marriage.

Facts have also proved that she had no intention of murder. A person who wanted to murder stabbed her more than ten times, but none of the knives hit the vital parts and all the injuries were minor.

But when she was giving her testimony, why did she hide the fact that she had opposed the marriage because she was in mourning for her mother? She only said that she thought Wei Ada was ugly and the reason was that she wanted to atone for her sins, and she thought that by doing so she would be letting her mother down.

I have to say, in my opinion, and I believe in the opinion of most people, this is a very stupid method, but it is also the only way a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl can think of. Her parents are no longer around, and her uncles are greedy for her family's land, and at the same time they are eager to exchange her for more land.

What else can she do?"

Seeing that this fellow was speaking with great enthusiasm, and using perfect emotions to make up for imperfect evidence, Sima Guang felt that he could not let this fellow fool him any further, so he said, "Although your explanation is perfect, it is only your speculation. Ayun knows the truth better than you. Send the criminal Ayun."

He knew in his heart that this guy was a master storyteller and it would be difficult to make a breakthrough from him, so he simply decided not to fight him.

Soon, Ayun brought it up.

It would have been better if he had not been brought up, but when this man came up and stood with Wei Ada, this immediately aroused the sympathy of many people.

Fang Datian deserves to die!

This is so unsuitable.

Sima Guang also realized this and felt that the situation was becoming increasingly unfavorable to him, so he asked Ayun, "Criminal woman Ayun, do you plead guilty?"

But as soon as he said this, he suddenly looked at Zhang Fei. This kid would definitely object again, but Zhang Fei didn't say anything this time and just stood aside obediently.

Ah Yun said expressionlessly, "I plead guilty."

Sima Guang asked, "What did you want to do when you sneaked into Wei Ada's straw hut with a knife that night?"

Ah Yun said: "I want to kill Wei Ada."

Sima Guang was startled and asked, "Why?"

Ah Yun said: "Because he is ugly."

Wei Ada looked aggrieved.

He really didn't know why he had to stand here and be insulted again.

Sima Guang asked again: "But as far as I know, your uncle wanted to marry you off many times, and the one he wanted was not Wei Ada, but you refused at that time on the grounds that you were in mourning for your mother."

When Ah Yun heard about mourning for her mother, tears immediately flowed down her cheeks. She prostrated herself on the ground and cried, "I am so sorry to my dear mother. I have committed many sins. I only want death, only death."

Sima Guang frowned and said, "Whether he lives or dies, I will make the final decision. You answer my questions first."

Ah Yun cried to herself, "It was me who did it. It was me who did it. I only want to die."

Sima Guang was extremely angry after hearing this and couldn't help but look at Zhang Fei again, thinking, I never thought that my fame would be ruined by a young boy.

After the argument just now, Sima Guang knew that this kid was fearless and could not be scared, so he planned to start with Wei Ada and Ayun.

This case was very simple. He believed that if he wanted to overturn the verdict, he would have to change his confession. Once he changed his confession, loopholes would inevitably appear, and lies could not withstand interrogation.

But the two key witnesses refused to tell a single lie and spoke the truth.

But if combined with what Zhang Fei said, this truth is actually more beneficial to them.

But Sima Guang knew very well in his heart that it must be Zhang Fei who instructed Ayun to say this. By saying this, he became invulnerable.

Sima Guang waved his hand and said, "Take them away first."

If Wei Ada and A Yunguang stand together, it will be extremely misleading.

Zhang Fei was the only one left in the hall.

Sima Guang had intended to make a circuitous breakthrough, but he had no idea that he would have to face Zhang Fei directly. He said, "Although the offending woman deserves sympathy, the law is as strict as a mountain. No matter what, her behavior is enough to constitute the crime of murder."