Jun Jiuling

Chapter 21: The lucky and the unlucky


Miss Jun had no memory of this cousin other than being a paralyzed man, and she hadn't seen him since she came to Fang's house.

This is the only grandson of the old lady of the Fang family, and the only male bloodline of the Fang family. He was born fine, but fell ill when he was young, and the doctor asserted that he would not live past the age of fifteen.

Miss Jun looked at Young Master Fang. This kid was quite naughty. How could he climb up the rockery.

Seeing Miss Jun looking at him, a smile appeared on Young Master Fang's calm face.

"Miss Jun is actually looking at me." He said in a hoarse voice, with some jokes, "Santao, go and tell the kitchen, Master, I want an extra meal at noon today."

A servant behind him heard this, looked at Miss Jun cautiously, and timidly replied yes.

Miss Jun didn't speak, and the girl next to her turned her nose up.

"It's really unlucky to meet this short-lived ghost." She curled her lips and said, without concealing her disgust, she reached out to support Miss Jun, "Miss, let's go."

The short-lived ghost's words clearly fell into the young man's ears, but he didn't seem to hear it, still smiling.

But Miss Jun saw a trace of familiarity in it.

That was the look on her face she saw in the mirror when she got ready to kill that man after she learned the truth.

Angry and unwilling, there is a fire burning in my heart, wishing to set everything on fire.

But try to suppress it.

I didn't hide my thoughts at the beginning, and was seen through at a glance, so that I was hacked to death without retaliation.

It's not bad that this young man shows only a bit of cynical mischief at such a young age.

"What's your name?" Miss Jun asked.

Young Master Fang's smile grew wider.

"It's an honor that Miss Jun actually wanted to ask my name." He said, "Santao, it seems that the kitchen needs to be refilled with a pot of wine."

Looking down from above, Miss Jun still had a quiet expression, as if she couldn't hear her own sarcasm at all.

Or if you really can't tell, this Miss Jun is a brainless idiot.

He was a little downcast.

What can I say to this woman, maybe because I just saw the look on this woman's face when she came.

The brisk and indifferent expression that seemed to have everything under control appeared on such a woman's face, which really made people have to sneer.

"Does a dead person still need a name?" He said lightly, losing interest in talking, and motioned to the servant behind him, "Let's go."

The boy rushed forward and lifted the blanket covering him, trying to carry him on his back, and another boy rushed forward to pick up the wheelchair.

Liu er curled her lips, but Miss Jun stood still.

"Of course the dead also need a name." She said, "Some people are dead but still live in the hearts of many people, just like the living do not need a name, because some people live as if they are dead."

When I was alive before, no one would care about her. Now that I am dead, I must let my name live in the hearts of those people and become their nightmare.

Young Master Fang, who put his hand on the boy's shoulder, paused slightly, and the girl's voice continued unhurriedly.

"A person's life is not about the length. Although the fireworks are short, they are gorgeous. Although the dead wood is long, it is decaying."

How could this idiot woman say such a thing

The young master of the Fang family couldn't help turning his head.

It can't be said to be an idiot, anyway, she is also the daughter of a scholar, so she can read these books more or less just for appearance.

Miss Jun looked at him.

"The living dead don't have a name. Cousin, don't say that about yourself in the future." She said softly.

Young Master Fang couldn't help laughing.

cousin? This name is really strange, it is ironic.

"Cousin is right." Young Master Fang said with a smile, "I was wrong, I still need a name, but cousin doesn't need a name."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Liu'er stared and said, "Why doesn't my lady need a name?"

"Because I'm about to die, but your miss is not dead." Young Master Fang said seriously.

Liu'er was even more confused.

"You're out of your mind?" she said, "You need a name when you're going to die, but my lady doesn't need it when she's alive?"

No wonder the paralytic never came out to meet people. It turned out that he was not only a paralytic, but also a madman.

This Fang family is really terrible.

Young Master Fang put his hands on the boy's shoulders, barely supporting his upper body.

"It's because your young lady will live for a long time." He said solemnly, "And I'm about to die. Before I die, my grandmother and mother supported me in the family business, which allows me to enjoy it and spend it recklessly, but Grandma and mother are old, they won't survive your young lady, once they die, then this big tree of the Fang family will...boom..."

He let out a sound, stretched out his hand, and made a gesture of collapse.

"...This big tree fell down, you don't have a big tree to take shade, cousin, you are such a beautiful woman, you are divorced, you have an enmity with the Ning family, and you lost your protection, it's really hard to live... He looked at Miss Jun shaking his head with pity and sadness on his face, "Cousin, do you know how miserable life will be for those who lose the blessing of their family."

Miss Jun smiled.

"Cousin, you are talking about yourself," she said.

Liu'er also pouted.

"What are you talking about, our lady doesn't need your Fang family's protection, but you have dragged her down." She snorted.

Young Master Fang laughed.

That's right, how could he have forgotten that the two masters and servants were arrogant and scoffed at the other family, thinking that what they ate and drank fell from the sky, and it was ridiculous to say these things to them.

It's probably because he hasn't talked so much with people for a long time, so he talked so much nonsense with this woman.

What's even more ridiculous is that it's nonsense to this woman, but he speaks of himself as desolate in his heart.

Life was over before it even started. For so many years, he thought he had accepted it and let it go, but in the end he couldn't do it.

Was their Fang family really cursed by fate? Did their Fang family's wealth come in exchange for their ancestral veins? Is it because their great-grandfather was unkind to their blood relatives that their Fang family wanted to disappear in smoke

Grandfather, father, lived half of his life anyway, so what about me, sitting in a wheelchair as soon as he learned to walk, his life was over before it started, what did God want him to be born for

Why not let him die as soon as he was born, why should he be tortured like this.

The boy's hand pressed down on the boy's shoulder, but he didn't even have the strength to tense his whole body.

He lowered his eyes and stopped looking at Miss Jun.

"Yes, I'm talking about myself. Fortunately, I'm very lucky. I can leave in a year and don't have to suffer." He smiled lightly, "Miss Jun is also lucky, and she won't have to be dragged down by the Fang family in the future." .”

Liu Er pouted.

"Miss, let's go, ignore him." She said.

Miss Jun still stood still, looking thoughtfully at Young Master Fang who was carried by the servant.

"Miss, what are you thinking?" Liu'er asked puzzled, but also worried, "Don't pay attention to that paralytic's words."

"I'm wondering whether to take the Fang family's boat," Miss Jun said.

Fang's boat

The Fang family is in the ticket number business, not a maritime business, so how can there be a ship

Liu'er was puzzled, did the lady get confused by the paralyzed man

Miss Jun looked at Young Master Fang who was being carried off the rockery and walked over.

Young Master Fang was carefully placed in a wheelchair by two servants. Because of his paralysis, he was handled like a rag doll.

The two young men were very dissatisfied with Miss Jun standing over to look at them. They only felt humiliated, and Young Master Fang's face remained flat.

"Sorry, I spoiled Miss Jun's eyes." He said, "It's really Miss Jun's misfortune to live in the same house as me."

Miss Jun's eyes swept over him inch by inch.

"It's my misfortune to live with you, but I don't know if it's luck or misfortune that you won't die in two years if I cure you," she said.