Jun Jiuling

Chapter 778: Your Majesty Holy Spirit


All this happened in an instant, so that no one at the scene could react.

Until there was a bang, someone bumped into Lu Yunqi's leg.

This person is not the fallen emperor, but the empress dowager who was thrown to the ground and ignored.

She was still unable to speak, and her body was also stiff, but she slammed into Lu Yunqi with all her might, and let out a whining cry.

The sound finally woke up the people present.


Yuan Bao, who was standing closest, hissed.

But he didn't rush forward, but stepped back, his face full of horror.

He knew that Lu Yunqi was very powerful, and he was always on guard, but he never imagined that Lu Yunqi would kill the king by raising his hand!



The emperor was killed!

After Yuan Bao screamed, he saw Lu Yunqi turn his head slightly to look at him.

Lu Yunqi's eyes were numb, but Yuan Bao's whole body went numb like a needle piercing his tailbone.

not good…

The thought flashed, and Lu Yunqi raised his hand.

The iron umbrella that had blocked the silver hairpin thrown by Miss Jun just now popped into his chest, and with a pop, Yuan Bao's eyes widened, his mouth opened and he fell to the ground.

With another bang, the iron umbrella stuck in his chest unfolded, covering the blood splattered everywhere.

Throwing out the iron umbrella, Lu Yunqi was still holding the belt in his hand, and with a wave of his hand just now, the belt was tightened, and the emperor's head, who was already livid and sticking out his tongue, fell limply.

There was chaos in the hall.

In the blink of an eye, the emperor's life and death were unclear, and Yuan Bao was killed. The servants screamed like flies that had lost their heads, and they didn't know whether to aim the bow and crossbow at Miss Jun and the Qingshan Army, or at Lu Yunqi.

"Lu Yunqi! Let go of Your Majesty!"

A sunny and angry voice sounded in the noise.

Miss Jun immediately looked for the sound, and another person came out from behind the screen.

With neat official robes and a clear face, it was Ning Yunzhao.

At this time his expression was angry.

As a disciple of a sage, a parent and teacher of heaven and earth, he wants to protect the emperor!

With such civil servants, there is support.

The flustered servants could not help but stop, holding the bows and arrows that were about to be shot, and stopped the big knives that were about to cut across.

The queen mother who was lying on the ground also had a glimmer of hope.



"Guards, quickly take down these eunuchs!" Ning Yunzhao didn't keep them waiting, and immediately shouted.

He called the guard.

It's just that in this hall, apart from the servants, it is the Qingshan Army, and there are no guards.

No, these Qingshan soldiers are now serving as guards in the palace.

And what he wanted to punish was the eunuch.

In fact, these eunuchs were not thieves to the emperor.

It's over.

The Queen Mother's last hope was dashed.

When Ning Yunzhao finished speaking, Miss Jun had already raised her hand, and as she raised her hand, the Qingshan army surrounded by her shot out like arrows full of strings.

It was a step too late for the servants who came back to their senses to draw their bows and swords.

Swinging the long knife, flesh and blood flew across, like harvesting rice in autumn, screaming again and again, and people fell down one by one.

There was no need to protect Miss Jun, no need to go straight to the emperor, and no need to worry about reinforcements from the servants outside.

The Qingshan Army, whose only goal is killing people, is like wolves in a herd of sheep.

Almost in the blink of an eye, none of the servants in the hall were standing.

Either die, or be wounded and howl and roll on the ground.

The hall was horrific and noisy, but it was much quieter than before.

Ning Yunzhao looked at Lu Yunqi.

Lu Yunqi was still holding the belt with both hands, and the emperor stood in front of him with his head bowed.

"Didn't I tell you not to kill His Majesty?" Ning Yunzhao said.

His words were scolding, and there was a bit of anger in his voice.

But at this moment, the scolding and irritation seemed weird.

It's not just something to scold and annoy.

Lu Yunqi's expression remained blank, and he didn't look at Ning Yunzhao, but at Miss Jun.

"I said it." He said, frowning slightly, "It's useless, it will only hurt yourself."

He was still holding the emperor in his hands, his body was splattered with blood spots from Yuan Bao's killing, the hall was in a mess, and the situation outside was unknown, but this was what he said in the first sentence.

"Fortunately, I made it," he continued.

It seems that this is the only thing in the world that is the biggest thing.

This person, this person...

Miss Jun looked at Lu Yunqi, clenched her hand hanging by her side, with a complicated expression on her originally calm face.


What does he mean

what does he mean

What is he trying to do

Lu Yunqi looked at her, and then at the emperor in front of him.

"I'm telling you the answer." He said, "I didn't die of illness, but died like this."

This way of telling the answer is too...

It turned out that his father was strangled to death

Miss Jun looked at the unresponsive emperor.

So dead.

It's better to die like this than to be stabbed to death with a knife.

It's hard to die like this.

Especially since my father was still sick and in poor health, he was easily out of breath.

Miss Jun seemed to have seen her father's pain before he died.

Then they said that the mother hanged herself, obviously she was also strangled to death.

Her eyes were blurred with tears.

"What are you still doing!"

Ning Yunzhao's voice sounded again.

"Put down Your Majesty quickly."

Lu Yunqi looked at him, and Miss Jun looked at him too.

"Didn't I tell you that His Majesty can't die." Ning Yunzhou frowned and said, although he seemed a little anxious, but his face remained warm and his tone was steady, "Put Your Majesty down quickly."

Lu Yunqi let go, and the emperor fell to the ground with a thud.

Ning Yunzhao was taken aback.

"Be careful," he said.

The queen mother also made a whining sound and wanted to crawl towards this side.

Ning Yunzhao looked at the Queen Mother, as if he only noticed her existence at this time.

"Don't scare the lady." He said, shaking his head at Lu Yunqi, "Let the lady rest for a while."

Although his demeanor and tone are very kind.

But the queen mother would never treat him as a kind person now.

The Empress Dowager's eyes widened, and the humming became louder.

Lu Yunqi had already stepped over and stretched out his hand to hold the Queen Mother's neck, there was a soft click, and the Queen Mother fell limply and did not move.

"Don't kill me." Ning Yunzhao said with a frown, and hurriedly lowered his head to look at the emperor on the ground, and stretched out his hand to test his breath.

"I'm out of breath!" He raised his voice, as if frightened, and looked at Lu Yunqi, "Lord Lu, you shouldn't be unreliable!"

This should be the first person besides the emperor to praise Lu Yunqi for his reliability, right

Lu Yunqi is indeed reliable, when he murdered and robbed the emperor to frame him.

Ning Yunzhao didn't let everyone feel the weirdness of this sentence, and looked at Miss Jun.

"Miss Jun, come and see if His Majesty is still alive?"

Miss Jun didn't take a step.

Although she didn't check it out, she could tell from the current distance that the emperor was still alive.

But only she can save, for other doctors, they are already dead.

Ning Yunzhao understood her expression.

"Miss Jun, please save Your Majesty." He said seriously.

This is really funny.

Just now, she tried her best to trade death for death and almost killed him.


Why did she save him

Miss Jun looked at Ning Yunzhao motionless.

"Miss Jun." Ning Yunzhao also looked at her, "Death is not the best way to solve the problem."

Miss Jun was indifferent.

"In fact, Miss Jun didn't intend to kill His Majesty like this. She was forced to die today, so she had to die." Ning Yunzhao continued, "Even if you fight him to death, it's nothing to Miss Jun. Good thing."

Yes, this is not a good thing for her, especially for her who has finally made it to where she is today.

Take a step back and say that it doesn't matter if she is good or not, but it will implicate Jiufu.

What she wanted was for Jiuzheng to take back everything that belonged to him openly, not for a regicide like herself to be pushed to the throne.

Although for this emperor, such a death is retribution.

Miss Jun was silent.

But save him

"Miss Jun, he is not dead now." Ning Yunzhao said, "That is the best result."

At this time, the closed palace door isolated the earth-shattering inside, and everything looked calm from the outside.

The imperial guards outside the imperial city were patrolling, people were walking around in the market, vendors were hawking, the gates were closed on all sides, and the soldiers on the gates looked out of the city vigilantly.

But the imperial tomb, which has always been quiet and solemn, has become noisy.

"Who dares to stop me!"

"I'll wait for Minister Gu Ming!"

"Now that the Jin people are raging and have not retreated, and the emperor is away and does not return, how can the country be settled in peace!"

"If you dare to stop it, it is chaos!"

A group of ministers held wat boards and yelled loudly, totally lacking in their daily elegance, rushing towards a palace in the imperial mausoleum, shoving and shoving a group of Jinyi guards.

The Jin Yiwei seemed to be unable to stand up because of the shock, and seemed to hesitate because of their words.

"Either kill us in front of the emperor's mausoleum today, or we will definitely see His Majesty!" Ning Yan shouted solemnly.

Having experienced fighting against the Jin soldiers and leading the army to defend the city, seeing blood and being injured, civil servants like Ning Yan also became fierce and aggressive.

"That's right!"

"Being able to awaken His Majesty with my life is also a worthy death."

The ministers behind him also shouted angrily.

They moved forward again, and the Jinyi guards blocking the way began to retreat, and finally Ning Yan pushed one of them away in the middle, just like a levee opened, and the officials immediately rushed towards the palace ahead like a flood.

The royal guards followed but did not stop them, watching Ning Yan arrive in front of the palace.

A group of servants stood in front of the palace, annoyed and flustered to stop them.

But for Ning Yan and others, these servants were even more dismissive, and they were not as frightening as the fierce Jin Yiwei, who didn't even bother to say a word, so they bumped the group of servants aside and pushed open the door of the palace.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty..."

The voices of the officials rang out in disorder in the hall, but they quickly quieted down.

A group of people looked surprised at the empty room.

"And Your Majesty?" they asked.

The servants who followed were flustered and faltered, which surprised the courtiers even more.

"Quickly, where is Your Majesty?" Ning Yan raised his eyebrows and shouted.

"Your Majesty, I don't see you." A servant said with a bit of stubbornness although he was panicked.

But when his words fell, he was kicked down by Ning Yan.

"Thief slave!" he shouted, "How dare you mess with the government!"

"Tell me where is Your Majesty?" The other ministers also rushed forward and shouted angrily.

Before the servants could answer, Jin Yiwei, who came over and stood by the door, spoke.

"Your Majesty has been escorted back to the palace by Eunuch Yuan." The leader of the Jin Yiwei said with a dull expression.

Back to the palace

Ning Yan and the others were taken aback.

You refused to go back to the left and right, why are you sneaking back now

Although the emperor left the palace secretly, the emperor would not be so stupid as to think that everything would be as if nothing had happened by sneaking back.

There must be something wrong!

"Hurry up, go back to the palace!" Ning Yan said with a serious face.

The silver bracelet on the wrist was opened, revealing the hollow inside, and a slender silver needle was pinched out from it.

Miss Jun, who was kneeling beside the emperor, slowly inserted the silver needle into the back of the emperor's neck.

The emperor, who was motionless at first, suddenly twitched, and a gurgling sound began to come out of his throat.

"Strangle him," Miss Jun said.

Ning Yunzhao reached out and grabbed the emperor's neck without hesitation.

Miss Jun's silver needle was pulled out abruptly.

The tiny silver needle seemed to weigh a thousand catties, and half of the emperor's body was lifted up.

Fortunately, Ning Yunzhao pressed down hard.

The emperor seemed to be suffocated by the strength, opened his mouth and eyes wide open, and coughed heavily.

"Wake up!" Ning Yunzhao shouted.

The emperor's eyes were blank for a moment, and then his expression changed when he saw the person in front of him.

Seeing his expression change, Ning Yunzhao's expression was instantly grave and uneasy.

This shows that His Majesty's consciousness has fully recovered, and he naturally knows what happened just now.

Recovery is so fast!

Subconsciously, he reached out to press the emperor's mouth.

"No need." Miss Jun said, she stood up straight, and looked down at the emperor who was about to break free from Ning Yunzhao's half-sit up hands, "He can't live."

What does can't live mean? Isn't this alive

Ning Yunzhao looked at the emperor in front of him.

The emperor opened his mouth wide, but he didn't say a word, he just coughed and coughed continuously, and as Miss Jun's words fell, the emperor suddenly fell on his back like a bamboo pole snapped.

Ning Yunzhao was caught off guard and was freed from his hands.

With a bang, the emperor lay on his back on the ground.

But his eyes were still round, and his face seemed to be flushed because of the pain, and his eyes were angry and frightened.

Consciousness is fully awake.

Ning Yunzhao looked at the emperor, listened to his intermittent coughing, and looked at his motionless body that seemed to be struggling.

"Can't speak, can't move?" he said.

"You only said not to let him die." Miss Jun said, "you didn't say to let him live."

Ning Yunzhao looked up at her.

"So, it's half dead?" he said.

Miss Jun didn't speak, but just looked at the emperor on the ground indifferently.

The emperor looked at her too, with anger and horror in his eyes.

It's just eyes.

so what

"I admire." Ning Yunzhao looked up at Miss Jun and said.

He didn't get up, and without waiting for Miss Jun to speak, he looked away, half-kneeled on the ground and shook his hand, took out a scroll from his arms and unfolded it.

Miss Jun saw the scroll because she was condescending.

She recognized that this was the imperial imperial edict, but she only saw a few words in it, and she had already confirmed that it was written by the crown prince.

crown prince.

Miss Jun's eyes fell on the imperial edict, and she clearly saw the word "褣".

Nine benefits.


This edict!

Canonize Jiufu as the crown prince!

This edict will never be written by the emperor!

Her eyes fell on Ning Yunzhao, shocked and unbelievable.


Ning Yunzhao didn't pay attention to her gaze, but seriously unfolded the imperial edict and showed it to the emperor.

"Your Majesty, look, this has already been written." He said, "Let's issue an edict."

The emperor obviously recognized what it was, and his eyes became more chaotic, but it was just eyes, and even the coughing sound remained calm without any ups and downs.

Is that so

Is this just the way to go

A thought flashed across Miss Jun, and she saw Ning Yunzhao put the edict on the ground and took out a seal from his sleeve.

Miss Jun's expression was shocked again.

Imperial jade seal!

Ning Yunzhao buckled the jade seal heavily on the edict, then stuffed the jade seal into the emperor's arms, raised the edict, and leaned over in front of the emperor.

"Your Majesty is wise," he said, with the same respect and sincerity as before.