Jun Jiuling

Chapter 782: Life and death and impermanence


The crying under the hillside seemed to stop for an instant, only the sound of the suona was tearing apart Qing.

This is not because these filial sons and filial women are hired with money, it is because the coffins are buried in the ground.

People have been buried in the earth, and people in the world will no longer keep them, and they will no longer miss the world, and their life will end here, waiting to enter the next reincarnation.

"When are you leaving?" Miss Jun asked.

"Wait until I pass the first seven." Fang Chengyu said with a smile.

Miss Jun glared at him.

"Don't say things that make grandma and aunt unhappy." She said, still reaching out to stroke Fang Chengyu's head.

Fang Chengyu didn't refute, but responded obediently.

"Jiu Ling, I won't keep you anymore, you should go back to the capital quickly." He said.

"The matter in the capital can't be resolved in a short while." Miss Jun said, "And there is Lord Ning Xiao here."

Fang Chengyu snorted, curled his lips, lowered his head and pinched his fingers.

"Brother Ning is really powerful." He said.

Miss Jun smiled.

"Chengyu is also amazing." She said, "You are all amazing, you are all better than me, I am so lucky to know you."

She said seriously and sincerely.

Fang Chengyu looked up at her and smiled.

"It's been said that strength is relative," he said.

This is what she told him, and this is what the teacher said to her.

Miss Jun pursed her lips and smiled.

"So?" she asked.

"You think it's good luck to know us, so why don't we be lucky because we know you?" Fang Chengyu said, "You think we are great, maybe it's because we know you that we become great."

Is this fallacy? Miss Jun smiled and said nothing.

"How can it be unreasonable!" Fang Chengyu said, pointing at himself, "If you hadn't cured my illness so well, would I have the chance to become so powerful?"

Miss Jun laughed, and then stopped laughing.

"You're right." She nodded seriously again.

Fang Chengyu also smiled and looked at Miss Jun.

"Not better than anyone else," he said, "I think I'm a little bit luckier."

Miss Jun oh and looked at him.

"I got a new life without dying." Fang Chengyu said, "But some people still don't have a new life after they die."

Miss Jun looked at him and said nothing.

Some people refer to Chu Jiuling.

Chu Jiuling died and lived with a new name and a new identity, but she was still Chu Jiuling, bearing Chu Jiuling's hatred, bearing Chu Jiuling's unfinished responsibilities, and living Chu Jiuling's life.

"I hope that no matter what kind of person they are, they can live a new life." Fang Chengyu said seriously.

Miss Jun looked at him and nodded.

"I will." She smiled slightly, then nodded seriously, "It must."

She didn't ask him why he said that, and she didn't ask Fang Chengyu if he knew her identity. For them, there was no need to say these things.

The early summer wind blows up the dust, and then it returns to calm.

There is no one coming and going on the road, and there is no tea shed under the big tree beside the road, and no one takes a rest.

There was silence between the sky and the earth, until two or three riders escorted a chariot and horse, splashing dust.

"Master, there is a village ahead." A servant immediately said loudly.

The coughing in the carriage paused.

"Then go ask for a bowl of water." An old voice said in the car.

This village should have been very prosperous in the first place, as can be seen from the fertile fields all around. At this time, the crops in the fields are full of crops, but they are rickety and overgrown with no one to take care of them.

Looking around, there are no people working in the fields, and the village ahead is also as quiet as a deserted place.

But when their chariots and horses had just stepped onto the path leading to the village, two people suddenly jumped out of the crop field, holding hoes in their hands.

"What for?" they shouted.

The people here were taken aback, and they were relieved when they saw the villager's attire.

"We are passing by, please ask for a bowl of water." They said hurriedly.

The two villagers looked at them, but they didn't put down the hoes in their hands or let them go.

"You don't have our accent here." A villager said vigilantly.

"My fellow, we are from Luzhou." The servant said hurriedly, "Isn't it because I was hit by gold thieves and escaped."

Luzhou is near the capital, and the villagers put down their guard.

"Then you are lucky enough to come to our Shandong province," said a villager.

"Running blindly, I don't know where to go, there are gold thieves everywhere." The servant sighed and said, the panic appeared on his face, which showed the fright we had suffered all the way, "It's really not easy for us to get here."

The people who took the lead either ran away or were beaten to death when they met the Jinren. Now they are the only ones left with the lead.

"But our village does not allow outsiders to enter." Another villager interrupted their greetings and said in a rough voice.

The carriage was lifted, and an old man covered his mouth and nose with one hand, and handed out a money bag with the other.

"Fellow townsmen, I'll give you some money. It's convenient, just drink a bowl of clean hot water and take a rest." He said, coughing repeatedly.

The two villagers looked over, and the old man seemed to be afraid of being seen and turned his head away, coughing even worse.

Maybe it's sick

"At this time, who cares about money..." said a villager.

"Okay then, you wait here." Another villager couldn't bear to see the old man coughing, and said, "I'll go get some water from the village."

Said and waved.

"I don't want your money, and money is worthless."

As he spoke, he turned and ran towards the village.

The old man was no longer polite, and directly took back the money bag.

"Master, after resting this time, we will be able to get home." The servant said in a low voice, not so much comforting the old man, but comforting himself.

This journey was too difficult, beyond his imagination.

I didn't expect the Jin people to be so cruel, I didn't expect the Jin people's army and horses to be like locusts, I didn't expect that they thought that the large number of troops would be vulnerable to these bloodthirsty wolves.

It's really scary, and what's even more terrifying is that in front of such a golden man, Cheng Guogong couldn't die for so many years.

"It'll be fine when we get home. Let's go back to the capital when the days are peaceful."

The voice of the old man sounded in the ear.

But, can the capital return? The servants looked uneasy, after all they lied to His Majesty and ran away...

"As long as His Majesty is here, you can go back." The old man covered his mouth and nose and said, although his face was haggard, his eyes were determined.

They talked in a low voice, and the villagers on the side couldn't help being vigilant, and pricked up their ears to hear the word Your Majesty.

"With His Majesty in the capital, the gold thief will definitely be defeated." The villagers said loudly.

As soon as the words fell, screams were heard in the village, followed by the sound of horseshoes.

"Here comes the gold thief. Here comes the gold thief."

The movement was so quiet that the people on the road here were shocked.

"Why is there a golden man here?" Jia Ding cried out.

A group of more than a dozen galloping golden soldiers appeared in sight. They came from the village, with smoke and dust boiling behind them, and people shouting and neighing.

"Run." The servants immediately turned around protecting the carriage.

But the villagers over there jumped into the field and ran to the depths of the densely packed crops.

"Don't be afraid that you are the golden soldiers being chased, get out of the way, and you'll be fine if you run to both sides..." He didn't forget to turn his head and shout.

But those servants ignored his words at all, and hurriedly ran on the main road protecting the carriage.

Where did their chariots and horses run past the golden soldiers, they were quickly caught up.

Hearing the beast-like screams behind them, it was nonsense they couldn't understand, the faces of the servants turned pale, and just about to raise the swords and guns in their hands, a huge shock came from behind.

Several servants fell to the ground instantly as if being swallowed by a flood, and the carriage was not spared from being overturned to the ground.

The upside-down made the old man dizzy. Seeing that the sky above his head seemed to be covered, he subconsciously stretched out his hand.

"I'm Huang Cheng, I know you Master Yu..." he shouted.

He was speaking nonsense, but it was still a step too late, the long scythe had already fallen, he was lifted up, slid an arc and landed on the side of the road, and his servants were like this, beaten twice The lower thorn was provoked and thrown away.

"I seem to have heard this person talking about us..." said a golden soldier, looking at the old man who was thrown aside, with a hesitant expression.

"Don't worry about it, it's important to run for your life." Another golden soldier shouted, urging the horse to gallop forward.

The golden soldier didn't hesitate anymore, and looked back, the ferocity of cutting people with the sickle without blinking faded away, and his face was covered with fear.

A group of people rushed forward in a bit of haste.

A moment later, the smoke billowed and people shouted, another group of well-dressed soldiers and horses came, but seeing these soldiers and horses, the villagers who hid in the fields did not run away, but ran back happily.

"My fellow, you are startled." The leading general shouted.

"We are safe." The villager shouted, pointing to the side of the road sadly, "It's these passers-by..."

Zhou Bing followed his directions and saw four or five people lying on the side of the road, one was still convulsing, the others were motionless, with blood gushing from their bodies.

"It is said that I escaped all the way here." The villager shook his head sadly, "I didn't expect..."

"Have you seen it?" The general looked solemnly, and turned to the soldiers behind him, "Why do we persist in pursuing these golden soldiers? It is to prevent them from harming the people. If these remnants are not wiped out, I don't know how many people will suffer. .”

The soldiers answered in unison.

The general was about to dismount from his horse to check on the deceased, when suddenly there was a commotion in front of him, everyone raised their eyes and saw flags like clouds in the sky.

"My lord, look, the reinforcements from the North have arrived." An officer and soldier shouted in surprise.

"My lord, they are Duke Cheng's people." The other shouted as he watched the flags rushing towards him.

Hearing the word Cheng Guogong, not to mention the excitement of the officers and soldiers, the whole village was boiling, and countless men, women and children flooded out of the empty village in an instant.

"Duke Cheng is here!"

"Let's not be afraid!"

"Hurry up and meet Cheng Guogong!"

Looking at the jubilant villagers, the officers and soldiers did not stay any longer.

"Cover this corpse first." The general got on his horse and said without forgetting, looking at the dead lying on the ground whose face could not be seen clearly, "It's getting old, you should bury it properly when the time comes."

Of course, the villagers had no objection, and immediately someone pulled the mats to cover these people, and after finishing these, they went to welcome Cheng Guogong in the direction they came from.

The hustle and bustle went away, and the corpses lying on the side of the road looked extraordinarily bleak.

Some villagers who walked slowly passed by and couldn't help sighing.

"Sin." He said, with hatred again, "this is all the sin of the gold thief."

Along the way, the common people and officials who heard the prestige of Cheng Guogong were all very happy, but the people in the capital, especially the officials of the imperial court, were not only happy, but also a little embarrassed.

After all, everyone has not forgotten how Cheng Guogong left.

The rebels fled and hid.

This is no petty crime, and there has to be an explanation.

Some officials put forward the idea of delinquency and meritorious service, but it was denied by Cheng Guogong.

"I'm not committing crimes or meritorious deeds."

Long time no see, but the still elegant Cheng Guogong slowly stood still in front of the hall, looking at the officials in front of him.

"This is His Majesty's foresight."


How does this have anything to do with His Majesty

How did it become foresight again

What is the plot? Why worry

The officials frowned and looked at Cheng Guogong.

What happened recently has become more and more bizarre and unimaginable, and everyone is a little bit overwhelmed.