Jun Jiuling

Chapter 783: Convince people with reason


"You may not believe it when you say it."

Cheng Guogong said, looking at the officials.

"My so-called rebellion and escape are arranged by His Majesty."

His Majesty's arrangement

Here we go again.

The officials looked at Cheng Guogong with a helpless expression.

This is really unbelievable. Just like Ning Yunzhao who is holding the edict, he insists that this is the emperor's arrangement. If you have any questions, please ask His Majesty.

You are looking at the emperor who can't speak or move, just say what you want, right

Such a big thing, only you and the emperor know about it? Is it because the emperor treats the government as a trifling matter, or does he not pay attention to the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty

"What happened at that time was too sudden, and His Majesty suspected that there were traitors in the court, so he concealed it." Cheng Guogong said with a gentle expression.


These words made the expressions of the officials present change slightly.

how? This is not only to take advantage of the emperor's inability to speak to cleanse himself, but also to take the opportunity to retaliate against dissidents and give peace to others

The topic can't let him get away.

"Mr. Cheng, what happened so suddenly?" an official asked with a frown, and cut off the conversation.

"At that time, the war was in full swing, but the Jin people suddenly proposed to negotiate a peace." Cheng Guogong said.

What's so sudden

Isn't it normal for the Jin people to initiate a peace due to the unfavorable situation of the war

If it's weird, it should be said that His Majesty agreed to negotiate a peace when the war was victorious.

At that time, the court was arguing because of this, and Ning Yan resigned because of it.

Cheng Guogong also resisted the decree at that time.

"No, the situation of the Jin people's war was not unfavorable at that time." Cheng Guogong said, "In addition to the previous Jin soldiers, the Jin people have assembled an army of nearly 50,000. If there is a real battle, it is uncertain who will win."

The eyes of the officials looking at the Duke are more complicated.

I didn't expect Duke Cheng to be so humble.

"In short, Jin Renyi and His Majesty think it's a very weird thing." Cheng Guogong didn't care about the eyes of the people, and continued to say gently, "So I agreed with the flow, just to see what Jin Ren is up to."

"Then what's the idea?" an official asked.

Cheng Guogong looked at him and pointed at himself.

"Divorce, frame, get rid of me." He said, and pointed to the imperial city, "Sneak attack on the capital."

Is this what His Majesty the Emperor saw

His Majesty the Emperor is so wise and mighty

"Your Majesty is wise and powerful." Cheng Guogong continued without stopping, and saluted the emperor, "I noticed the intention of the Jinren at the first time, so he used his plan and convicted me. The Jinren sent troops as expected, and I have already returned Beidi secretly mobilized troops and horses, and it was only in time that the golden man's treachery was thwarted."

Uncle Qinghe was besieged by the Jin people in the north. The officials present at the time knew that it was Cheng Guogong who suddenly appeared and led the troops to break the siege and repel the Jin people. Everyone knew this.

And the reinforcements arrived in time to repel the Jin soldiers who besieged the capital.

It sounds like it was already planned.


This sounds reasonable, but if you think about it carefully, it is nonsense!

"Since we have known for a long time that the Jinren have evil intentions, we should have smashed them in one fell swoop." An official raised his eyebrows and said, "How can you give the Jinren a chance?"

That's right, let's not talk about anything else, let's talk about the siege of the capital, which caused a lot of casualties and losses.

This is knowing that it is a tiger, but you want to put your arm into the tiger's mouth to prove that the tiger is biting

"Because only in this way can the golden man be defeated in one fell swoop." Cheng Guogong looked at him and said, "This is how a strong man breaks his wrist."

A strong man breaks his wrist

"As I said before, the Jin people gathered all the troops in the country at that time. At that time, talking about peace talks, on the one hand, confuse the Jin people, and temporarily dissipate their momentum. If we didn't negotiate a peace and fight hard at that time, we would pay a higher price, and it is not necessarily true. It can hurt the vitality of the Jin people." Cheng Guogong continued, looking at everyone, "Now let the Jin people bite their arms, thinking that the trick has succeeded, they will do their best, and a blow to them at this time is enough to kill them .”

There were murmurs of discussion in the hall.

"There are more." Cheng Guogong said.

His voice was neither high nor low, neither urgent nor slow, but he immediately stopped the discussion, and everyone looked over.

"The Jin people's army went south, and our people successfully raided the capital of the Jin Kingdom." Cheng Guogong said, with a slight smile, "Just three days ago, the news was finally confirmed."

Confirm what

"Emperor Tuobazong of the Jin Kingdom died of serious injuries." Cheng Guogong said.


The Emperor of Jin is dead!

There was an uproar in the hall.

"No wonder the Jinren suddenly retreated." Ning Yan said.

Because of the siege of the capital and the emperor's illness, the court was in chaos. It was only confirmed that the Jin soldiers in the north had retreated, but they didn't know that it was because the emperor of Jin died.

"That's great." A court official couldn't help clapping his hands, his expression excited, "There are many princes in the Jin Kingdom, and the princes are also self-respecting. Now that the emperor is dead, it is conceivable that there will be civil strife."

First, the army was exhausted in the north, and then the country fell into civil strife. It is inevitable that Jin's vitality will be severely injured this time.

All court officials looked at Cheng Guogong with complicated expressions, without any previous doubts.

If this was really planned from the beginning, then it really is...

"Your Majesty is holy!"

A voice sounded.

Everyone is familiar with this voice.

Ning Yunzhao had already knelt down to the emperor's throne in the palace.

The throne is empty, but there are people sitting behind the curtain.

It was the queen hanging the curtain, but it was not the queen alone. There was a bed next to the queen, and the emperor lay on the bed.

Although the emperor could not speak or move, but because he was still conscious, everyone finally decided to let the emperor go to the court and listen to everyone discussing the government.

It seems that everyone can make a confident decision.

"Your Majesty, Shengming." Ning Yunzhao raised his head, with a more solemn expression than before, and kowtowed again.

"Your Majesty is holy." Cheng Guogong immediately knelt down and bowed his head.

Without any hesitation, the other officials hurriedly kowtowed.

"Your Majesty is holy!"

For a while, the sound in the hall was like a bell.

Seeing the actions of these courtiers and listening to this praise, the queen couldn't help wiping away her tears.

"Your Majesty is truly a wise king." She choked up and said.

It's just why I got this disease.

She looked at the emperor, and saw that tears flowed from the corners of the emperor's eyes even more.

The emperor's tears have not stopped these days.

At first everyone thought it was because the emperor felt sad because of the illness, but after a long time, I don't know which doctor said something because there was nothing else to express his feelings but tears.

Does that mean crying when you are sad, or crying when you are happy

Now, under His Majesty's planning, the Emperor of the Kingdom of Jin has died, and the country's vitality has been severely damaged by the chaos in the country. His Majesty must be very happy to know this.

"Your Majesty is also very happy." The queen stretched out her hand to wipe away the emperor's tears, and said in a trembling voice, "Your Majesty is at peace."

Many officials kowtowed and stood up.

But Cheng Guogong knelt and did not move.

"I heard that the crown prince has not been canonized by the court yet?" He said suddenly.

The hearts of the officials present jumped.


Sure enough, Cheng Guogong absolutely wanted to intervene in the matter of the crown prince.

"Mr. Cheng's words are wrong!" Ning Yunzhao's voice sounded, his expression was a bit solemn, and he raised the imperial edict in his hand, "Your Majesty has already canonized the crown prince."

"No!" The Queen's voice trembled and shrilled immediately behind the curtain, "This is not an edict from His Majesty!"

Hearing this voice, the officials present all sighed softly.

It started again.

These days the court is chaotic, the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice is full of eunuchs and Jin Yiwei, and with the interrogation and torture, people are constantly being arrested, and the people in the capital are panicked, but this is not the most important thing. The most important thing about Duan is the candidate for the crown prince.

Ning Yunzhao held the imperial edict every day, firmly insisting that King Huai be the crown prince. At the same time, he was surrounded by a group of officials, but the queen naturally did not allow it. She insisted on making her eldest son the crown prince. A group of officials embraced.

In addition, there are other princes who are also operating in private, and some officials remain neutral and watch the fun, causing chaos for a while.

Every court meeting begins with a dispute over the candidate for the crown prince and ends with it.

Noisy so far all parties wrestle with each other to no avail.

Now Cheng Guogong is also back, and he has begun to participate in it.

"Your Majesty's imperial edict was only seen and obtained by you, Mr. Ning Xiao." Cheng Guogong looked at Ning Yunzhao, "It's no wonder everyone questioned it. This kind of thing still needs to be convinced with reason."

The queen's eyes lit up behind the curtain.

In this way, Cheng Guogong did not believe in this edict.

Ning Yunzhao looked calm.

"For Ning, His Majesty is the law of heaven," he said.

Cheng Guogong smiled gently.

"You say you are right, and he says he is right." He said, "I don't understand the reason."

"Mr. Cheng, what do you mean?" the queen couldn't help asking.

Cheng Guogong saluted the Queen's place.

"I thought that we should not talk about the imperial edict," he said.


The queen could hardly resist lifting the curtain and coming out.

Cheng Guogong smiled slightly.

"Your Majesty is so wise, didn't you make arrangements for it?" He continued.

Already arranged

Everyone present looked at him in puzzlement.

"Did everyone forget?" Cheng Guogong also looked at everyone, "Didn't Miss Jun ask His Majesty to make King Huai the crown prince, didn't His Majesty ask everyone to discuss it?"

Everyone knew that Miss Jun said this sentence outside the emperor's mausoleum, but then the emperor did not give a clear answer, but asked the courtiers to discuss it. This is also known to everyone.

"Then, everyone will follow His Majesty's instructions and discuss whether it is feasible to make King Huai the crown prince." Cheng Guogong said, "Isn't this obeying the holy order?"

There was a silence in the hall.

Is this obedience to the Holy Order

"Master Ning is not the only one who knows this kind of sacred order, but we all heard and saw it with our own ears." Cheng Guogong continued, "Then we can convince people with reasoning if we can discern the result in this way. "

It seems to be the truth.

That seems like a good idea.

There was a slight commotion in the court hall, and low voices of discussion rang out.

But what is the result of this chaos? On the contrary, Ning Yunzhao's position is even weaker, after all, he relies on the emperor's edict.

Cheng Guogong watched everyone stand up straight.

"In this case, I will express my opinion first." He said.

These words made Chaotang quiet again, and all eyes fell on him.

"I think King Huai is very good," Cheng Guogong said.

The queen sat back on the dragon bed with a plop.

It's over.

"Cheng Guogong asked everyone to discuss with the court, saying that they should convince people with reason, but what?"

Chen Qi said, he couldn't help laughing at this point, and couldn't continue speaking.

Miss Jun, who was taking off her cloak in the dusty world, looked at him.

"But what?" she asked.

"But Cheng Guogong brought 30,000 soldiers and horses to guard outside the capital, refusing to go to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing, saying that he wanted to protect the capital and protect the stability of the imperial city." Chen Qi smiled, winking, "It is said that the crown prince will be registered. Now, leave only when the government is stable, lest gold thieves take the opportunity to make trouble."

He said and laughed.

"I think he is clearly threatening everyone not to cause trouble."

In many cases, generals with military power can play a key role in changing the throne.

What's more, at this time, the war is just over, and Cheng Guogong is even more prestigious, and he has expressed his support for King Huai, so many officials in the court have to think carefully about how to choose.

Miss Jun pinched her collar and was lost in thought.

Then this thing...

"It's done!"

Someone suddenly lifted the curtain and rushed in, speaking in a trembling voice.

Miss Jun turned her head to look, and saw that it was Shopkeeper Liu.

His face was excited.

"Just now, the palace called for the canonization of King Huai and the crown prince." He said in a trembling voice.

There is also a ceremony for the canonization of the crown prince.

First of all, the crown prince's dress was made. Originally, the emperor did not intend to make his young son the crown prince, so the palace did not prepare a dress that would be handed down as old as King Huai.

Busy with the production for a while, and there are still a lot of etiquette to teach, Prince Huai's mansion is no longer like before when the gates were closed and no one dared to approach, but there was an endless stream of people coming and going.

"In addition to the crown prince's dress, the emperor's dress has also begun to be prepared." Cheng Guogong said, "After all, your majesty is not in good health. After the crown prince canonization is completed, everyone will discuss the matter of abdication, so that your majesty can rest and recuperate."

Miss Jun nodded.

"Zhu Zan didn't come back this time?" she asked.

He didn't care about inner Zen, but asked Zhu Zan.

Cheng Guogong smiled gently.

"We still need to be on guard over the Northland." He said, "Let him come back after a while."

Miss Jun nodded and looked at the Huai Palace where people were rushing to and fro.

"Are you going to see His Highness?" Cheng Guogong asked.

King Huai was no longer the previous King Huai. As Miss Jun, it was not easy to see King Huai at this time.

But of course, this is just a rule, and if you want to see it, it's just a word from Cheng Guogong.

"I think, meet the Queen Mother." Miss Jun thought for a while, looked at Cheng Guogong and said.

The heavy palace door was pushed open by the eunuchs, and the sunlight poured in, making the room bright.

But soon the door was closed.

"The imperial doctor said that it would be better for the queen mother to recover if she did not see the light." A servant said cautiously.

The woman next to her was only wearing a dress of the county lord's grade. For the servants who were used to seeing queens and princesses, this kind of person was really unattractive.

But facing this woman, he assumed a more humble posture than facing the queen and princess.

Because this woman's status is not only a miracle doctor, but also a hero who rescued the people in the capital, but because of the crown prince canonization ceremony being held in the previous dynasty.

Although the crown prince was decided by the court, no one would forget that she was the first person to propose King Huai as the crown prince.

The crown prince is not just the crown prince, he will rule the world and become the new emperor, the master of the palace in a short time.

And she is the greatest benefactor of the master of the palace.

This woman not only saved the new emperor's illness and cured his acne, but also saved his life. From a prince who had died silently in closed life, he became an emperor respected by everyone.

Although, his original destiny was the Son of Heaven.

Miss Jun stopped.

The two servants hurriedly pulled up the curtain, revealing the queen mother lying on the bed.

The Empress Dowager is still in a coma, and the imperial doctors are helpless, saying that she was too frightened and hurt her mind. As for when she will wake up, she is not sure, so she can only use soup and medicine to support her.

Miss Jun walked over, and the servants lowered the curtains to cover their figures.

The servant who led the way waved his hand and led the people back out, leaving Miss Jun alone in the Queen Mother's bedroom.

In the past, no servant would have dared to let Miss Jun face the queen mother alone.

But now, not before.

Miss Jun sat down, looked at the queen mother who seemed to be sleeping, and looked at it seriously for a long time, then reached out and stroked the queen mother's head slowly for a moment, then raised it, and there was a long and thin silver needle in her hand.

With the appearance of this silver needle, the queen mother took a breath like waking up from a nightmare, and opened her eyes suddenly.

Her eyes were confused for a moment, and then concentrated. Looking at Miss Jun in front of her, her face was blue and she struggled to get up.

"You, you dare to wake me up now!" She shouted hoarsely, "Are you not afraid that I will tell the truth?"

She said with fierce eyes.

"Unless you kill me, I will tell the truth."

Miss Jun smiled.

"No one cares about your truth now," she said. "There are more people who won't let you tell the truth."

Because the big picture is set.

Just like when King Qi became the Crown Prince.

Those dirty truths don't need to be brought up again, what everyone wants to see is bright and bright.

The Queen Mother glared at her fiercely.

"Are you here to show off?" she said hoarsely.

Miss Jun shook her head.

"I just wanted to ask you a question," she said.

The Queen Mother looked at her.

Miss Jun also looked at her.

"It's been so long, do you really have no feelings at all?" She said.

These words have no beginning and no end, which is puzzling.

The queen mother's eyes were also puzzled for a while. She looked at Miss Jun and suddenly thought of something.

"You, you." She shouted tremblingly, pointing at Miss Jun with a terrified expression, "Are you a human or a ghost?"

Miss Jun watched her stand up.

"I used to think that I was neither human nor ghost, but now I think you are the one who is neither human nor ghost." She said, then turned and walked out.

The Empress Dowager crouched on the bed and looked at the woman's back with a horrified expression. She seemed to see the woman turn her head, but it was not Miss Jun, but a seven or eight-year-old girl.

"Imperial Grandmother, Imperial Grandmother." She yelled with a smile, and rushed towards her with a bamboo net in her hand, "Look at the butterfly I caught, I will make you a decal."

The queen mother couldn't help but yelled and stretched out her hand to push away vigorously.

"Go away," she yelled.

The girl smashed into pieces in her hands and disappeared.

The woman who walked to the door stopped and turned to look at her.

"No!" The Queen Mother suddenly hissed and her face became fierce, as if all fear could be dispelled by this. "No! Not at all!"

Miss Jun snorted, looked away, turned around and continued to walk, the curtain was raised and lowered to cover the Queen Mother's sight.

"No! No!" She kept talking, slowly shrinking her body and hugging her knees, trembling, "No, no, not at all."

The palace gate was closed, and the servants bowed and watched Miss Jun leave.

I don't know how far I walked, Miss Jun let go of the hand in front of her, and sighed softly, the front hall is in front, and the crown prince canonization ceremony is being held at this time, it is only simplified because of the emperor's illness and there is no drum music .

Do you want to go and have a look

Although she is not qualified to go, she knows where to peek, after all, she did this kind of thing a lot when she was a child.

A smile appeared on the corner of Miss Jun's mouth, but the next moment her smile froze on her lips because there was a person standing on the palace road ahead.

Tall, with a bright red robe, but shy away from the bright sunlight, standing in the sunlight, but as if shrouded in shadows.

Lu Yunqi

How did he come here

Why did he come out again

Miss Jun's face changed suddenly.