Jun Jiuling

Chapter 785: The language still rests


Who needs to release such a vicious dog.

And let him be in the court again

Whose world is this court

Mr. Gu looked calm.

"This is the need of the court, and further torture will involve too much. Everyone should know that it was just a battle in the palace at that time. Now that the reason has been found out, the matter can be over." Canonization, now we must stabilize people's hearts."

"The matter is about to end without getting involved. There are many ways. It's not necessary to let him out." Miss Jun watched him take a step forward, "Who needs it?"

She was aggressive and asked again, it seemed that Mr. Gu's answer was not an answer at all.

Mr. Gu looked at her.

"Miss Jun wants to say that I am Lu Yunqi's man, is it what I need to let him out?" He laughed.

Miss Jun looked at him without smiling.

Mr. Gu also stopped laughing.

"It's not my need," he said, "it's the Crown Prince's need."

Miss Jun looked mocking.

"So, King Huai is the same as His Majesty the Emperor?" She said word by word.

Like that shameless and cowardly King Qi, he only dared to hide behind his back, relying on cruel officials to secure the world.

Is this humiliating King Huai or her

"Miss Jun, the same need does not mean the same person." Mr. Gu also said word by word, and he also took a step forward, "Don't Miss Jun know the current situation? Does Miss Jun think that King Huai canonized the crown prince?" Is everything settled and safe? At this time, the court and the world are undercurrents, and at this time, external troubles are not settled and internal worries are breeding."

He pointed to the majestic palace behind him.

"At this time, the queen is still in the palace, and her status is unshakable."

This is true, no one can shake the queen's status, and the ministers can make the emperor meditate next, but no one can move the queen, and the crown prince must respect the queen, which is the norm of heaven and earth, otherwise he will be called unfilial.

And the queen obviously wouldn't like the crown prince.

Miss Jun looked at Mr. Gu.

Mr. Gu still didn't give her a chance to speak, and his voice was raised again.

"At this time, there are three princes who have grown up and have no crimes or faults. They should be crowned princes."

"At this time, the court is arguing about the decision of the crown prince, and most of them agree, but some officials still disagree."

"At this time, the crown prince is only ten years old, and he is in charge of the young country."

"At this time, Duke Cheng is holding a heavy army. Today he elected King Huai as the crown prince, but who can guarantee whether he will mutiny against Chen Qiao in the future."

Miss Jun's eyebrows and eyes sharpened immediately.

"You..." she said.

"Miss Jun, you overestimate yourself." Mr. Gu interrupted her with sharp eyebrows, "You also underestimate human nature. This is the court, this is the country, and this is the greatest temptation in the world. People can only Guaranteed now, at this moment, no one can guarantee the future, Huang Cheng didn't think about gaining power when he first joined the government, Qing He Bochu didn't think about being greedy for power when he was leading the army, and King Qi never thought about being the emperor when he was young."

Miss Jun clenched the hand in front of her.

"People's hearts have changed, who can guarantee that in the future." Mr. Gu said in a serious tone, and looked at the palace over there again, "Who can guarantee that a great merit will not turn into a great demerit? Who can guarantee that Ning Chang will not become Huang Cheng."

Miss Jun looked at him.

"Who can guarantee that, Mr. Gu, you will not become Eunuch Yuan." She also said solemnly.

Mr. Gu looked at Miss Jun and suddenly smiled.

"I can't guarantee it." He said, "So, Miss Jun, please watch me closely."

"People's hearts can't be checked by just looking at them," Miss Jun said calmly.

Mr. Gu nodded.

"But it's better to have someone watching than no one watching." He said, "Miss Jun, nothing in this world is clean or perfect. If it can be better, it is already good. If it is better now, it will be better in the future." Get better, little by little."

Just better

Miss Jun stood there feeling a little disappointed. The rising sunlight made the palace even more majestic and heavy.

The crown prince's canonization ceremony was finally over, and all the officials lined up to pay homage to the hall. Some looked blank, some looked disdainful, but suddenly someone froze and looked back, and then more people looked back It seemed that everyone's expressions became complicated and weird.

A person slowly walked up the corridor, not the red robes of the past, but the green robes of ordinary officials, but the appearance of this figure was still dazzling.

There was a commotion in the queue, and there were low-pitched broken words, but the next moment the person looked over, the broken words condensed instantly like drops of water turning into ice.

Lu Yunqi withdrew his gaze and slowly stood at the end of the queue. His expression was numb and his body was stiff, but he looked upright at the tall hall ahead, ignoring all the contempt, ridicule, resentment and fear around him.

He stands here, he will always stand here, watching him, watching her, until he dies.

Mr. Gu watched the woman leave in the car, and did not follow. Standing in front of the palace gate, he seemed to have no idea where he was going, but the next moment his eyes lit up, and he saw a carriage approaching.

The carriage didn't seem to have any intention of stopping in front of the palace gate, and the guards in front of the palace gate didn't intend to stop it either.

But the carriage still stopped, and the curtain was lifted, revealing the woman's face.

"Meet the princess." Mr. Gu stepped forward to salute.

Just like taking care of King Huai at Prince Huai's mansion before, now the empress dowagers and emperors in the palace are all seriously ill, and the queen alone is too busy to manage the harem, so the crown prince asked Princess Jiuli to enter the palace to assist the queen in managing the harem.

Princess Jiuli looked at him, nodded slightly with a smile on her face.

"Mr. Gu." She said, and added, "Long time no see."

Hearing these words, Mr. Gu raised his head and smiled slightly.

"Yes, long time no see." He said.

The two looked at each other, as if they wanted to say something but had nothing to say.

"It's a coincidence that the princess is here. Miss Jun just passed by." Mr. Gu said something when he thought of it.

Princess Jiuli nodded.

"I saw you just now, and she said that I have something to do, so I'll see you another day," she said.

Mr. Gu said oh, and there was another silence between the two, but this silence was not embarrassing, but calming and comfortable.

About so many years, they too much this silent relative.

"Then the palace will go first." Princess Jiuli nodded and said.

Mr. Gu saluted again.

Princess Jiuli put down the curtain, and the carriage drove towards the palace.

Mr. Gu watched her carriage not move for a long time.

The crown prince's registration is over, and the crown prince presides over state affairs. The empress is done and returns to the harem to take care of the emperor. Cheng Guogong's soldiers and horses also retreat to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing as said before, and the golden soldiers scattered on Jingdong Road are finally captured. Cleaned up everything and captured Yu Chihai alive.

The common people no longer paid any attention to all these incidents and the subsequent complicated affairs of the court. Everyone was only sure that there was a new emperor, and the days when the Jin soldiers were repelled were finally peaceful, and they were all relieved.

The streets of the capital were bustling again, but they remained quiet in the early morning.

There was a knock on the resounding door, very loud in the quiet street.

"Mr. Ning, why did you come too late or too early?" Fang Jinxiu looked at the young master standing outside the door and said with a frown.

These words startled Ning Yunzhao slightly.

"Probably, unfortunately?" he said.

Unfortunately, he came too early, so he missed Jun Zhenzhen.

Unfortunately, he came too late, so he missed Jun Jiuling.

Fang Jinxiu pursed her lips. Although she didn't know what he was thinking, she knew that she must be thinking wildly again.

"Come in and have a seat." Miss Jun had already heard the sound and asked with a smile.

Fang Jinxiu waved her hands and walked away.

"Have all the salutes been packed?" She dropped the next sentence.

Miss Jun hummed to her back and watched Fang Jinxiu walk into the backyard.

"Drink tea or go out to eat?" She looked at Ning Yunzhao and asked.

It's so early, I must have not eaten breakfast.

Ning Yunzhao smiled.

"A cup of tea is enough. I really don't have time for dinner." He said, "You also know that there are too many things in the court now."

Miss Jun nodded and asked him to sit down, and brought the tea herself.

"Going out?" Ning Yunzhao asked.

Miss Jun nodded.

"I'll be leaving in a while." She said, smiling again, "So, it's a coincidence that you came here."

This is in response to his unlucky words.

Ning Yunzhao laughed.

"What a coincidence, I just wanted to ask you something," he said.

Miss Jun watched him wait.

It is the first time they have met since the palace change. It can be said that they joined hands in this matter, but the two who joined forces have never met or spoken to each other from the beginning to the end.

Miss Jun didn't even know how this happened. Only Ning Yunzhao knew many details.

At this moment, there are too many things to say and ask, and too many things to discuss about the present and the future.

There are so many things, all of which are so important, I don't know where to start and which one is the best.

Ning Yunzhao pondered for a moment.

"This time you and Zhu Shizi are real or fake?" He raised his head and asked.