Junk Rat

Chapter 103: Ming Han (1)


Cruise! ! !

A huge cruise ship, with its hill-like body, swept across the top of the mountain with a thunderous momentum, and the sea suddenly rolled over, and the bottom of the ship got stuck in the saddle between the two mountains, and it slowly fell over with a loud noise.

"No! No!" Hu Xiaoyun screamed. If the cruise ship tilts toward this side, Hu Xiaoyun and I will have no way to escape and will definitely be crushed into flesh!

Amid the creak of steel twists, under the huge shadow hood, Hu Xiaoyun and I rolled down together, knowing that once the ten million tons of steel were pressed down, the flesh and blood body was completely irresistible.

I closed my eyes tightly, and my mind was blank at that moment, as if all my thoughts were gone.

Thankfully, the god of death stopped his heavy footsteps at the last moment. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that the rigid hull of the cruise ship was pressed down by another foot, and Hu Xiaoyun and I were dead.

I look at Hu Xiaoyun. Both of them are unbelievable. They escaped from the dead, and the sense of existence of life is not something that anyone can mention.

At this time, the sea has risen to the top of the mountain, and the turbid waves are rolling under the feet, rolling up a dull vortex.

At this time, people can't help but become superstitious. Isn't it possible that God is looking at me and Hu Xiaoyun in the sky at this time

Because the cruise ship presses another foot, the two of them will be crushed into fleshy flesh, and if the water is one foot high, the two of them will also be unable to escape to death-the turbid waves roll, no matter how good your water is, you will definitely not be able to swim far. , Was involved in the abyss.

But how do I get into the cruise ship? Both Hu Xiaoyun and I know that we still cannot escape if we can't get inside the cruise ship.

Although the cruise ship was seriously tilted, it was facing a seventy-degree angle, but it still couldn't climb up!

At this time, as long as there is another wave, Hu Xiaoyun and I will definitely be swept away.

With a "clam", the tightly-sealed outer wall of the hull suddenly opened a hatch, and a man's head was stretched out. When he saw me and Hu Xiaoyun, his mouth was suddenly shocked.

The man was young and about my age. He stood in a daze for three seconds before reaching out: "Come on!"

Hu Xiaoyun and I were equally shocked. The two of them couldn't straighten up, so they could only rely on the back muscles and crawl over.

When he entered the cabin, he was shocked again, and saw a person lying on the sloping bulkhead. One

A young and beautiful girl, with a big bag swollen on her head, she was unconscious.

"Thank you!" I stretched out my hand to the man, "Zhan Xiaoqiang, Hu Xiaoyun."

The man stretched out his hands, held them together, and said, "Ming Han."

The power of this hand is not small, its owner's eyes are a little gloomy, and he asks: "What's the situation outside?"

I was a little at a loss: "What hasn't you seen? There is a tsunami."

"I mean..." Ming Han adjusted his words, "...What's the situation in China?" When he asked this, he was anxious and anxious, as if he was anxious to know the truth, but he was afraid to know the truth.

"The whole world is the same..." Hu Xiaoyun said rushingly, "You won't be surfing the sea all the time, are you confused about the situation?"

Ming Han sat down, holding his head in his hands, and muttered, "I have come back from a lot of hardships. It turns out that... I have been skeptical, but... I just can't believe it."

I said, "You are on the boat and have not received any news?"

Ming Han said weakly, "No."

I said, "How is it possible? There is no communication on board?"

Ming Han shook his head: "A fire broke out on the ship and the communication equipment was burned down."

I said, "Where are the others?"

Ming Han pointed to the top of his head: "They are all on it, but I call them zombies."

I smiled bitterly and said, "Everyone has the same name."

Hu Xiaoyun turned her eyes to the unconscious girl and said, "Who is this young lady? She looks pretty."

Ming Han sighed, "Her name is Zhuo Huina, my boss's daughter, just fainted."

At this time, the girl just woke up with a "hey" sound. When she saw me and Hu Xiaoyun, she was taken aback for a moment, and then asked in surprise: "Ming Han, we...we are back?"

Ming Han nodded, helped Zhuo Huina to sit up, and said, "I'm back." After a short pause, he said, "But it's the same whether you come back or not."

Zhuo Huina looked confused: "It's the same whether you return or not."

Hu Xiaoyun interrupted and said: "There have been corpses all over the world."

This sentence was like a jiao Lei in Zhuo Huina's ear, she said "Ah" and tears flowed out: "My dad, my dad..."

Ming Han asked suddenly

: "Are you your father's birth?"

Zhuo Huina was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

Ming Han said lightly: "Nothing, just ask casually."

Zhuo Huina said: "Whatever? Is this the third time?"

Ming Han didn't answer, his face was indifferent.

Zhuo Huina gave him a blank look, and moved to the side, thinking about her heart.

Hu Xiaoyun and I looked at each other, and didn't know what the two of them were making. The cabin was silent for a while, only the radar in Hu Xiaoyun's arms called out from time to time.

The cruise ship tilted so badly. Everything in the cabin was turned over the bulkhead that was originally a wall. Foods such as cans, biscuits, bacon, and cola were mixed, and there were even several cans of bean sprouts soaked in canned luncheon meat.

After a few hours, the sea slowly calmed down, but the sea had already passed the top of the mountain and came in through a crack in the door. Ming Han straightened a table, and all four people and a cat squeezed onto the table and sat down.

The table was too small, and the four of them sat on one side, and they couldn't see each other.

Ming Han said: "If the sea water continues to rise, everyone has to change the cabin."

Zhuo Huina said: "Wait, I'll talk over the desktop."

I looked at my watch, it was eight o’clock in the evening, and said, “After tonight, everyone thinks about leaving, Hengsha Island can’t stay any longer.” As I said, I opened my backup backpack, took out the headlight and put it on my head. . There was light in the cabin, and everyone seemed to be more settled.

The sea was still rising, and the speed was not slow. It was only a few inches from the desktop. Ming Han stood up and wanted to start his action, but saw that the rising speed of the water slowed down, and finally fixed about an inch from the desktop.

He sat down again, picked up a bag of biscuits and a bag of bacon from the water, handed it to Hu Xiaoyun and me, and said, "Let’s eat something." He picked up two more bags of bacon, gave it to Zhuo Huina, and then tore it open by himself. Another bag.

There are a lot of food floating on the water, and we can get it as soon as we reach out, but Ming Han's subtle behavior makes me feel that he must be a friend who can make a deep friendship, and he always puts people first.

I tore open the biscuits packaging bag, and only listened to Hu Xiaoyun asking Ming Han: "Brother Ming Han, how did you two survive? I am afraid that there will be thousands of passengers on such a large cruise ship."

I was also curious about the experience of Ming Han and Zhuo Huina on the cruise, and I couldn't help but prick my ears.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)