Junk Rat

Chapter 104: Ming Han (2)


But when Ming Han and Zhuo Huina were silent, Hu Xiaoyun said again, "Can you tell me?"

Zhuo Huina sighed: "Floating in the sea for half a year seems to be a nightmare that will never wake up. Why do you still say it?"

Hu Xiaoyun quickly said: "Sitting is also sitting. I don't want to tell some stories to pass the time. There are four people sitting at this small table and I can't lie down. How can I spend the night?"

The light of the headlight is the lowest third gear, and I said in the dim light: "Hu Xiaoyun, don't make it difficult for others."

Ming Han said, "Is there any smoke?"

When he said this, it also aroused my addiction to cigarettes. When he touched his pocket, the cigarette on my body was already soaked in water. As for the backup backpacks Hu Xiaoyun and I brought at the zoo, cigarettes were not in the list of essential items.

The items in the backup backpack: only rope, binoculars, knives, cotton wool alcohol, screwdriver wrenches, food and water, etc.

And cigarettes are readily available in the end, and there is no need to prepare, squeezing precious space.

Hu Xiaoyun suddenly said, "I have." He picked up her backpack, took out two packs of cigarettes, and gave them to me and Ming Han each.

I took the cigarettes and saw that it was a 20-yuan box of Baisha, and said strangely: "Hu Xiaoyun, you don't smoke, why do you put two boxes of cigarettes in your backpack?"

Hu Xiaoyun said: "I saw it in the zoo restaurant, so I put it in my backpack."

My heart moved, Hu Xiaoyun prepared it for me.

After hearing a pop, Ming Han got angry and said, "Can you turn off the headlights?"

Hu Xiaoyun exclaimed, "It's dark, isn't it a bit bright?"

Ming Han said slowly: "Then I won't talk about it."

Hu Xiaoyun elbows me: "Xiaoqiang, turn off the lights."

I thought to myself: "Talking about the past, you can't see a glimmer of light. This person's personality is a bit gloomy." But again, "The world is completely different. Who is more or less neurotic? If not, it's not normal. Up."

Ming Han did not speak for a while, and Hu Xiaoyun said, "Say it quickly."

Ming Han said, "After smoking this cigarette."

In the darkness, only my two cigarette butts and Ming Han’s cigarette butts alternately brightened and extinguished, and then there was a red dot, Zhuo Huina

I also ordered one.

But after taking a few sips, she coughed loudly and said, "Ming Han, I'm so dizzy."

With a rustling sound, Ming Han turned around and said, "You have a head injury. Lean on me to sleep for a while."

Ming Han hugged Zhuo Huina and lost her cigarette butt, only to hear him say: "On August 11th..."

"August 11th? It was the day when the Corpse Change happened!" Hearing Minghan said a date, I suddenly remembered that the second to fourth digits of the group number are exactly eight one. If there are both In terms of relationship, what does the first number seven represent

Ming Han continued: "...At four o'clock in the morning that day, Zhuo Huina and I boarded the Ocean Blue Diamond and were assigned by the group to go on a business trip."

"This is my first time out to sea. Who knows that I haven't reached the destination yet. After going around and coming back, the world has changed beyond recognition..."

His voice was a little hoarse, and he explained the following without hesitation.

"Ocean Blue Diamond cruise ship, floating alone on the sea."

"As dusk approaches, the setting sun is like blood, and the sunset surpasses the fire, staining the vast sea as red as blood."

"I am standing on the top deck, blowing the sea breeze, enjoying the magnificent scenery in a leisurely mood."

"Suddenly, a few strange calls came up, and down several decks, a group of Westerners dressed as medieval knights walked across the bridge and staggered into the cockpit. There were three or four in the middle who were dressed up as zombies."

"The cruise ship entered the high seas on the day of its sailing, and the ship held a masquerade party, but I was not interested in participating in the dance of the demons, and was alone on the eighteenth deck."

"The eighteenth floor is the highest one. This deck has an open-air swimming pool and two extreme water slides. One is named "Perfect" and the other is named "Storm". It leads perfectly to the second deck, and the storm arrives. The eleventh deck where the cockpit is located."

"The two extreme water slides of Perfect Storm are also unavailable on other cruise ships."

"Suddenly, the screams and the yelling of the crew members came from the cockpit. The hoarse screams, as if the people screaming loudly, saw the most incredible and terrifying things in the world."

"I'm a little surprised, I don't understand what the foreign devils are yelling

, But with two crossbow sounds and the billowing smoke that followed, I was immediately alerted to Zhuo Huina's safety! She also went to the masquerade party. "

When Ming Han said this, her voice was much lower. He only heard Zhuo Huina's breath heavy. She had already fallen asleep. Ming Han lowered her voice because she was worried about quarreling her, and continued:

"I jumped into the "Storm" extreme water slide with a leap, and suddenly slid to the fired deck. The height difference across seven floors made me feel dizzy."

"The cockpit is already raging, and the heat is pressing. With a bang, the wine bottle in the hands of a "knight" suddenly burst. The high-grade liquor ignited when it hit the fire. The hot air wave rushed out, making me breathe in an instant."

"I ran across the cockpit quickly, and when I passed through the thick smoke, I saw two knights standing upright, as if the hot waves of fire did not make them feel the slightest pain. I couldn't help getting hairy all over my body. Alcohol, so numb that you don’t feel painful?"

"The performing arts hall where the masquerade is held is not far behind the cockpit, and there is an electrical control room in between. When I plunged in, the eardrums were pierced by harsh screams and crying."

"The luxurious hall that can accommodate more than two thousand people has become a slaughterhouse at this time. There are pools of blood on the ground, and the large intestine that has been pulled out can be seen!"

"My heart was cold, and I yelled Zhuo Hui Na, Zhuo Hui Na."

"'I'm here!' Under a crystal glass table, with a head stretched out, he cried out in tears,'Ming Han, you... a big idiot, how come you... I thought I couldn't live!'"

"'Thank God, mother, you didn't die!' My hanging heart was lowered halfway, and I couldn't help but dragged Zhuo Hui Na out,'Quickly return to the cabin!'"

"In such a chaotic scene, returning to your cabin is the safest thing to do."

"A Western woman suddenly rushed out and stood in front of us, with a er, er, low growl in her mouth. When I saw her appearance, I suddenly had a cold war. What should I say? A dead face!"

"A high-sided leg. I kicked this dead face that was viciously up with three big teeth, and then turned around, kicked another Western big man who was flying at Zhuo Hui Na, and when Zhuo Hui Na rushed out of the performing arts hall. , Suddenly dumbfounded!"

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)