Junk Rat

Chapter 105: Ming Han (3)


Ming Han continued in a low voice: "In just this moment, the entire cruise ship has been turned upside down. On the deck, aisles, and corridors, there are irrational people and people who are screaming for help and fleeing in all directions!"

"'Save her! Save her!" Zhuo Huina screamed and pointed to the corridor where there was a little western girl lying."

"I snorted and didn't look at what's going on around me? Save people? That's a cruise ship. I'm only responsible for protecting you."

"When I pulled Zhuo Huina, I dragged her towards the top of the stairs a hundred meters away. Our suite is on the highest floor! It's terrible. I have to climb seven decks!"

"Zhuhuina yelled:'Take the elevator! Stupid, take the elevator!'"

"I turned my head and roared:'Shut up! How do you know that the elevator won't suddenly lose power!'"

"A scream sounded: "Help! ""Ruined! "Let go of me, my wallet hasn't been taken yet!" "

"When I saw, a large group of people sprang up from the passenger passage in front of them, their expressions frightened and menacing. There were a lot of people blocking the killing, the Buddha blocking the killing, crushing all the momentum, and fleeing chaotically."

"I pressed Zhuo Huina's chest, and the two clung to the wall of the corridor to let this group of people pass first."

"I looked back at Zhuo Hui Na and said loudly:'No matter what happens, you must follow me!'"

"These people are vying for a while. You push me. Someone slipped and tripped over a group of people. The crowd behind was still rushing forward. The two-meter-wide corridor was completely blocked."

"People were panicked. Six or seven people used their hands and feet together. When trying to climb over the pile of people to escape, they fell to the lower deck and landed at a height of more than four meters. The screams stopped abruptly."

"At this moment, another group of people rushed out of the passenger passage, and when I looked at the expressions of these people, I suddenly felt chills in my heart."

"They look indifferent, their eyes are hollow, and their bodies and faces are stained with blood. Although their expressions are dull, they are even more creepy than the so-called hideous."

"I pushed Zhuo Huina and yelled: "Turn around! "Sense tells me, the farther away from these people, the better!"

"On the other side of the corridor, there are

The stairs are about two hundred meters away. But the journey, which is usually less than three minutes, was full of people at this time and became an insurmountable gap. "

"The people in the corridor turned their horses back, crying, and shouting deafeningly. Through the Ocean Blue Diamond Cruise Ship, life and death are being staged on every deck, as if a cruise ship is buckled, and it has become an eighteen hell."

"I desperately squeezed through the crowd, ran to the top of the stairs, and looked back in a hurry, and suddenly found that it was not Zhuo Huina that I was holding in my hand, but a blond Western girl."

"This girl also found out that she had followed the wrong person, her expression worried, she cried out in a daze. I stomped my foot and rushed back."

"Squeezing the crowd against the current again, I finally found Zhuo Huina's whole body sticking to the wall of the corridor. Just in front of her, seven or eight people were lying on the ground, vying to bite a man. The man screamed!"

"Zhuhuina didn't dare to move, wishing to turn into a thin piece of paper."

"I stretched out my hand:'Skip it!'"

"Zuo Huina's face is pale and she can't speak anymore. She just shook her head again and again, staring at the circle of people under her feet. These people have blood on their faces, chewing hard, and gnawing their teeth."

"I grabbed Zhuo Huina's arm, no matter the three or seven twenty-one, and shouted: "Jump! "He dragged her over, turned around and fled."

"The two ran more than ten meters, and saw that the stairs were more crowded and messy than before. Someone shouted: "It's eating people!" Cannibalism! Some people cannibalize here too! "The crowd banged and ran back again."

"I was stunned, and it seemed that I couldn't escape. When I saw a passenger passage around me empty, I gritted my teeth and pulled Zhuo Huina into it. I thought everyone was escaping, but I was afraid that it would be safe inside. "

"The lights on the passage are flickering and dimming, making a sizzling electric current. Behind the burning cockpit is the electrical control room. It should have been affected by the fire, so that the electric current is unstable."

"I took Zhuo Huina to turn around twice and saw a cabin door wide open, with a corpse lying in the door."

"The two jumped over the corpse and escaped into the cabin together. With a bang, I closed the door with my backhand."

"It’s safe for the time being, I'm a little relieved, but once

The heart was still beating, as if about to pop out of the chest. "

"The bloody scene outside was so shocking that I couldn't help but suspect that it wasn't real, it was just a prank on the cruise ship."

"Zuo Huina and I were limp behind the cabin door, with horrified eyes and lingering fears. Suddenly a woman screamed like a pig:'Who are you? Get out of me!'"

"Large ** jumped up a bloated fat woman, shaking with fat, her face was shocked by seeing a stranger when she just woke up from sleep."

"The fat woman pointed a finger at me and Zhuo Huina:'I asked you what do you do, do you want to steal things, my husband?!'"

"Shhhhhhhhhh! Zhuo Huina and I met by chance, and both put index fingers on their lips, and signaled the fat woman to shut up.

"Zhu Huina said softly:'There was a murder outside!'"

"Fat woman with hands on hips: "Fart! Who is the one who kills? I ask you, do you want to steal something? Seeing that the person in our sea-view room has money, I want to steal it!"

When Ming Han said this, he smiled softly: "I jumped up and hit the urge to hit the fat round face of a fat woman with a vicious uppercut."

"A sea-view room with the second-to-last fare, and when I heard the word "sea view, I still feel superior in living? It's plausible that we are thieves?"

"The cabins on the cruise ship are divided into four classes, the first class suites, the second class are balcony rooms, the first class and the second class, all have large balconies to enjoy the sea view."

"But the suite is larger, the service is more intimate, and there are some privileges. For example, there are special passages for the upstream and downstream ships, and the treatment of having a meal with the captain named Osborne with a gray beard."

Hu Xiaoyun snorted and said with a smile: "Can't you eat it alone?"

Ming Han explained: “On a cruise ship is also a small society, and having a meal with the captain is a sign of identity and wealth.”

Hu Xiaoyun said: "I really don't understand."

I said, "Hu Xiaoyun, don't interrupt."

Ming Han continued the above words: "The third-class cabin is a sea-view room. There is a porthole that is not much larger than the bathtub to see the scenery, but the porthole is closed and cannot be opened."

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)