Junk Rat

Chapter 106: Ming Han (4)


Hu Xiaoyun answered again: "I can't blow the sea breeze, so I feel bored."

I said, "Hu Xiaoyun, please don't interrupt."

Ming Han said: "It's okay. As for the fourth-class economy class, all of them are inner cabins, and there are no windows. They rely on electric lighting.

"But my impulse was not put into action. After all, as soon as I woke up and opened my eyes, I saw two men and women popping up in my cabin. They weren't the attendants on the cruise ship. Anyone would go crazy."

"Zhuhuina hurried up to cover the woman's mouth and said:'Auntie, don't call it, let the people outside hear it, and they... will rush in and kill us!'"

"'Auntie? You dare to call me auntie!'"

The name "auntie" angered the fat woman even more. She raised her hand and threw Zhuo Huina away: "Don't let me go, my husband will come back to want you to look good, young, huh, she looks like a dog , What's wrong? Be a thief, dare to steal from me! Ah... let go! '"

"Fat woman last sentence" Get out of you! "Enraged me, I grabbed her hair, dragged it over, opened the hatch, stuffed her head out, and angrily asked, "Did you see it?" I pulled in again."

Hu Xiaoyun laughed: "Brother Minghan, haha, you are too bad!"

Ming Han hissed: "Be quiet." Continued, "This corpse lying in the door of the cabin, facing the sky, the fat woman's nose is less than three inches from the corpse, this is enough for her."

"The fat woman's face was pale, and she screamed with a scream of "Ah" for a long time."

"'Shut up!'" Zhuo Huina yelled out these two words first, and the fat woman swallowed the second half of the scream abruptly into her stomach, unfortunately. "

"Zhuhuina lowered her voice and said:'Auntie, don't let people outside hear, they rush in and we all have to die!'"

"The fat woman nodded like a chicken pecking at the rice, and suddenly there was no sound in the cabin."

"As soon as the door was opened and closed, the screams outside were higher and higher, and the killing was far from stopping. The three of us could hear each other's heartbeat!"

"'Ah!' The fat woman seemed to remember something suddenly, turned around and rushed to the police, fetched the phone from under the pillow, and shouted:'Call the police!'"

"I smiled bitterly and said:'Save it, unless yours is a satellite phone.'"

"In this vast center, all mobile phones have no signal."

"The bloody sunset finally fell into the sea. I looked out from the porthole and the cruise ship was still sailing fast."

"The cockpit has been burned. The cruise ship should be sailing on its own, but it must have deviated from its original course. Otherwise, I shouldn't be able to see the afterglow of the setting sun."

"I said, the cruise line was off track and was heading south."

"Zhu Huina said: "It's the wrong way. There is an accident on such a large cruise ship. The rescue should come soon." She is not very worried."

"I said:'I'm afraid that we will deviate from the original course and the rescue will not find us.' I thought,'Although the Blue Diamond is a sea giant, it is nothing but a leaf in the vast sea.'"

"Zhuhuina said:'There should be satellite positioning.'"

"I don't know the navigation and positioning system of the cruise ship, and I don't know whether the satellite can locate us after the cockpit is burned."

"But based on common sense, it should be possible. This made me feel a little settled. At the worst, we can be rescued when we encounter other ships."

"The fat woman said bitterly:'When the rescue comes... I want to claim 20 million, my 10 million, my husband 10 million!'"

"Zhuhuina sneered:'There are thousands of people on the boat, I'm afraid they can't afford it.'"

"The fat woman gritted her teeth and said:'I don't care, I want 20 million, and I have to be Jin Jin!'"

"I thought to myself:'This woman really fell into the eye of money. Her husband has been missing for a long time without hearing her mention. All she cares about is money!'"

"The cabin is getting darker and darker. I tried to turn on the small bedside light, but the light did not turn on. It seems that the power supply has also stopped."

"The Blue Diamond, the largest and most luxurious in the world, is like a steel coffin floating on the ocean, with no light visible in the darkness."

"For the first time in our life, we have encountered such a terrible thing, and none of us can sleep."

"Zuo Huina and I were standing alone, half lying on the two ends of the sofa, the fat woman huddled in her arms, although there was no light in the cabin and we couldn't see each other’s faces, but they were both

Knowing, they must all have their eyes open in the dark, lost and helpless. "

"In the middle of the night, I fumbled, closed the curtains, lit the lighter, and poured a large glass of water into it, but I felt my stomach, but it was still empty."

"Zhuhuina asked the fat woman:'Auntie, do you have anything to eat? I will pay for it.'"

"The fat woman shook her head hurriedly:'No, no. How could I have?'"

"Zhuhuina took off a ring from her little finger, threw it to the woman, and said with a smile:'You should have some snacks? No matter how much you have, I don't want more, just half.'"

"The fat woman picked up the ring, wiped it with her finger, and glanced hard at the dim light of the lighter, and her eyes suddenly glowed:'Diamond ring! You promise not to regret it?'"

"Zhuhuina said:'I promise not to regret it.'"

"The fat woman said:'You swear!'"

"Zhuhuina smiled slightly:'I swear.'"

"The fat woman cheered and opened the bed. There were two food pockets beside her. She lifted the smaller bag and threw it to Zhuo Huina."

"This fat woman really has a scheming plan. I don't know when she has already hidden the food by her side. No wonder she won't go to the ground after she shrank in her sex."

"Zhuhuina opened the food bag, turned it over, and handed me a bag of cakes:'You can eat some too.'"

"I didn't pick it up, thinking that the ring should be expensive, or how could a fat woman be so overwhelmed?"

"Zhuhuina stuffed the cake into my hand:'What's wrong? How can you protect me if you don't eat?'"

"I took the cake and asked:'How much is the ring?'"

"Zhuhuina said:'It's not expensive, 120,000 yuan, my dad gave it.'"

"I said:'Who is your father? He is really rich.'"

"Zhuo Huina looked at me with strange eyes:'Who is my dad, you don't know?' Seeing that my expression doesn't seem to be fake, she smiled and added,'Zhuo Zhenlong, the boss of Zhenlong Group, you should know Right?'"

"I said ah, no wonder Zhuo Huina has become an executive of the company at a young age. It turns out that she is the daughter of the boss Zhuo Zhenlong."

When I heard this, I asked Ming Han: "Do you really know it, or do you not know it?"

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)