Junk Rat

Chapter 109: Ming Han (7)


In the darkness, I lit a cigarette, and listened to Minghan continue to tell. Since Zhuo Huina fell asleep in his arms, he never smoked anymore, I thought to myself, this person is very self-disciplined.

Ming Han said: "So I touched the wall and led Zhuo Huina back slowly. Who knew that after 30 steps, I still couldn't see a little light. I couldn't help panicking and quickened my pace."

"But I have already gone the wrong way. This panic is even more wrong. The two are like rats locked in a maze, bumping into each other, and the darkness seems to be full of forks, never going back to the original. s position."

"At this time, a few sharp corpses howled, I didn't know that it suddenly sounded at that fork, and the echoes rammed back and forth, making it faintly muffled."

"Zhuhuina is holding the corner of my clothes. In the darkness, she can only hear her gasping for breath. This little girl is tired, and most of them scared."

"I took Zhuo Hui Na to sit down, relieved her: "Don't be nervous, take a break first, and always walk out. "

"Zuo Huina's body trembled, as if she was about to cry in the next second."

"After a long time, Zhuo Huina suddenly touched my shoulder:'Look, there is light!'"

"The light of a flashlight turned in the depths of the corridor, slowly approaching here, and sometimes no light was seen. On both sides of the corridor are door-to-door cabins. The person seemed to be searching from one cabin to the other."

"Zhuhuina asked:'What is this person doing?'"

"'Maybe looking for his lost family.' Zhuo Huina and I walked over and thought,'This person has a torch, everyone is together, and there is an extra companion.'"

"Walking to the door, I asked softly:'Friend, what are you looking for?'"

"This person did not expect to run into someone. With an'Ah' sound, his hand shook, the flashlight fell to the ground, and he rolled to the door."

"I quickly picked up the torch and said apologetically:'Sorry, I scared you.'"

"I saw him with a face of Qi Yunzhou, with a panic expression, and stammered:'I...I am a native of Xianguo.' But he used Mandarin."

"I listened to him answering the wrong questions, he kept talking, took a picture with a flashlight, and saw a backpack hung in front of him. Looking in from the open bag, the colorful ones are all valuables such as banknotes and mobile phone necklaces from various countries. Two-handed

It was hanging down naturally, holding the money in his hand, and a few slips fell under his feet. "

"I said:'We are looking for a restaurant.' I thought to myself, this is a master who wants money but not life."

"The man nodded again and again:'Okay, I'll take you there.' As he said, he walked a few steps to the door, his expression very urgent."

"He walked quickly to lead the way, turned and walked quickly, and seemed very familiar with the passage, so he didn't need to think about it at all."

"Just walked like this for six or seven minutes. A faint light came from the corridor in front. When I walked to the corner, I stretched out and looked out. The light outside was bright and dazzling. The center of the cruise ship was shaped like a patio, and the restaurant was just across the circular corridor.

"But what makes me frustrated is that there are crowds of people in the restaurant, and there are zombies in the hallway!"

"I turned around and asked the man:'There are zombies in the restaurant, where are there food and no zombies?'"

"'Zombie?' At this time, the man's expression became more natural, Qidao,'You said they are zombies?'"

"'Otherwise?' Zhuo Huina said in an interface."

"'Really there are zombies!" The man shook his head, pondered for a while and said, "There is a large shopping mall, eleven restaurants, eight bars, three cafes on board... But it seems that there are all the zombies you mentioned... Yes. Up!'"

"He patted his thigh:'I will take you to the food storeroom, where there is food and drink, and there are no zombies!'"

"Zuo Huina and I were overjoyed and asked:'Where is the food library?'"

"He said:'The ninth deck.'"

"I and Zhuo Huina looked at each other. We are on the eleventh deck at this time. Wouldn't we have to go down two more decks?"

"'It doesn't matter.' Seeing that we were embarrassed, the man said,'You can slide down the electric well.'"

"I wondered:'Electric well? Do you mean elevator shaft?'"

"He said: "No, electric shafts are pipes through which cables and wires pass. They are narrower than elevator shafts. Only one person can enter at a time. '"

"At this time, there is no other way. We have to follow the man and walk back again. Zhuo Huina asked the man:'Big brother, what's your name?'"

"I thought to myself:'Why do you ask, he stole the passenger's money and property and was bumped into by us, will he tell you his name

I told it, it must be a pseudonym. '"

"He said:'I am a native of Xianguo, called...'The tone is obviously paused,'It's called Quan Zhilong.'"

"'You are obviously a silk countryman, who have you deceived?'"

"Fake Quan Zhilong said:'There are many people on the cruise ship, so I speak very well. Um...'He added a superfluous sentence,'I am a leisure country employee on the cruise ship.'"

"'The employee is an employee, but your grandson is probably not an employee of idle nationality, right?' I didn't click it, as he was Quan Zhilong, then turned around two corners and came to a small door deep in the corridor."

"Quan Zhilong opened the small door:'Which one of you will get off first?'"

"I said:'You get off first.'"

"'Yes!' Quan Zhilong didn't hesitate to drill into the electric well quickly, grabbed the pipeline, and slid down."

"I followed, Zhuo Huina followed, and the three of them slid to the ninth deck. I got out of the small door and turned around a few times before coming to an iron door.

"Quan Zhilong took out a key from his body, opened the door and said,'Please come in.' He walked in first."

"I followed Zhuo Huina and took a picture with a flashlight. Seeing that the warehouse was quite large and the food boxes were neatly stacked, I couldn't see the head at a glance, and thought:'This grandson has not fooled us at least.

"I relaxed my vigilance and said, "Man, money is something you don't need to bring to death. Listen to my advice. You are almost done with it. Keep it with us."

"Quan Zhilong looked embarrassed:'This... this... I'll go out and come back again.'"

"'Leave the key for us.' I want the key because I'm afraid he will lock us in the storeroom."

"'Okay.' Quan Zhilong handed over the keys quickly and walked out of the iron gate."

"'Bring a flashlight.' Zhuo Huina kindly reminded."

"'Keep it with you two, I still have one.' Quan Zhilong smiled slightly, and the moment the iron gate closed, I suddenly discovered that there was a trace of weirdness hidden in this grandson's smile."

"Kakaka, there was a suspicious sound outside the door, followed by a hissing air flow, I suddenly reflected:'Fucked, this is an airtight door!' I rushed to open the door, but it was too late. No matter how hard I tried, the door didn't move."

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)