Junk Rat

Chapter 114: Escape the cruise ship


Ming Han continued: "At this moment, I panicked and rushed into the next door, closed the door with my backhand, and swept it with a flashlight. I saw that the room was small and the walls were painted with bright colors. There were toys scattered on the floor. A children’s Lego room."

"This is bad. The beautifully decorated door can't stop the zombies from slamming a few times. With a click, a zombie's head directly penetrated."

"I picked up the fire axe, just like hitting melons and vegetables, and I was able to kill him with ease."

"The door panel trembled, and another big hole broke. It doesn't look like it will be blocked for long."

"I looked up and saw that there were vents on the ceiling. I hurriedly pulled a table and jumped on it. I used an axe to poke open the fence-like ventilation cover in twos or twos. Only when I heard another loud bang, the door finally smashed into the ground. On one side, the group of corpses opened their teeth and danced their claws, and rushed in."

"My arms worked hard and hung up the vent. As soon as my feet left the table, the table was overturned. It was really close, and one step later, I was caught by the zombie."

"I crawled forward along the ventilation duct, fine dust got into my nostrils, and couldn't help but sneeze a few times."

"It was dark in the pipeline. It was not far out. The pipeline was divided into three. I used my hands and feet to climb the pipeline to the right. After not climbing for a long time, the pipeline was divided into three."

"These ventilation pipes loop back and forth, and their complexity is more complicated than the twists and turns of the corridor below, like a mouse crawling in a maze. It feels like going forward without retreating, it's really not so pleasant."

"But the ventilation duct has another advantage. As long as you can endure the all-pervasive dust and the hard work of crawling for a long time, it can basically take you to every room below without worrying about being chased by zombies."

"I just crawled like this for a while, and the room underneath suddenly showed light. It turned out to be a sea-view suite."

"Suites do not live up to their names. Most of them have only one room, but they are larger in size. The bedroom and the living room are connected as a whole, and there is no partition in between."

"I looked down, and there was no one in the room quietly. After confirming that there were no zombies underneath, I used a fire axe to pry open the vent and jumped down."

"After checking that there is no "person" hidden in the bathroom and closet as usual, I sat down

on the sofa. Recalling the corpse of the cruise ship until now, it seems as if a nightmare has not yet woken up. "

"After a while, I got up and opened the refrigerator, took a bottle of red wine, and drank half of the bottle in one breath. I was so annoyed that I suddenly smashed the bottle and smashed it to pieces on the bulkhead. What the days of drifting Time is the end!"

Ming Han smiled and said, "Who knows the sound of the wine bottle breaking, it was heard by Zhuo Huina."

Hu Xiaoyun said: "How come?"

Ming Han said: "The cabin next door was used as a temporary storage place for the food purchased by the cruise ship. Zhuo Huina has been hiding here since she got rid of Quan Zhilong."

Hu Xiaoyun said, "Oh, this one?"

Ming Han said, "Yes, there is no ventilation duct in this cabin, so I haven't found it here."

"At that time, Zhuo Huina responded by tapping on the bulkhead when she heard the sound of the wine bottle breaking. I opened the suite door and stretched out my head. I saw Zhuo Huina opening the door and looking over here. The two looked at each other dumbfounded. , All have mixed feelings."

"The food purchased by the Blue Diamond in the magic city has not been transported to the food warehouse, so there is no shortage of food and drink in this cabin. That's it, she and I have stayed until now. I thought there would be no chance to go ashore for a lifetime. Who knew it would? I was rushed back by this tsunami."

Ming Han sighed: "It's a blessing in disguise."

After listening to Ming Han's recount of his experience with Zhuo Huina, Hu Xiaoyun and I also sighed. At half rate, I asked Ming Han, "How do you think this tsunami happened?"

Ming Han said: "I don't know, such a big tsunami is several times larger than the one that killed more than 200,000 people."

At this time, there was a loud cry above her head, and Zhuo Huina, who was in Minghan's arms, also woke up, and asked blankly, "What sound?"

Ming Han said: "It should be dawn, and there are zombies walking by."

Zhuo Huina asked: "But why is this voice."

Ming Han said, "Maybe something is dragging on the zombie's feet."

I looked at the luminous watch in my hand. It was seven o’clock in the morning, so I turned on the headlights on my head and said, “We should find a way to leave.” As I said, I stretched my waist and sat all night. Feel the whole body sore

, Thighs are tingling.

Ming Han and the three men stood up and moved their bodies. Ming Han said, "Go up two floors, and there is a lifeboat on the side of the deck."

Zhuo Huina said: "You want to go up again?"

Ming Han said: "We can only go up, or we can't go far if there is no boat. Otherwise, you and Hu Xiaoyun will stay, and I and Zhan Xiaoqiang will go up and put the lifeboat into the water."

Zhuo Huina thought for a while: "No, I'm afraid, I still follow you."

Ming Han said, "Okay."

I looked at Zhuo Huina's weak look and said, "Chuo Huina, you should stay, you will have to take care of you if you follow us."

Ming Han said: "It's okay, I will take care of her."

I thought to myself: "Ming Han is fascinated by Zhuo Huina's beauty, and I am obedient to her." Seeing Hu Xiaoyun's expression unwilling to separate from me, I nodded.

The cruise ship was very tilted, and the overhead hatch was at least four meters away from us. How to climb to the top to open the hatch was a problem.

I picked up two floating wooden stools and stood up with Ming Han, each holding Hu Xiaoyun's leg up, and Hu Xiaoyun stretched out his hand, which was enough to reach the door handle.

I said, "Be careful that there are zombies passing by." I threw the rope in the backpack to Hu Xiaoyun.

Hu Xiaoyun tilted her head and listened. With a click, the hatch opened. She climbed up and put down the rope. I went up first, followed by Zhuo Huina, and Ming Han came up last.

Outside the cabin door was a dark corridor. Ming Han took a flashlight and walked in front. The corridor was slanted about seventy degrees, and it was awkward when he walked on the side.

A few zombies fell to the ground, and Ming Han and I solved them one by one. One of the zombies was dragging an iron chain on its feet and crawling on the ground clanging. The strange sound just now came from it.

At the end of the corridor, there was a staircase. Ming Han looked up and listened, and said softly, "There seem to be a lot of zombies above."

I said: "I have a crossbow in my hand, I start my head, and you follow along."

At this moment, the cruise ship's hull suddenly tilted to one end, making a piercing sound, making a creepy steel twisting sound, and Ming Han said in shock: "Broken! The ship is sinking!"

For an instant, the four of us couldn't stand, and all slipped backwards and huddled together.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)