Junk Rat

Chapter 115: The third survivor


"Can't get up!" Ming Han pointed to a suite door, "Quickly, jump down and dive out from the balcony!"

He took the next picture with a flashlight, jumped down without hesitation, with a plop, the suite has been filled with a lot of sea water.

At this time, we must act decisively, otherwise we can only drown if we are trapped inside the cruise ship. The three of us jumped off and dived out of the cruise ship from the balcony door, desperately kicking up the water.

When I got out of the water, I saw the huge body of the cruise ship slowly sliding down the water. Although the sinking speed was slow, it never stopped. I grabbed Hu Xiaoyun, hugged it tightly, and shouted, "Hold tight!" Ming Han and Zhuo Huina hugged each other at the same time.

The cruise ship slid faster and faster, and a huge vortex was rolled up on the nearby water surface. In an instant, we were all dragged to the bottom of the water.

The body spun uncontrollably, and abruptly separated me and Hu Xiaoyun.

I took a sigh of relief and scratched with both hands, feeling that my chest was about to explode, but I knew that human power could not resist the strong pull-down rotation force. Only when the vortex disappeared can I float up.

I don’t know how long it took. I finally surfaced. When my head came out, I was shocked. I hurriedly dived into the water. There were countless heads floating around. They were all zombies thrown out of the cruise ship. water surface.

I swam more than a dozen meters underwater, and showed my head again. There was a roar of corpses around me. I twisted my head and looked around, but I didn't see the three of Hu Xiaoyun.

"Hu Xiaoyun!" I yelled, and looked in panic as I heard, and shouted from behind me: "Xiaoqiang, I am here!"

A stone fell on my heart, and I hurriedly bypassed a dozen zombies and swam to Hu Xiaoyun. Hu Xiaoyun smiled and said, "I'm so happy."

I gasped and asked, "What are you happy about? My life is almost gone!"

Hu Xiaoyun said: "You start to care about me."

I gave her a blank look: "Have you seen Ming Han and Zhuo Huina?"

Hu Xiaoyun pointed his hand: "Where did the ship come from?"

I turned my head and looked, and I was overjoyed. I saw Ming Han and Zhuo Huina sitting on a lifeboat, pushing the bow of the fallen zombies away, and they were rowing here.

Human heads float on the water, and there are many zombies, but these demons can't swim, they can only stare.

I hugged Hu Xiaoyun’s waist and lifted her up. Ming Han dragged her onto the lifeboat and said, "Good luck, post

It fell off the wheel. "

At this time, he was escaping from the dead and there was another boat. It should have been an ecstatic thing, but Ming Han's eyes were gloomy and his tone was flat, and he didn't seem to feel so lucky.

I thought to myself: "The psychological quality is very strong." But when I thought about it, it seemed a bit too strong, but abnormal.

I climbed onto the lifeboat wet, and saw the radar lying motionless on my stomach. Zhuo Huina said: "I surfaced, and the cat happened to be by my side, so I saved it."

Hu Xiaoyun hurriedly picked up the radar, put it on his face, and said, "Thank you so much, it's called the radar, and it was swept away from my arms."

I stood up and looked at the whole Hengsha Island. Several hills in the distance showed sharp points, and the rest became underwater ruins. I wonder if there will be people diving for archaeology in a few years' time.

Ming Han said, "Where do you go?"

I took the oar in Zhuo Huina's hand and said, "Let’s get on the shore first."

Zhuo Huina said: "Go to the magic city."

Ming Han said, "Okay."

Hu Xiaoyun looked in the direction of Demon Capital, and said angrily, "What are you doing to Demon Capital? Look, it's almost submerged."

The magic capital city that used to be lined with tall buildings and magnificent, now looking from a distance, you can only see a large area of reinforced concrete protruding from the water, like a huge isolated island.

Ming Han looked at me and said sincerely: "Zuo Huina's father's company is in the magic city. She cares about her father. Can she send us there first?"

I thought that wherever I went anyway, it didn't matter, so I nodded and said, "That's fine." I gave a wry smile, "I'm going back to the magic capital again."

The lifeboat pushed away the floating heads of countless zombies. After scoring several tens of meters, a zombie suddenly swam in obliquely. I was taken aback. I looked intently and blurted out: "There is still a living person!! !"

Ming Han, Zhuo Huina, and Hu Xiaoyun were all taken aback. They rowed up and saw this man with a high nose and deep eyes. He was a bald Western white man, about forty years old.

Among the four of us, Zhuo Huina was fluent in foreign languages. After I pulled the western white man aboard, Zhuo Huina asked, "Are you also a passenger on the Blue Diamond cruise ship?"

The white western man took out a passport from her pocket, Zhuo Huina took it, and carefully opened the wet cover, saying: "Lewis, the envy of the country?"

Lewis was overwhelmed and tired

Lie down exhausted.

Zhuo Huina pointed to Ming Han and sighed: "He and I were also hiding on the cruise ship. I didn't expect... I didn't expect anyone to live besides us."

Lewis was silent, gesturing with both hands.

Zhuo Huina asked strangely: "You have a disability and can't speak?"

Lewis babbled and made another gesture.

Zhuo Huina said: "Sorry, I can't sign language either."

Ming Han said: "It's useless if you can sign language, and sign language is not universal. Is it? Lewis."

Lewis's eyes were dumb, Zhuo Huina said: "He is dumb, he can't hear you even if you ask him."

Ming Han said: "A dumb person is not necessarily deaf."

Zhuo Huina said: "Ten deaf and nine dumb, with reverse reasoning, most dumbs are also deaf."

Waves rushed towards the magic capital one after another. Four hours later, the magic capital once again showed up in front of you, but transformed into a veritable Venice on the water.

The low buildings are all sunk under the water, and the remaining high buildings are like isolated islands.

The only thing that is gratifying is that the three super waves caused by the tsunami have wiped out every corner of the city, and tens of thousands of living dead have been brought into the sea by the back waves. "The streets and alleys" are rarely seen floating. Zombie.

Under the blue water, a huge black shadow slowly swam past, and Hu Xiaoyun cried out, "Is this a shark or a whale?"

I bend my forehead with my fingers, puzzled: After the tsunami, why didn't the sea water recede

Could it be that the deep sea has raised huge peaks? Squeeze and raise the sea surface, otherwise the sea will also return after a tsunami of any magnitude rages on you.

The magic capital became the ** Zeguo, and even the familiar scenery changed its appearance. Zhuo Huina couldn't find the north and the south. We were sleepy after another night, so we discussed it and looked for it tomorrow.

Ming Han and I paddled a lifeboat and leaned against a building. The floor-to-ceiling glass had been shattered by a huge wave, and we entered the living room directly from the window.

I don't know which floor it is here, so I jumped into the water and it was waist deep.

Ming Han tied the lifeboat to the handle of the bedroom. We went up two floors and saw that the security door on the left was concealed. I pulled the door in, and saw a thick layer of ash on the floor with no footprints, and said, "Just here. Right."

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)