Junk Rat

Chapter 117: Death trap


Ming Han continued: "I was depressed all night. Who knew that early the next morning, the funeral home called and said that my father had died in a car accident."

"I was so shocked that my phone fell to the floor with a snap and rushed to the funeral home to see my father for the last time."

"But this matter is not over. One month later, I read the news on my mobile phone and accidentally saw the news of Zhenlong Group. Zhuo Zhenlong looked exactly like my father, even the ring on his hand. of."

Ming Han took a bit of a cigarette and said, "Can you understand my shock at the time? My dead father was born again!"

I said, "You... didn't you see your father enter the incinerator with your own eyes?"

Ming Han shook his head: "The funeral home is not allowed to enter the incinerator."

I have never attended a funeral, and I don’t know whether the funeral home has this rule to prevent family members from seeing their loved ones enter the incinerator. I only heard Ming Han continue to say:

"The next day, I rushed to the magic city, applied for the Zhenlong Group, and wanted to get close to Zhuo Zhenlong, to see if he knew me or not, but after three days of work, I was assigned to go to Xian Country with Zhuo Huina on a business trip. ."

Ming Han squeezed his fist: "When the corpse on the cruise ship changed, I suspected that this business trip was a conspiracy arranged by my father to kill people."

I heard it unbelievably and thought to myself: "Even if Ming Han is Zhuo Zhenlong's illegitimate child, he is afraid that Ming Han's appearance will endanger his interests, and there is no need to kill him?"

Ming Han said: "But who knows, I went around in the Pacific, and when I came back, the whole world is the same."

I said: "This matter, maybe after you find Zhuo Zhenlong, you will have some eyebrows, but if he is alive or not, it doesn't necessarily matter."

I talked to Ming Han for a long time. It was already dawn. Everyone got up for breakfast and continued to search for the location of Zhuo Huina's father's Zhenlong Group.

It was June when the sun was shining and the breeze was warm. Although Modu was as lifeless as ever, the good weather still made people feel cheerful.

Ming Han didn't sleep for two consecutive nights, so he lay in the lifeboat to make up his mind.

After noon, the lifeboat rowed across two streets, and Hu Xiaoyun cried out, "Isn't that the Zhenlong Group?"

Zhuo Huina said "Ah",

Eye circles were red, and he patted Ming Han on the shoulder: "Wake up, I found it."

Lewis and I rowed a lifeboat and entered the building through the window. Zhuo Huina said, "This is the conference room on the sixth floor, and my dad's office is on the ninth floor."

I took a breath, and the sea was flooded to the sixth floor!

The lifeboat left the meeting room and paddled forward on the long corridor. Apart from the sound of rushing water, no movement was heard. At the top of the stairs, Ming Han jumped up the steps to grab the lifeboat, and everyone "go ashore" one by one.

Zhuo Huina was worried, and hurried upstairs, Ming Han pulled her: "Don't worry, there are zombies on it."

A few howls of corpses came down from the building, and there was a faint echo in the empty building, making everything around him even more dead.

I picked up the Bayi automatic sun-shooting crossbow and ejected the bayonet. Ming Han carried the fire axe he brought from the cruise ship, and the two walked in front side by side.

On the first floor, three female corpses were standing on the stairs, all wearing professional skirts. I stabbed two with a weapon, and Ming Han killed one.

After that, all the way up to the ninth floor, Zhuo Huina came to the door of the president's office, paused for a moment, and pushed open the concealed door.

The president's office is simple and elegant, and it is not as luxurious as I imagined. Apart from documents, there are only pen holders, computers and a tea cup on the desk. The wind came in from the open window, and the white curtains were blown up to bring bursts of coolness.

Zhuo Huina walked to the desk and wiped it with her finger. There was already a layer of dust on the desk.

Ming Han walked up, slapped the fire axe on the table, and opened the drawer rudely. Zhuo Huina said in surprise, "What are you doing?"

Ming Han's face was cold, completely ignoring Zhuo Huina's scolding, turning several drawers into a mess.

"Asshole!" Zhuo Huina was frightened and slapped Ming Han in the face.

Ming Han grabbed her wrist and held it in the air, and suddenly shouted: "There is Kong Fan!" He grabbed the fire axe on the table and smashed the glass. "Everyone, run away!" He hugged Zhuo Hui while shouting. Na jumped out.

My heart was tight and I didn't have time to think about it. I pulled Hu Xiaoyun and jumped off immediately. Lewis didn't move slowly, but also jumped off.

People are still in the air, just listening to the rumbling explosions, there is more than one Kong Fan, if we are not

Jumping the window, I am afraid there is no chance to escape the president's office.

And if there is no such a tsunami, it will cause the demonic capital to become violent, and if the ninth floor jumps down, there will be death without life.

As soon as the body entered the water, it continued to sink. When the sinking force passed, we surfaced again. Everyone's faces were pale. Zhuo Huina exclaimed, "How can this be? How can it be?"

I swam back to the conference room and rowed out the lifeboat. Ming Han pushed Zhuo Huina and Hu Xiaoyun onto the lifeboat. Zhuo Huina said to herself, "How could this be?"

I was in shock, and asked Ming Han, "How did you know that there is Kong Fan?"

Ming Han wiped the water on his face and said, "I heard a tick tick sound, it should be that when I opened the drawer, it touched the mechanism."

I was puzzled, who did Zhuo Zhenlong set up such a death trap to deal with

Across a wide road, opposite the Zhenlong Group is a large shopping mall. I paddled into the shopping mall with a lifeboat, intending to replenish some supplies. In ordinary families, basically only rice and noodles are left to eat.

The shopping mall is empty and empty, and the once dazzling variety of goods has been washed away by the sea, as if through a catastrophe. A map of the floor distribution is posted on the wall, showing that the mall on the upper level is the food store.

I rowed the lifeboat to the escalator and looked up at the dark upper storey. The radar in Hu Xiaoyun's arms suddenly moved restlessly.

I shook my head: "There is a night monster on it, let's change one from another."

Ming Han asked: "How do you know?"

I said, "The radar can smell the night monster."

Ming Hanhe said, "Small things are so spiritual?" He said, "Most shopping malls are submerged under water, I'm afraid it's not easy to find."

I thought about it, and it was true, so I loaded the crossbow, step by step up to the entrance of the building, raised the crossbow and swept out a shuttle, there was a crash, the glass curtain wall shattered to the ground, and the shopping mall suddenly lit up.

Almost at the same time, only the wailing screams sounded and stopped for a moment. Two night monsters fell to the ground, and in a blink of an eye they became scorched corpses.

It was nothing more than Hu Xiaoyun and I. Ming Han, Zhuo Huina, and Lewis were the first to see the Night Demon, and the three of them were dumbfounded and could not stop their tongues.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)