Junk Rat

Chapter 119: Daredevil evolution


I got off the lifeboat in the living room, and I opened the anti-theft door while dripping the water below my knees. There was the sound of howling corpses in the corridor above, but it sounded very few.

I walked up side by side with Ming Han. Hu Xiaoyun hugged the radar and Zhuo Huina followed behind, and went up one floor, pushed open the fire door to see that the security doors of the three houses were closed tightly.

We continue to go up because it is too difficult to pry open the security door. This reminds me of Wu Zeyong. If he were there, technically unlocking these doors would be a piece of cake for him.

When I encountered a group of corpses at the pier, I saw Wu Zeyong running away with Zhou Xiaoxiao on his back. Later, Zhou Xiaoxiao came to the river bank alone. When Lin Yaxuan and I went down the river, we waved to let us take her.

At that time, I had an inexplicable fear of Zhou Xiaoxiao, abandoning her, Wu Zeyong was dead or alive, there was no way to know.

The four went up one more floor, and saw a middle-aged male zombie in pajamas standing stupidly in front of the fire door. After solving it with a weapon, I opened the fire door and saw three houses, but two of them had anti-theft doors. Wide open.

I yelled twice at the door, and the two houses were quiet, and the calm atmosphere resembled that of a prehistoric continent that had no life hundreds of millions of years ago.

Ming Han said: "There should be no zombies?"

I said, "It shouldn't be there." The two walked in and writhed in each room. Hu Xiaoyun and Zhuo Huina entered another house on the opposite side.

Maybe it's a psychological effect. I think no matter how bright the sun outside, how passionate it is, the empty house with no one is always gloomy and cold.

On the wall of the master bedroom, a photo of newlyweds was covered with dust, the appearance of men and women were blurred, all the furniture was covered with a layer of fine dust, and the dust gathered on the floor could also print footprints.

There was a cardboard box next to the closet in the corner. Ming Han opened the box and said with joy, "Moutai twenty years ago!"

"Okay!" When I walked over to look at it, there were a total of six bottles in the box, all of the same year.

Ming Han said, "Drink a good evening!"

"Okay!" I opened the closet door smoothly, a flower suddenly appeared in front of me, and a night demon rushed out!

At that moment, I subconsciously leaned back, and there was no footprint in the dust on the floor. How could I have thought that there was a night monster hiding in the closet

At this moment, time seems to be abrupt

However, it was stretched, and it was about to freeze. I saw that the steel-like claws of the night demon were about to scratch the tip of the nose, and the black nails were shining with cold. Seeing the muscles on Ming Han's face twisted, the wine bottle in his hand flew towards the night demon's head.

With a swish, time suddenly returned to reality, a fishy wind rushed over his face, and then the wine bottle that Ming Han flew out was broken into pieces of various sizes on the head of the night demon. Following closely, the fingers of the night demon were When it was about to catch the face, it suddenly carbonized, and pieces of black and gray were flying with drinks!

With a bang, my back fell severely to the ground, and I watched a scorched corpse fall to the ground, and the cold sweat was all over my body.

Ming Han helped me up: "It's dangerous, it's dangerous, Ye Mo's fingers are less than an inch from your nose!"

I was in a panic, and my heart was beating. It took a long time before I said to Ming Han, "Don't tell Hu Xiaoyun, lest this girl and mother-in-law will be squeaky and crooked."

Ming Han picked up the cardboard box and the two walked out of the bedroom. With a snap, I closed the bedroom door tightly.

"You said, there are no footprints on the floor, why is there a night monster hidden in the closet?" I asked Ming Han while wiping my sweat.

Ming Han said: "Maybe I can't find food, the Night Demon sealed himself."

"Seal?" I nodded, "This word is very vivid."

I thought to myself: "Seal may also be an evolution, so what else can the Night Demon evolve in a magical capital?"

"Xiaoqiang, Brother Minghan, guess what we found."

Hu Xiaoyun and Zhuo Huina walked in, and the radar reached Zhuo Huina's hand. Hu Xiaoyun hid his hands behind him and said mysteriously.

I took a sigh of relief and asked, "What?"

Hu Xiaoyun blinked his eyes: "I'm asking you to guess."

I said, "Fishing rods? Are we here to find fishing rods?"

Hu Xiaoyun shook his head: "Brother Minghan, guess."

Ming Han said: "It's not a fishing rod, then I can't guess it."

Hu Xiaoyun laughed: "Fish crossbow!" Taking out his hands, it turned out that there was a black fish crossbow in front of him.

I am happy: "Yes, yes, to be honest, I like shooting fish better than fishing!"

Ming Han said: "Me too, slow fishing, really drains patience."

We go back to the lifeboat and row out of the living room

, The warm sun shone on the body again. Hu Xiaoyun looked left and right to my face, and asked with concern: "Xiaoqiang, what's the matter with you?"

I said, "Nothing."

Hu Xiaoyun said, "Why is that a little pale."

I said, "I'm glad you found Yubow."

Hu Xiaoyun curled his lips: "People are blushing when they are happy, but you are okay, but your face is pale."

I said, "I'm different."

Hu Xiaoyun snorted: "Aren't you a human?"

I said, "You are not a human being."

Hu Xiaoyun said, "Then tell me, what happened?"

Of course I can't tell Hu Xiaoyun truthfully. Just now, my life was almost gone. When thinking about how to answer, Ming Han suddenly pointed to the bottom of the water: "What a big fish!"

I looked down and saw that a large sea fish nearly two meters in length, without knowing what species it was, was waving its tail leisurely.

I quickly picked up the fish crossbow, buckled the mechanism, and the arrow with the tough rope slammed into the back of the big fish. This guy rushed down in pain, unable to escape the barbed arrow, and suddenly rushed out of the water. With a swing of his tail, he dragged the lifeboat forward quickly.

I clutched one end of the rope tightly and laughed: "This fish is enough for us to eat for a week!"

Hu Xiaoyun danced and said, "Xiaoqiang, please hurry up!"

This big fish swam through two long streets, only to be exhausted and turned white belly. It is not early. Ming Han and I stepped up to paddle back. When the sun fell behind the tall buildings, we returned to where we were. local.

Lewis was still fishing. He opened the mouth of the fish and nodded, as if to say: "This fish is edible."

Put the big fish on the window sill, open the intestines and break the belly. The fish intestines are all fed to the radar. At night, we stewed a pot of fish soup. We sat together and drank the Maotai. We had a good meal.

This meal was eaten until midnight, everyone had a drink, and Lewis went back to the bedroom as usual. Zhuo Huina leaned on Ming Han, Hu Xiaoyun and I squeezed on the sofa, drunk-eyed, the radar suddenly raised her hair.

I was slightly surprised. The radar only behaves like this when it smells the night monster, and Ming Han and I have searched this building thoroughly. Except for the zombies trapped in the house, I haven't found the night monster.

Could it be that some of these zombies have been transformed into night monsters

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)