Junk Rat

Chapter 121: Occultist


As soon as Hu Xiaoyun's voice fell, in the peripheral light of my eyes, a figure suddenly flashed outside the door, and a small figure ran across the corridor. The three of Ming Han turned their backs to the door, and none of them saw it.

"Hurry up!" I yelled, and strode out the door, only to see that the figure was vaguely Zhou Xiaoxiao, suddenly ran to the entrance of the building and fled upstairs. He looked back at me while running.

Hu Xiaoyun followed: "Xiaoqiang, what are you chasing?"

I didn't have time to answer. The four of them rushed to catch up. Suddenly they were all frustrated. They stopped together, and saw a thin young man coming down from the tenth floor, gentle, wearing black-rimmed glasses.

I was taken aback and pointed at him with a crossbow: "Who are you?"

The glasses were dumbfounded, seemingly surprised and happy, and stammered: "God, God, you... what you say is true, I... really met someone!"

I gave him a push: "What god or not, a little girl ran up just now, did you see it?"

The glasses were taken aback: "What little girl, I didn't see it."

I am very surprised. If the glasses tell the truth, there is no other floor between the ninth and tenth floors. Where can Zhou Xiaoxiao escape

At the moment, the four of us searched layer by layer, but until we reached the rooftop, Mao didn't find one. The glasses kept following behind us, wondering: "What are you searching for?"

I said, "Didn't you tell me? A little girl."

Glasses said: "There are no little girls at all, I swear in the name of God."

Hu Xiaoyun reached out and touched my forehead: "Xiaoqiang, have you been too tired recently?"

I doubt that I am getting up, is it really just that I am overly nervous and dazzled

When Ming Han and Zhuo Huina looked at my eyes, they also became strange.

We originally came to hunt and kill the night demon last night, but the night demon didn’t find it either, but we ran into a young man who talked about gods and gods, and I asked him, “Who are you?”

The glasses replied: "Zheng Zhiqing, the word'zhiqing' means that the water is clear and there is no fish."

I didn't bother to care about him, and then asked, "Just you?"

Zheng Zhiqing said: "No."

I wondered: "Who else?"

Zheng Zhiqing looked at the sky: "There is also God, he is everywhere."

Hu Xiaoyun smiled and said: "

You are a mysterious person, like a god stick. "

Zheng Zhiqing said: "I am not a god stick, I am a mysticist."

I got bored: "It's a miracle that you can live till now."

Zheng Zhiqing said solemnly: "Miracles are everywhere."

Ming Han asked: "Are you really a person who has been living in Devil to this day?"

Zheng Zhiqing said: "Didn't you say it? There is also God, who has been with me. I got the inspiration from God, so I came here to wait for you."

Zhuo Huina couldn't help smiling and said, "God? Where is he, show me."

Zheng Zhiqing looked solemnly: "Don't laugh, this world is not what we know, and many mysterious events are unexplainable."

I asked impatiently: "How long have you been here?"

Zheng Zhiqing said: "I came last night."

I said, "Then do you hear the attack?"

Zheng Zhiqing said: "I heard it."

I said, "Did you see the Night Demon? A Night Demon escaped into Zhenlong Mansion last night."

Zheng Zhiqing said: "I didn't see it. God warned me not to go out in the dark."

Zhuo Huina said: "Cut, neuropathy!" She squinted her head and looked disdainful.

Zheng Zhiqing disagreed, and asked: "Can I join you?"

I said: "We are leaving the magic capital."

Zheng Zhiqing said: "It's the same everywhere."

Hu Xiaoyun said anxiously: "Xiaoqiang, you want to go with Ming Han and the others?"

I said: "Yes, let's go to Longhu together."

Zhuo Huina clapped her hands: "Okay, okay!" She gave Hu Xiaoyun a triumphant look.

Ming Han said quickly, "Xiaoqiang, you don't need to do this, the road is very dangerous."

I thought of Zhou Xiaoxiao and said, "It might be more dangerous to stay."

Ming Han said, "Are you worried about those night monsters who can swim?"

I said, "No." I felt a little cold on my back, and I seemed to have a pair of eyes staring at me.

At noon that day, we called Lewis, and six people went to the mall together, collected a lot of supplies, and then rowed a lifeboat towards the inland.

On the lifeboat, Hu Xiaoyun said to Zheng Zhiqing: "You say you are a mysticist, so let's listen to some mysterious things."

This was scratching Zheng Zhiqing’s itch, so we started talking, Ming Han and I were rowing.

Feeling boring, just listen to it.

Zheng Zhiqing said: "I won't talk about old stories like Stonehenge and Noah's Ark. Let me talk about the pyramids."

"As we all know, the largest pyramid is the tomb of the fourth dynasty pharaoh Khufu. It was built more than 4,500 years ago. The tower is 1** meters high. According to expert estimates, at least 50 million people are required to support such a huge project. In the first 3,000 years, the total population of the world would not exceed 20 million. Think about it, how can it be built without the help of mysterious forces?"

Hu Xiaoyun smiled and said, "The power of aliens." We laughed.

Zheng Zhiqing was not stunned. He waited for the laughter to stop and continued: "Also, on the state highway of Xian State, there is a horrible rollover zone called the Devil’s Triangle by drivers. Once a vehicle enters this zone, it will be destroyed. A mysterious force was thrown into the air, causing a tragic accident involving car crashes and deaths."

Zhuo Huina said: "Nonsense, if there is such a thing, the news will not be broadcast?"

Zheng Zhiqing said: "How dare you? Also, the disappearance of Baiya civilization has always been the biggest mystery in the world. It seems to have risen in the forest overnight. After thousands of years of glory, it suddenly disappeared mysteriously, without foreigners. Invading forces, how can a civilization disappear in no time?"

I said: "Why?"

Zheng Zhiqing said: "I don't know. The strangest thing is that Baiya civilization is very advanced in agriculture, astronomy, and mathematics, and who taught them."

Hu Xiaoyun teased and said: "You."

Zheng Zhiqing said to himself: "A more mysterious event, we humans appeared only 2 to 3 million years ago, but in Xian, archaeologists found human footprints on fossils 200 million years ago. , And the footprints are the footprints of shoes!"

Zheng Zhiqing's mouth flew horizontally, and he also said what the mystery of the spirit of the spirit, he said: You feel that you have seen something, your back is cold, but no one sees it except you think, do you think the spirit of the spirit exists

My heart moved, yes, I saw Zhou Xiaoxiao, but none of them saw Ming Han.

"Also, the southern cold river is called "the cold pole of the world". The average temperature is only minus 25 degrees Celsius. But who would have thought that there is an unfreezing lake with a water temperature of 25 degrees Celsius? Can any of you explain it clearly

Zhuo Huina said contemptuously: "Nonsense."

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)