Junk Rat

Chapter 15: Flooded mall


The two attacked alternately. After killing the group of zombies, Cheng Yongbo continued to pack things into his backpack. This kid, Dare to love, was also a rat, and moved everything into the den.

I picked up a handful of Langfang Hanyue and tied it to my calf.

This Hanyue has serrations on one side, extremely sharp, and a foot long with the handle of the knife, which is very suitable for fighting zombies in cramped terrain.

After waiting for a while, no zombies came out to die, I went up and picked up the wind siren, and the two entered the mall next door.

Draw the gourd in the same way, I threw the buzzer to the spacious place, and attracted the zombies again. With this thing, it is much more convenient. Before four o'clock in the afternoon, the zombies in the four shopping malls, east, west, north, south, were all wiped out.

In the following two days, the malls on the fourth floor to the second floor were recovered one after another, and the corpses were thrown out of the mall through the ventilation windows.

I regained the three-storey shopping mall in two days. To reward ourselves, Cheng Yongbo and I took a day off today. The two woke up when it was 12 noon.

Just listen to the sound of rustling outside, like countless footsteps walking back and forth.

I was taken aback, and only heard Cheng Yongbo's voice trembling and saying: "Brother Xiaoqiang, why... how many zombies!"

I was confused, and I gently pushed open a crack in the door, but there was no movement in the mall. After my concentration, I suddenly realized: "...it's raining!"

This was the first rain since the corpse change took place. The big raindrops of soybeans poured down from the skylight of the dome, and the rustling rain kept ringing, but it made this deadly shopping mall even more sluggish.

This heavy rain has caused the rotten smell of corpses in the mall for more than half a month to wash away and the air becomes fresher.

Cheng Yongbo and I refreshed and our sleepiness disappeared. The two took a bunch of food and drink from the store shelf and went to the terrace by the circular corridor.

While eating and drinking, watching the raindrops fall like pearls, there were a few strange screams in the corridor on the sixth floor, and several zombies leaned on the guardrail, looking up at the dome skylight blankly.

Cheng Yongbo slapped the table and blurted out: "Brother Xiaoqiang, I know what it means to sit in a well and watch the sky."

I smiled and said, "Apart from the living dead, there are us."

Counted the zombies below, there were 7 in total. I said: "We will take turns attacking. Whoever misses a shot will be fined a drink."

Cheng Yongbo was overjoyed and shook his head again: "I don't know how to drink, can I drink drinks?"

I nodded: "Yes."

In addition to the sixth floor, there were also a few zombies on the fifth and seventh floors. They also saw Cheng Yongbo and me at this time. They all raised their heads and howled. If there were no guardrails in the corridor, these guys would probably fall straight. Go down.

Cheng Yongbo was impatient and let go of an arrow first, and the crossbow arrow flew by a foot from the top of the target zombie's head with a swish.

The distance was too far, and I followed and shot a steel ball. The zombie's body trembled, as if hitting the chest. To the ignorant zombies, it was like tickling.

This afternoon, in order to eliminate these more than a dozen zombies, Cheng Yongbo and I drank together. God also vomited like he had drunk too much, and it rained all night.

The next day I woke up from alcohol, I went to the corridor and looked down. The group below the third floor was dim, and I took a strong torch to light it down. I was surprised. The flat ground on the first floor was flooded three feet, sparkling, and the courtyard garden was short. A little tree, only a little pointed tip is exposed.

I looked up again and looked out from the skylight of the dome. The sky was dark and dark, and it was almost certain that there was still a heavy rain. The magic capital is close to the sea, and it was a typhoon around the beginning of autumn.

Cheng Yongbo followed behind, looked up at the sky, and said, "Brother Xiaoqiang, how come the first floor was flooded in the rain all night?"

I thought for a while: "Maybe the zombies were rushed into the sewer and blocked it."

Later, I learned that waterlogging in the city is not just that simple. In the past, Modu used to drain water during typhoons, and had to use pumps. Nowadays, no one is driving the machine and boats can be sailed on flat ground. Naturally, there is nothing strange.

"Brother Xiaoqiang, killing zombies in the water... I'm afraid it's fun." Cheng Yongbo said suddenly with his flashlight shooting down.

"Fun? Don't want life anymore?" I glanced at him, "The zombie came out from the bottom of the water. I don't know how it died!"

"No, you see..."

"What to see, get the sixth floor done first."

"No, no, look at Brother Xiaoqiang, the zombies are soaked in the water and can't stand up."

I moved in my heart: "Well, there is some truth. Most of the living dead with stiff hands and feet can't swim. The puffs are in the water and they can only be slaughtered.

Go down carefully

At first glance, the surface of the water waved with waves, and the zombies were floating on the surface, completely involuntarily.

"Eat first, then go to the ninth floor!" I waved and walked to the office.

"What are you going to do on the ninth floor?"

"There are kayaks on the ninth floor!"

Filling up their stomachs and bringing weapons and equipment, the two dragged a kayak from the ninth floor to the first floor. Even in fine weather, the first floor is as dark as a deep well. At this time, the typhoon is strong and the sky is densely covered with dark clouds.

I took the flashlight and swept toward the atrium garden, and saw a dozen heads floating in the shadow of the trees, sometimes showing my eyes, sometimes not even under the water. The flashlight beam swept across, and there was also a howling of corpses in the depths of the invisible trees.

"How come these guys can't even drown?" Cheng Yongbo's tone was full of questions.

I pushed the kayak into the water and said, "Zombies are made from dead people. People are dead. How can they drown again?"

Cheng Yongbo followed up on the kayak and said, "These guys are really immortal. If I can live forever, it would be great." His tone turned out to be very envious.

The two kayaks a few meters forward, and I used a torch to shoot around. I saw that the front and back gates of the mall were closed. No wonder I didn't see the zombies outside coming in during this period of time.

The kayak entered the bushes. The two stopped their oars and did not paddle. They used torches to shoot on the water. When they found the zombies, they shot them with a crossbow. The living dead floated on the water. Even his head was submerged in the water.

After killing a few zombies, Cheng Yongbo and I rowed forward again. The atrium garden area is not small, about 6,000 square meters. The boat slides among the trees, the branches and leaves are brushed over the head, it is like walking through the tropical wetland rain forest. .

It's just that there are dark, seeping corpses one after another, and both of them are hairy in their hearts.

Cheng Yongbo suddenly exclaimed: "There are apples!" He stood up and stretched out his arms, picked a few and threw them into the kayak, then paddled forward, and picked a few big oranges.

These fruits were hung on a high place, and they became more gratifying after being drenched in heavy rain. I picked up an apple, took a big bite, chewed twice and still hadn't swallowed it, and a water line suddenly passed by the boat!

"What!" I was surprised by surprise, and the bite of the apple fell into the water.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)