Junk Rat

Chapter 16: Enter the aquarium by mistake


The water line was fast and straight. I didn't know what monster was heading under the water. He turned a corner and swam back straight.

I raised the oars and hit it hard with my head. The surface of the water rolled and splashed, and a big fish about one meter appeared.

Cheng Yongbo patted his chest and opened his big eyes: "It scares me to death. Where did this fish come from? Isn't it the one swimming in?"

The gate of the mall is a fence-like electric gate. It is possible for fish to swim in between the fence spaces, but this fish has a colorful pattern, like a sea fish.

I patted my head and suddenly remembered that there is an aquarium on the first floor. It must have rained over the pond, and the fish in the pond swam out.

As soon as Cheng Yongbo spoke, he suddenly exclaimed: "Brother Xiaoqiang, go home, there is a crocodile in the aquarium!"

At this moment, a strong force suddenly hit the bottom of the water, and the kayak side almost tipped over, a fishy smell swept across the tip of the nose, and a thick and long living creature stood upright from the bottom of the water.


Cheng Yongbo and I yelled strangely at the same time, this damn aquarium not only has crocodiles, but also pythons!

Amidst the strange cry of the two, they buckled the crossbow at the same time, the steel ball and the crossbow arrow shot out, and shot at the python. .

Cheng Yong and I struggled with each other, and I yelled: "Run away!"

The two raised the oars and rowed back together. When they quickly rowed out more than 20 meters, they saw ten zombies floating in front of the bow, and there was a sudden sound, and one of the zombies rushed out of the water!

"Ah!" Cheng Yongbo screamed, "How can zombies fly!"

In the next second, he and I understood that this zombie is not capable of flying, but a crocodile bit the lower body of the zombie and suddenly leaped out of the water.

The crocodiles are ferocious and greedy. No one has been fed after the catastrophe. They have been hungry for twenty days. Where can they care about carrion

Several crocodiles emerged under the water, biting the remaining zombies and doing "death roll".

The scene was horrible and disgusting. Only Cheng Yongbo screamed, raised his hand and pointed, and several water lines swiftly came by on the side. I don’t know if he is coming this time.

Is it a giant python or a crocodile, it won’t be a good thing anyway.

I adjusted the bow of the boat, and the two of them were terrified and used all their strength to row desperately!

When the python almost turned over the kayak, both of the flashlights fell into the water, leaving only the headlights to illuminate.

Cheng Yongbo and I just wanted to escape, panicked, couldn't choose our way, and the brightness of the headlights was unsatisfactory. When I felt something was wrong, I didn't know what happened, but the kayak went deep into the aquarium.

The aquarium is dark, even if you open your eyes, you can only see eight or nine meters away.

I am secretly shocked, isn't this more of a dead end? I wonder if there will be sharks in the aquarium!

"Are there any sharks in the aquarium?" I asked Cheng Yongbo as I opened my eyes to look for the exit.

Cheng Yong beat his upper and lower teeth and fought with each other: "Shark? Down... Not really!"

"Shhh, luck!" I was a little relieved, thinking that Cheng Yongbo's mother was doing business at the Guofu Shopping Mall. He must have visited it. Asked again, "Where is the exit?"

Cheng Yong said, "I... I forgot. Anyway, the entire first floor is an aquarium... It's... It's pretty big, with only one exit and one entrance."

I thought to myself that the shopping malls on all sides are connected to form an aquarium. It is impossible to have only one exit and one entrance. Otherwise, the fire control will not be able to pass. Cheng Yongbo just came in for a tour. It is not surprising that I don't know other channels.

After paddling more than ten meters forward, a rustling sound was faintly heard, and it seemed that it was raining again outside.

"Brother Xiaoqiang." Cheng Yongbo said tremblingly in the dead silence and darkness, "There are no sharks, but there are piranhas."

"Piranhas? Well, there is nothing terrible." I said smoothly, "Piranhas are so small that they can't swallow us in one bite."

At this time, the body of the boat shook, and a huge black shadow passed by the kayak. I looked down and it was a shark!

I was so horrified that I was dumbfounded and said, "Cheng Yongbo, did you just say there are no sharks?"

Cheng Yongbo was also frightened: "I don't know, the aquarium ticket is very expensive. The last time I came here was... more than a year ago..."

A word from Cheng Yongbo

Without finishing talking, two long, thick, steel hook-like claws suddenly landed on the kayak!

Oh my! What kind of monster is this again? A thought turned around in my mind, and my body slammed to one side, and the kayak was knocked over by the monster.

Before falling into the water, I took a deep breath and held my breath. I caught Cheng Yongbo in the water. I paddled with my right hand. I pressed something hard and pushed abruptly. It rolled with the waves. I used this pushing force. , Holding Cheng Yongbo and avoiding to the left.

It was dark in front of me, and the waves were turbulent when I fell into the water just now. Cheng Yongbo's headlights had been swept away by the waves, and as soon as I surfaced, I turned off the headlights, lest the light in the darkness attract more monsters.

Recalling the feel of the hard object held by the right hand just now, it was hard and rough, I don't know what animal scales it was.

At this time, it was too late to think about it. He kicked his legs hard, and only a few kicks, but his head bumped into a rock. This was an accident, and he was in a hurry, and his forehead was so painful.

But under the surprise, he couldn't even care about hitting a blood bag the size of an egg. When he reached out his hand, the stone was rough, and then climbed up, feeling like a rockery under his feet.

I was afraid that the monster with long and thick claws would continue to follow, pulling Cheng Yongbo to climb to the highest point. After sitting firmly, my shock was a little calm.

But this temporary safety won't last long. Cheng Yongbo suddenly pulled at my clothes, lowered his voice and said, "Brother Xiaoqiang, listen!"

I just heard the sound of climbing under the rockery, and the stench became stronger and stronger. I blocked the headlight for most of the time, and my heart trembled, and a chill on my back penetrated, two crocodiles, like three with bamboo poles. The eight-legged monster is slowly climbing up.

Cheng Yongbo hugged my arm, his voice trembling: "What is it?"

I picked up the crossbow that had been hanging around my neck: "Don't be afraid, it's useless to be afraid. Where's your crossbow? Did it fall into the water?"

Cheng Yongbo listened to my calm tone, and then plucked up his courage, and took out the crossbow from behind: "I'm afraid of falling off, so I kept it on my back."

"Good boy!" I said softly, "I will let go of the lights later, and kill the two crocodiles first."

Cheng Yongbo said, "Why don't you kill the crab-like monster first?"

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)