Junk Rat

Chapter 21: Ghost laugh


I pressed the crossbow that Cheng Yongbo aimed at: "It's not busy."

"Why?" Cheng Yongbo asked strangely.

I smiled and pointed to the dead fish floating in the atrium garden: "Let them be scavengers first, otherwise you think, how many dead fish will there be in such a big aquarium? Come on... Hey... Let's both smell too smelly!"

In order to obtain prey more conveniently, almost all the pythons and crocodiles were entrenched below the second floor. Neither Cheng Yongbo nor I wanted to provoke these guys, so we turned around and went upstairs.

"Brother Xiaoqiang."

Seeing Cheng Yongbo's seemingly hesitant to speak, I asked: "What's the matter? Don't you always just talk when you have something? Why are you shy?"

Cheng Yongbo hesitated for a while, looked at me and said, "Brother Xiaoqiang, I want to go to Tianpeng Building."

I sighed: "Your mother won't be there."

Cheng Yongbo let out an "um", closed his lips tightly, and stopped talking.

When the two returned to the eighth floor, I smiled and said, "The bean sprouts are ready to eat."

In order to prevent my body from being deficient in vitamins, on the third day of coming to the mall, I used a flower pot to send some red beans and mung beans and put them on the sunny terrace.

Cheng Yongbo let out another "um", a little absent-minded. I knew he couldn't let go of his mother, but I didn't know how to comfort him. I only thought that it would only take time to slowly dilute, and people always have to face reality.

In the evening, I cooked a pot of bean sprouts, without any seasoning, or the clear soup with the aroma of beans, which felt ten times more refreshing than the ham and seaweed soup.

After dinner, Cheng Yongbo and I had nothing to do. They played boring poker games until late at night.

When I woke up the next day, I lifted my wrist to look at my watch and was slightly surprised. I slept so long that it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Cheng Yongbo." I lifted my lazy waist vigorously, and called lazily in the darkness: "You haven't woken up yet, haven't you?".

The inner office was quiet, and I yelled twice, grunting: "You kid sleeps like a dead pig." I lit a candle and walked in.

The sofa was empty, and a corner of white letter paper was exposed under the pillow. I shuddered slightly, and a thought flashed in my mind: "Things are going to be bad."

Pull out the letter paper,

Sure enough, there were only a few words on the paper: "Brother Xiaoqiang, I will go to Tianpeng Building to find my mother. Don't worry, I will be back for three days at most."

Angrily, I crumpled the letter paper into a ball and threw it on the ground, cursing: "This kid is really ignorant. He thinks that if you kill a few zombies in the mall, you can go wild and go wherever you want."

I held the candle and looked around the room. He took all his crossbows, diving knives, backpacks and other items with me.

The stagnant water on the road has not subsided, how can this kid get to Tianpeng Building? I rushed to the sports goods store on the ninth floor, and I missed one more kayak.

I didn’t care to eat, so I brought weapons and a backpack, and dragged a kayak down to the third-floor mall.

In a restaurant on the third floor, a window facing the street was wide open. A thick rope was tied to the dining table, and the other end was hung out of the window. Needless to say, Cheng Yongbo went down from here.

I pushed the kayak down the window and landed in the stagnant water below, then grabbed the rope and slid down. I saw a gangster on the road, and countless zombies floated up and down in the water, revealing only a dry head. .

Drive a kayak to draw four or five roads. There is an intersection in front of you. After the intersection, Tianpeng Building is on the opposite side of the road.

But I was in trouble at this time. The crossroads were low-lying. Many zombies were brought here by running water, and the intersections were densely packed. Countless heads of zombies floated.

Although the zombies can't swim, they have to pass through them, and they can definitely overturn a small kayak.

I thought about it for a moment and decided to make a detour for safety.

Suddenly the kayak's tail sank. When I hurriedly looked back, it turned out that a small group of zombies drifted down the water, and they stretched out their dry and whitish claws, grabbing the edge of the boat-I will never eat any bubbles again. Chicken feet with pepper.

"Get away!" I raised the oars high and hit a zombie's head severely.

The zombies were even weaker at this time, and their hands and feet were stiff, and they didn't have much energy in the water. They couldn't climb up, but there was shaking, and the small kayak suddenly turned over.

As soon as I fell into the water, I hurriedly shut down and drilled underwater, swam past the feet of a group of zombies, and swam to the nearest building.

After touching the wall with both hands, my head was exposed through the water with my feet. The water line was under the window on the second floor. I grabbed the edge of the window and turned into the bedroom.

I felt agitated and lost the kayak, let alone the Tianpeng Building.

There was a mess in the bedroom, and I heard a burst of laughter in the living room: "Haha, haha, haha!"

These few bursts were obviously laughing, but the voice was no different from crying. In the voice of "haha", the tone was abnormally sad and miserable.

In my life, I have never heard such a cry that is not like crying, and laughter is not like laughter. Although the sky outside the window is bright, I was caught off guard to hear this sound. I only felt a chill rise from the soles of my feet, and the day immediately turned into late night. .

Even though I was bold, I was shocked.

"Is this a man or a ghost?" I couldn't help but mutter to myself.

My voice was not loud, but I heard it outside, and there was another ha ha sound: "Yes, ha ha, I am a ghost, you are right, I am a ghost, ha ha, ha ha!" The laughter grew louder, dry and unpleasant.

I thought to myself: "This man must not be able to stand the blow of reality, and has a nervous breakdown." He drew his weapon and hid behind him and opened the bedroom door.

Suddenly, a foul smell came out, and I took a step back subconsciously, and saw a woman on the floor of the living room with a disheveled hair, her whole body filthy, not like people, ghosts not like ghosts.

Although I had a premonition beforehand, I couldn't help feeling cold when I saw her appearance. After hesitating for a long time, I cautiously asked: "Sister, are you alone?"

There were a few black spots on the woman's face, which looked like traces of blood coagulation. She pointed to the other bedroom: "Haha, haha, isn't it me alone? And my husband... He is in it. "

I am a little puzzled, the woman's husband is still there, why don't you care about the woman

Seeing that the bedroom door was wide open, he walked to the door a few steps, and suddenly there was another tumbling in his stomach, finally knowing the source of the stench.

I hurriedly closed the door, retching in my throat, only to hear the woman yelling with a ghostly laugh: "He forced me, haha, he forced me. Haha, haha!"

"Don't laugh, speak well." I couldn't help but roar, "You killed him, didn't you!?"

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)