Junk Rat

Chapter 25: Contradictory harmony


Langya Hanyue stopped abruptly less than one centimeter from Liu Chunfang's neck.

Liu Chunfang stretched out his hand and suddenly yelled, rolled his eyes and fainted.

Lin Yaxuan pushed Hu Dacheng away, crying loudly: "Mom! You killed my mother! I'm going to kill you!"

The care for one's own relatives, and the coldness to others, flawlessly, perfectly embodied in Lin Yaxuan's body.

"Shut up!" I shouted, "She can't die!"

Lin Yaxuan shuddered, shocked by my fierce look, and suddenly closed his mouth.

I sneered, "But if Cheng Yongbo is dead, don't try to survive the three of you!" There is no warmth in the laughter, and I don't even believe that it would be my own.

"Not dead, not dead, that little brother is not dead." Hu Dacheng swears imperiously, "Your brother is very water-based. He snorkeled in the water to avoid the zombies and swam to the diagonally opposite building."

"Really!" Before Hu Dacheng could answer, I rushed to the corridor in a few steps and opened the window and shouted, "Cheng Yongbo! Cheng Yongbo!"

The voice returned between the tall buildings, only the flow of the road downstairs was slow, and a dozen zombies raised their heads to respond.

I called for a long time, but still didn't see Cheng Yongbo appear in any window of the building diagonally opposite, turned back to the payment hall, and asked Hu Dacheng viciously, "Why didn't anyone agree?"

Hu Dacheng was also a little strange, muttering to himself: "You should be able to hear such a loud voice, why didn't you agree? Is it asleep?"

I thought about this possibility too, and pointed to Hu Dacheng: "Come out for me."

Hu Dacheng's neck shrank: "What did you say... If I go out, won't you kill me?"

"If you don't come out, I'll break the glass. Then, hehe..." I picked up the crossbow and said gloomily, "You will die ugly."

Sure enough, Hu Dacheng was stunned for a moment and said: "Okay,

I will accompany you to find your brother, and you swear not to kill the three of us. "

I nodded: "A word is settled!"

Hu Dacheng said: "In fact, even if I don't agree, you still have a way to deal with me and Xiaoxuan. As long as we stay outside for three days, we will die of thirst."

I sneered: "You are not stupid."

Hu Dacheng got dressed, opened the door, and said, "Your brother's boat is on the second floor. Let's row over." Lin Yaxuan was dazed, unconsciously.

Hu Dacheng thought for a while, took Liu Chunfang, who was still in a coma, into the payment room, carried two boxes of eight-treasure porridge and put them in, then took out a key from his body to lock the anti-theft door, handed me the key, and said: "Now Don't worry, they can't escape."

I took the key and cursed: "Shameless!" Knowing that Hu Dacheng did this, he was uneasy and worried that Lin Yaxuan's mother and daughter had escaped.

Hu Dacheng smiled, and immediately walked out of the payment hall, and the two went down to the second floor. The stagnant water on the road was still two feet away, and it was about to flood into the corridor windows. The terrain here is slightly higher. On the way I came, the street area had already flooded the second floor.

Hu Dacheng opened a room with an anti-theft door, and Cheng Yongbo was rowing a kayak in front of him. As for why he was locked in this room, it was natural to prevent Cheng Yongbo from coming back and returning the property.

I gave Hu Dacheng a stern look, lifted the kayak out of the window, and the two got into the boat and rowed to the third building on the opposite side of the road and to the left.

This is a seven-story building that is a little old, and it looks very shabby when sandwiched between a high-rise building.

I tied the kayak to the window rail, and the two climbed from the balcony into a house. The living room was deserted and not a trace of popularity.

Hu Dacheng hey: "Fortunately, there is no mourning..."

He hadn't said the word "corpse" yet, er, a white-haired zombie walked out of the bedroom.

Hu Dacheng jumped and immediately hid behind me.

I straightened up the wolf weapon and stabbed

Turning over the zombies, turning around, and asking strangely: "You can't deal with a zombie?"

Hu Dacheng was a little embarrassed, and said with a smile on his face: "I see these guys, the usual method is to grease the soles of their feet, but when dealing with women, I do a few tricks."

I snorted, looked at several rooms, and waved to Hu Dacheng: "Go upstairs!"

There was no sound in the corridor. As soon as the anti-theft door was pushed open, a few mice scurrying around, Hu Dacheng raised his foot to step on, I shook my head: "Forget it, it's all a fate."

Hu Dacheng looked at me puzzled and muttered, "You are weird."

The two climbed to the third floor. The security doors of both houses were closed tightly. I patted the doors and shouted, "Cheng Yongbo."

A chilly corpse howl sounded inside a door, without a trace of human feelings.

I patted the door all the way and couldn't find Cheng Yongbo when I reached the seventh floor. Hu Dacheng couldn't help trembling when he saw my gloomy expression. Suddenly he slapped his head and suddenly said:

"I remember. Cheng Yongbo said he was going home. His family lives in Jiangcheng District. Maybe...you can find him there."

When Cheng Yongbo was in Guofu Shopping Mall, he once told me where he lived. I heard the place names speak well and knew that Hu Dacheng hadn't lied. Nodded: "Go now."

Hu Dacheng said with a bitter face: "It's getting dark, Jiangcheng Community is seven or eight kilometers away from here, I think... or..."

I gave him a sideways glance, and Hu Dacheng shut up quickly and quickly went downstairs.

The two got on a kayak, and Hu Dacheng paddled towards the end of the street with his oars. I saw him without hesitation, and I should know how to get to Jiangcheng Community. I only know the name of the place, in which direction it is, but I don’t know.

When the kayak was out for about three kilometers, he turned to the right and came to a broad main road in the city. In the dusk, I suddenly saw the road in front of me tumbling, and a wall of water like a mudslide was quickly rushing over. .

I said "Hey": "Where is it?"

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)