Junk Rat

Chapter 28: Western girl


Hu Dacheng panted heavily and pointed to the opposite side of the square: "There is Jiangcheng Community, but... how can I get there?"

I frowned and thought: "There is only a detour." But I turned around and looked around. It was not easy to get around the ghost buildings on both sides of the road.

Hu Dacheng looked at nowhere to go, and retreated, and said, "Brother, let me say a word, don't listen to it. In fact, I can see that Cheng Yongbo and you are not brothers, for the sake of one... Well, let me be a bit more polite, is it worth it for you to be a kid?"

I snorted, "Anyone like you knows how to write the word'humanity'? Don't call me brother, you don't know what a brother is."

Hu Dacheng sneered: "A college student, right? You just saw the society? Haven't you been weaned yet? Humph, someone like you may not live long." His tone was full of contempt.

Hu Dacheng is so sophisticated, observing his words, and guessing my identity.

I ignored Hu Dacheng to see if there were other ways, and suddenly I caught a glimpse of an underground passage across the road.

Hu Dacheng followed my eyes and shook his body: "You... don't you want to go through the underground passage? It's dark and sloppy inside, do you know how many zombies are hidden?"

"Go!" I patted him on the shoulder, "Trust me, there won't be many."

Hu Dacheng trembling, but refused to leave, and said, "How do you know?"

"I have observed." I whispered, "The living dead have phototaxis. After such a long time, there should not be a few zombies inside." As he said, he pushed his back.

Boss Hu Dacheng reluctantly walked ahead, and the two of them had finished more than a dozen steps, and it was already dark.

I took out the headlamp and put it on my head, and continued to push Hu Dacheng forward. I had covered the headlight with a black cloth, and the light was faint, and it couldn't shine far.

This passage is five or six hundred meters long, passing through the spacious square above your head, and the sunlight coming in from the exit at the other end is as dim as fireflies. It seems that no matter how you walk, you will never touch it.

About a hundred meters deep into the passage, a few zombies walked out of the darkness. Hu Dacheng trembled: "Quick!

Kill them. "At the same time, both legs can't hold back.

I raised Langya Hanyue, and I was about to stand up, suddenly my heart moved, and then I walked forward, I don't know how many zombies will be encountered, I will be overwhelmed by the time, Hu Dacheng will definitely take the opportunity to flee. Leaving these zombies not to kill is equivalent to breaking his back.

Thinking about this, I pulled Hu Dacheng, dodged these zombies, and walked forward. Secretly funny: "Hu Dacheng doesn't know how viciously cursing me in his stomach."

The two walked forward several tens of meters, and Hu Dacheng suddenly tripped and staggered to the ground.

He got up and took a look, half-sounded with a startled call, and his busyness stopped abruptly.

Just this half of the scream had already alarmed the living dead in the depths of the passage. He only heard the howling of corpses, and I don't know how many zombies came over in the dark.

Although I knew that zombies had worse eyesight in the dark, I turned off my headlights and hurled Hu Dacheng. The two squatted on the ground, their backs pressed against the cold wall, until the noise gradually ceased, and then I walked forward touching the wall. .

Every time I walked a few meters, I turned on my headlight to see the situation a few meters away. There was no danger. I walked forward, just like this intermittently. Although I finally reached the other exit without any danger, my back was penetrated by cold sweat. .

After exiting the passage, Jiangcheng Community was across the road. The half-person-high retractable door was knocked to the ground by a car. A dozen zombies dragged their heels and hovered around like sleepwalking.

The two crossed the road, flashed past the zombies, and slipped into the compound of the community in a smoke. They were hidden in a piece of green land. They saw the surrounding buildings standing, with a total of 17 or 8 buildings with more than 30 stories.

I feel a little troubled. The community is full of zombies walking around without their heads and flies, and they dare not shout loudly. People from building to building are looking for it, and I don’t know when to find it.

There were several howls of corpses around, and it seemed to bring three points of excitement. Seven or eight zombies walked into the green field. When Hu Dacheng and I hid in, they did not escape their eyes.

The two men hurriedly bent over, crawled around among the flowers and grass, looked up, and were taken aback at the same time.

Behind a few lush cosmos, there was a pretty face with fair complexion and dark blue eyes

, Was a Western girl of seventeen or eighteen years old.

Suddenly I met a living person, and it was a foreign girl, and I couldn't help but let out a "Huh".


The girl put her index finger on her lips, shook her head, and pointed in the direction of her right hand.

I turned my head and looked over, and saw a few zombies in a circle on the green grass next to them, lying on all fours on the ground, and yellow hair, rushing to eat a dead dog.

The girl sobbed her pretty nose, beckoned, and motioned for us to follow her.

The girl was so beautiful that it was palpitating. Although Zhou Wei's environment was fierce, I still had a passion in my heart. When I followed her out of the green belt, I looked back and saw that Hu Dacheng took the opportunity to slip away.

"How did your companion leave?" The girl opened her voice with a crisp voice. Although the pronunciation is not very standard, it has an exotic charm.

"Don't worry about that guy." As I spoke, I saw a dozen zombies staggering over here, hurriedly pulling the girl, bending over and hiding in a business car a few steps away.

This white commercial car was parked in the driveway of the community, with a few bloody handprints on the window, and the car keys still in the car.

When the small group of zombies passed the commercial vehicle, the girl and I asked at the same time. I asked, "Have you seen a twelve or thirteen-year-old boy?" The girl asked, "Where did you come from?"

We laughed at the same time, and the girl said, "What is the name of the boy you are looking for?"

I said, "His name is Cheng Yongbo, and his family lives in this community."

The girl was startled, her eyes widened: "Are you Brother Xiaoqiang?"

I nodded: "It's me." Xi said, "Did Cheng Yongbo tell you? Is he still alive?" Under the surprise, I held the girl's hand tightly.

"Ah! You are Brother Xiaoqiang! Cheng Yongbo praised you to the sky, saying that you are brave, kind, and upright..." Two blushes appeared on the face of this beautiful western girl, and she gently withdrew it back. hand.

"Where is he?" I asked quickly.

A trace of sadness flashed across the girl's face, and she pointed to a tall building more than 30 meters away: "He's at Sister Zhou's house on the sixth floor. The situation... is not so good."

I was taken aback: "What's wrong with him? Take me to see!"

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)