Junk Rat

Chapter 30: The ocean of death


The key to the house represents the harbor of the heart, and Cheng Yongbo has been keeping it properly.

He opened the door and went in, and saw that the living room was neatly cleaned and there was no dust on the coffee table. He couldn't help but babbled and couldn't say "Mom".

A person suddenly walked out of the kitchen, but he was not his mother. Cheng Yongbo recognized that this was borrowed from Alice who lived in Uncle Wu's house on the seventh floor.

Alice is a fellowship exchange student. She does not live on campus like ordinary international students, but lives in the homes of residents of the other country, and can more subtly integrate into each other's culture.

The two suddenly saw each other, they were all stunned. One asked: "Why are you in my house?" The other asked: "Are you still alive?"

Cheng Yongbo continued, "Where is my mother?"

Alice said, "Without you, I turned the window from Uncle Wu's house and I never saw anyone in your house."

Half a month after the disaster, Alice had nothing to eat in Uncle Wu's house, so she had to tie the sheets into a rope and risk hanging from the seventh floor to the sixth floor of Cheng Yongbo's house. She had lived there for seven or eight days.

When Cheng Yongbo heard it, he fell hopelessly, exhausted, his eyes went dark, and he fainted.

When I woke up, I saw a light like a bean, and the day has passed.

Alice sat in front of the bed and stared at him. Seeing him wake up, she quickly brought a bowl of gruel and said softly, "Let’s eat something."

Cheng Yongbo was silent, big tears rolled down suddenly, choked up and said: "I... I will never see my mother again."

Alice comforted him: "Don't be sad, Sister Zhou may not be alive." Alice was supposed to call Cheng Yongbo's mother as her aunt, but she understood the habits of the people of Si, and knew that no matter whether they were men or women, they would not want to be called old. .

Cheng Yongbo shook his head: "No, Mom must be gone."

"Remember a Western proverb I told you before?" Alice said softly,'Everyone has a lucky day.' As long as God looks at Sister Zhou in the sky, Sister Zhou will survive! "

Cheng Yongbo sighed, as if he had grown up in one day, and said: "No matter what, I can't wait anymore. If my mother is really alive, please remember to tell her...'I love her.'"

Feeling sad, Alice wondered: "Why can't you wait?"

Cheng Yongbo said sadly, "I was scratched." He raised the back of his left hand and showed it to Alice.

Alice looked at the tiny scratches on her nails and understood something. She felt a pain. She immediately wiped the wound with alcohol and cotton wool, and said with a strong smile, "I think there should be nothing wrong with such a small wound."

Chen Yongbo raised a glimmer of hope in his heart and said, "How do you know?"

Alice actually didn't know anything, but just to comfort Cheng Yongbo, she said casually.

It can be seen that Cheng Yongbo looked urgent and waited for her to answer with his eyes open. But he didn't want to hurt his heart by telling the truth, and he hesitated a little: "I brought some antibiotics and it worked very well. I'll go to Uncle Wu's house and bring them for you."

Cheng Yongbo watched Alice's eyes twinkling, and thought: "She is just to comfort me."

However, the dead horse was treated as a living horse doctor. When Alice got the medicine, she took two pills according to the instructions. After thinking about it, she took four more pills.

But after one night, Cheng Yongbo felt his body warm at first, and then his body temperature rushed upwards, and he developed a high fever.

Although Cheng Yongbo was young, he knew that antibiotics had no effect and he was not far from death.

He was afraid that he would mutate after death and would harm Alice, so he urged that he wanted to eat pomegranate, so he pulled Alice away, took out his diving knife, and prepared to commit suicide.

Cheng Yongbo walked to the window and glanced at the blue sky one last time. He just raised the knife, only to find that Hu Dacheng and I had arrived in Jiangcheng District.

After hearing Cheng Yongbo's story, Alice said: "Scratched and bitten by a zombie will mutate. It's just that we take it for granted. After all, I haven't seen it with my own eyes in the last days. Is it just a normal fever?"

I heard Alice say this, knowing she was just comforting Cheng Yongbo.

Cheng Yongbo smiled reluctantly and said, "I hope."

Alice continued: "And I think, since we can survive, it means that we are naturally immune to corpse poison, and we shouldn't scratch a little bit, so we become that... right?"

Cheng Yongbo laughed a few times again, I suddenly felt that his laughter sound was a little weird

, Looked at his face. Suddenly surprised!

In this short period of time, a cloud of black air also appeared on Cheng Yongbo's face, his head tilted, his eyes closed and he fell on the sofa.

I smiled miserably: "The one that should be here is here."

Cheng Yongbo's appearance of smiling but not smiling remained, looking strange and terrible, Alice's eyes were tearful, and her lips trembled uncontrollably.

My right hand rested on the handle of Langya Hanyue's knife, and my heart was in confusion.

Suddenly, Cheng Yongbo's eyes opened sharply. The original clear eyes were already muddy at this time, and Alice screamed and backed away one after another.

With a light sneer, Hanyue in my hand has already killed him.

I took two steps back, and with a cry, Hanyue fell to the ground. The room was silent and silent.

I don’t know how long it took, I picked up Fang Hanyue on the ground and walked silently towards the entrance hall. Alice said, "Where are you... going?"

Four words popped out between my clenched teeth: "Go back and get revenge!"

Alice hesitated for a while, and said, "I'll go with you." Although her voice was small, her tone was firm.

I saw the other side of this western girl from her beautiful face, calm and determined.

Alice carried the backpack left by Cheng Yongbo on her back, picked up the crossbow and walked over. When closing the door, I looked back at Cheng Yongbo one last time, recalling what he said: "No one can escape death anyway." There was another sorrow.

The two went downstairs to the yard. The group of corpses had already scattered away at this time. They saw me and Alice, and they were surrounded on three sides, with hideous faces with teeth and claws, wishing to tear us into pieces right away.

I pointed to the white commercial car: "Drive away!" Alice followed.

The two fled into the car. I twisted the car key and the engine rang slightly and started. When I stepped on the accelerator again, the four wheels swished out, bumped a few times, ran over the telescopic door that fell to the ground, and rushed out of the Jiangcheng community.

On the square opposite the gate of the community, corpses roared like a sea of death, and I would never want to drive over.

I turned the steering wheel to the right, thinking that even if I made a detour, the four wheels would run faster than two legs, and I would definitely be able to catch up with Hu Dacheng.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)