Junk Rat

Chapter 33: Rush out


The large desk quickly slid across the ground of the water mill hall, like a mad bull, he just hit a road among the corpses.

When Alice was overjoyed, the two of them joined forces and rushed out the door.

A group of corpses howled and followed behind noisily. On the sidewalks at both ends of the door, there were also zombies who were alarmed and surrounded this side.

After a quick glance, I was suddenly overjoyed. Seven or eight zombies came to my left hand. The current one is tall and long.

I put the car key into Alice's hand: "You come to drive"

Turning around and rushing to the zombie, a steel ball killed it and tore down the weapon.

Behind me, there was a squeaking scream from the ground quickly rubbing against the ground. When I turned around, I saw four puffs of blue smoke rising from under the wheels, and the white business car rushed out like a wild horse without the rein!

"Oh!" I yelled quickly, "Alice, I haven't gotten in the car yet!"

The corpses were howling, and the scene was noisy. Alice was extremely nervous and couldn't take care of everything. She must have thought I had gotten into the car from the back door. The commercial car roared, speeded up suddenly, and turned around the end of the street for a moment. ,Disappear.

When the commercial vehicle first started, I yelled and did not respond.

But today is obviously not my lucky day.

The corpses resembled hornet bombing nests, surrounded from all directions, with blood stains on the hideous and dull face, I screamed in fright, turned around and fled.

He ran across the street and stopped abruptly at his feet. Hundreds of zombies swooped over like a tide, and the abandoned vehicles were all pushed out of place.

I turned around and ran to another street. I saw an empty alley on the side of the road. There were only two white-haired zombies with their backs against the mottled red wall. They looked towards the alleyway weakly, shook their bodies, and rushed in.

Two zombies looked fierce, one in front of each other

Coming over, I killed one, flew again, kicked the back one to the ground, and continued running along the bluestone slab.

After running for a while, seeing a door ajar by the side of the road, he hurriedly hid in.

Breathing hard, I saw that there was a family's backyard, two-story small buildings, old houses of some ages like this, and the thriving magic capital before the catastrophe were rare.

Suddenly there was a howl of a corpse, and a long-haired female corpse was turned out from a corner of the patio shaded by flowers and trees.

Just listening to the sound of rustling footsteps outside the red brick wall, he quickly released his index finger.

The backyard was colorful, and there were red tomatoes growing under a wall. I picked one and took a bite. The tomatoes after the Mid-Autumn Festival had the sweetness of autumn pears. The juice flowed into the thirsty throat, and the spirit couldn't help but lifted.

Pushing open the back door of the small building, behind the door is a slightly messy living room with a messy sofa cushion, and the coffee table is full of tea cups and a few packets of snacks. Although the whole living room is not tidy, there is still a trace of what it used to be. Fireworks in the world.

I coughed and didn't see the zombies coming out of the penthouses on both sides. Probably there was no "person" in the house. I searched it up and down again, and then I fell down on the sofa that was not trendy.

There was a box of expensive cigarettes worth 35 yuan on the coffee table. I lit one of them, and I was shocked and meditated in the swirling blue smoke: "After Alice has escaped, I will definitely get it back when I find that I am not in the car. I have to get it back as soon as possible. Go back and meet her."

Thinking of this, I only smoked half of a cigarette. I immediately stood up and stepped on the cigarette butts. Then I stuffed a few packets of snacks from the coffee table into my backpack, then opened the front door of the living room, walked through the front yard, and listened on the yard door. There were a few scattered corpses outside the door, and it seemed that there were not many zombies.

Gently opened a crack in the door, and there was another alley outside the door. The old houses on both sides of the door were lined up, squeezed to each other, and there were several zombies lying on the bluestone slab.

I suddenly

Then he opened the courtyard door, ran towards the depths of the alley, made a circle, and returned to the street.

At the gate, there were more than a dozen zombies reluctantly swaying back and forth. I looked around and got into a Land Rover car on the side of the road.

The parking place of the Land Rover is diagonally opposite, and I can see it at a glance as soon as Alice comes back from the car.

There are two bottles of mineral water in the car. I haven't opened it yet. I picked up one, opened it and took two sips, chewing snacks, and waiting quietly.

As time passed, my heart became more and more anxious. Seeing the slanting sun gradually fall behind the high-rise buildings in the city, Alice still did not appear, but a group of walking corpses flooded the street, uh uh, howling for a moment. Stop making me more irritable.

After another three or four hours, the moon also rose, hanging diagonally across the city skyline, passing through the sycamore leaves, swaying the mottled ground.

I thought to myself: "You idiot, Alice must have had an accident. It's funny if you don't hurry to find it and wait here in a daze."

The Land Rover's car key was still inserted in the direction lock. I sat in the driving position and tried to start a fire. Thankfully, the engine rang slightly and started.

A good car was different when it drove. The noise was very small. A few zombies a dozen steps away were not disturbed. I released the handbrake and the black Land Rover slid to the end of the street like a ghost.

At the end of the street, follow the direction where Alice disappeared and turn to the road on the right. Because the high buildings blocked the moonlight, the road was darkened a lot. Even if I opened my eyes wide, I could only see the distance of two meters in front of the car.

I dare not turn on the car lights. It will cause unexpected trouble. Who knows how many living dead are hidden in the darkness

I controlled the accelerator and drove slowly at a very low speed. After driving a distance, two fronts suddenly appeared in my sight, and I quickly stepped on the brakes. Only then did I find that the road was also crashing into a pot of porridge.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)