Junk Rat

Chapter 36: There is nothing more mourning than death


"Cheng Yongbo died?" Hu Dacheng was taken aback, then raised his finger to Liu Chunfang and exclaimed: "Then you want revenge, you should also find her Liu Chunfang, what is my business? I didn't push Cheng Yongbo into the water!"

Seeing my ferocious appearance, Hu Dacheng knew that this time I couldn't get through, so he only asked for his own life and couldn't care about Liu Chunfang anymore.

Liu Chunfang's lips trembled: "Yes, I pushed the boy out. It was worth his life. I only ask you to take care of my daughter Xiaoxuan."

Then she threw on the weapon in my hand and committed suicide.

Before he came back to his senses, a figure flashed next to him. Hu Dacheng had already rushed out of the office hall, crashed through the corridor glass, thumped, and dived to escape.

Seeing the death of her mother, Lin Yaxuan, in great compassion, did not even have any tears, and said to me faintly: "Please kill me too."

I shook my head. In fact, I came to avenge Cheng Yongbo with my grief and anger, but from the bottom of my heart, if there is a chance to slash Liu Chunfang, I don't know if I can really do it.

After all, I have read a book for fifteen years and have never taught me to kill.

There was a dead silence in the hall, so quiet that you could hear a needle falling on the ground. Deterred by the deathly silence, I couldn't help feeling a chill in my vest.

I looked at Lin Yaxuan, her eyes were indifferent, neither pain nor anger could be seen, just like the eyes of a walking dead outside, containing no human emotions. Even when I walked out of the hall, she seemed to have not seen it.

I am boring, and I don't want to take Lin Yaxuan's burden.

Liu Chunfang said: "A fate is worth a fate, I just ask you to take care of my daughter Xiaoxuan." But I am not a Virgin, and I may not see the sun tomorrow.

Leaving the Tianpeng Building on a raft, my heart was at a loss, where should I go? Go find Alice.

Thinking of Alice, my brows stretched out, and I felt peace and joy in my heart as long as I was with her. Turning to the thought that her whereabouts were unknown, another melancholy surged in my heart.

Hu Dacheng dived

Later, I didn't know where I was swimming. I glanced at the end of the street, but saw the heads of dozens of zombies floating on the dirty water, and there were many inexplicable debris.

The raft returned to the original road, and the accumulation of water on the road became shallower and shallower. I jumped onto the side of the road, and when I looked up, I saw the Oriental Pearl Tower stabbing into the sky like a broken sword.

I thought that on the first day of being trapped, both Alice and I saw the helicopter landing nearby, so we might as well go take a look, maybe we can find Alice.

By the way, I would like to find out again, what kind of "Star Civilization" organization Hu Dacheng said is the person driving the helicopter, is there really such an organization

The Land Rover was still parked, and the two zombies circled around the body continuously. If they still have a little thought in their minds, they might be inexplicable. Why do they want to circle around the body

There were a few howls of corpses in the distance, and there was a small group of zombies coming towards this side of a dozen or so doors. I hurried into the car and wanted to wait until dark before rushing over. During the day, I was shuttled through the dead city full of walking corpses. The danger is even greater than night.

This group of zombies walked to the car, circled the car a few times, and patted it a few times. The dark car film made the zombies unable to see the situation inside the car, and then they scattered away in a daze.

I shrank in the back seat of the car, staring at the watch in a circle for a second, my heart became more and more irritable, and I just sat down in the driver's seat—it was really uncomfortable to sit in this way.

Started the Land Rover, crossed two streets, turned right onto another road, and drove out two more streets. Seeing that the intersection in front was heavily blocked by the rammed vehicles, I could not imagine the past.

He fell back to the front of the car, crushed back from a large group of zombies that followed, and walked another road. The situation on this road was even worse. Not only was it jammed, but the abandoned vehicles were also mixed with countless living dead.

At this time, there were more and more living dead following Land Rover, and half of the road was crowded with black pressure, and then rushed back. I was worried about the risk of overturning. I saw a large courtyard on the side of the road with two carved iron doors open. , There were not many zombies in the yard, so he turned the steering wheel and broke in.

There were three buildings standing in the yard. I drove around and didn't find the back door. I took advantage of the situation to tie a few swimming zombies under the wheels, then hurriedly jumped out of the car, pushed the yard gate, and bolted it.

The corpses rushed over like a tide, and a loud bang hit the iron gate, and my body shook subconsciously. With this bump, the iron gate also tilted inwards.

There was a clicking sound, and the subsequent zombies squeezed forward, and the angle of the iron gate was even greater.

My scalp was numb, knowing that the iron gate was about to collapse in an instant, I turned around and ran towards the back courtyard wall. It was not a wise choice to escape into the building. I would be trapped alive.

The courtyard wall is more than two meters high, close to three meters, but there is a row of cars parked against the wall. I climbed to the top of an off-road vehicle and jumped again. Two hands climbed onto the top of the wall, only to hear a bang, the courtyard door was already Falling down, a group of corpses roared in.

I patted my chest, and then I thought that the dead didn't understand anything and cursed, which was too boring.

Jumping off the wall, it is the backyard of a guest house of a certain unit. Around a small building, two ancient cypresses cover the sky and shade the sun. There are luxuriant branches and shades.

It really means that the pure land in the downtown area and the outside world are just two worlds.

I took the weapon and turned to the front of the small building. I saw the two entrance yards that entertain everyone. There are three buildings in the front yard, and there is only this two-story building in the back yard, but the terrain is secret and the environment is quiet. It seems to be a gathering of leaders. dedicated.

There are two rooms on the first floor. The larger one is a conference room. Looking through the window, there is no one inside. On the conference table, the two rows of teacups were neatly arranged, completely untouched.

The other is a restaurant. As soon as I walked to the door, I heard the sound of howling corpses. It sounded like a dozen zombies were trapped inside.

I wanted to go up to the second floor and take a look.

There are four rooms in a row on the second floor, and the doors of the four rooms are greatly opened. I think there are iron doors locked in the front and back yards, and the zombies in the front yard cannot enter. The restaurant below has closed a group of "people", and the second floor is not listening. Whenever there is any movement, there should not be a single "person".

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)