Junk Rat

Chapter 40: The past


Wang Teng smoked a cigarette and continued: "I was churning again in my stomach, startled and frightened, and rushed towards the road home. There was a pile of people on the east and a pile of people on the west. There were cannibalistic people everywhere. Bloody and pungent."

"I relied on my skills to be agile and escaped three roads one after another, but I was sweating profusely, breathing hard, and I couldn't run anymore. I saw a sidewalk retracted by the side of the road. At the end was a courtyard with two iron gates closed. At the moment, regardless of the three seven twenty-one, jumped the door and escaped in."

Wang Teng smiled bitterly: "The yard was deserted and there was no one to see, but then I almost starved to death. What place do you think this yard is?"

I smiled and said, "What kind of place? As long as there are no zombies, it is a good place."

Wang Teng took a sip of sullen wine: "I pried the door in a warehouse to find out that it is a warehouse of a pharmaceutical company. There are medicines everywhere, and there is nothing to eat."

I laughed in a low voice, "That's really starving to death."

Wang Teng sighed: "At that time, there was chaos on the road. It was the slaughterhouse. I didn't dare to leave easily. I hid in the warehouse until the night. I was hungry and thirsty. So I lit the lighter and wandered around in the warehouse and opened the medicine boxes. With good luck, I found a lot of oral liquids. Although I can’t fill my stomach, I can always quench my thirst."

"I drank more than a dozen bottles of oral liquid one after another, and my throat felt comfortable, but I didn't expect that those things were great tonic, which burned me all night and talked nonsense.

I saw Wang Teng's frown, wanting to laugh, but worried that the living dead outside heard the laughter, trembling, and desperately enduring it.

Wang Tengbai glanced at me: "What's so funny? You were trapped in the van at the time, and you might not be much better than me."

I said: "At least I didn't talk nonsense."

Wang Teng said: "When the convertible Mercedes Benz caught fire, you must be frightened, haha..."

Those things not long in the past were life-threatening at the time, but the time passed by, thinking about it again, thinking of the embarrassing appearance at the time, and feeling a bit funny, the two had no grudges, and they actually made a joke about life and death.

I don't know why, but Wang Teng and I hit it off right away, and we talked very speculatively.

"What happened later?" I asked, "Do you remember where you lost the phone?"


Teng shook his head: "I can't remember. It seems that I ran into a shopping mall before escaping to the warehouse. But for that one, you have personally experienced the scene at that time. The soul is scared. Who will pay attention? "

I nodded: "That's it."

Wang Teng continued: "I stayed in the warehouse until the next day, and I found some glucose solution. After drinking it, my brain gradually became clearer, but my stomach became more hungry."

"I just thought, if you are hungry for three days and two days, even if there is glucose hanging on your life, it will be a dead end. Anyway, it is death, it is better to risk survival."

I agree to say: "I thought the same way back then."

Wang Teng nodded. Seeing that the hot pot was almost eaten, he took out a box from his backpack, opened the beer soaked in a self-heating bag, and said:

"I have a big appetite, so thinking about it, I walked out of the warehouse door."

I smiled and said to my heart: "Your appetite is really big. The hot pot you take out is a super big box for four people. You can eat while talking, most of which are eaten by you."

I just listened to Wang Teng continuing to say: "The roads are full of crazy people. I didn't connect them to the zombies at the time. I realized later that they were all zombies."

"Naturally, I didn't dare to go out through the front door, so I turned over the back wall and arrived at a community."

"The community is a bit old. The four buildings are only seven stories high. There are a dozen zombies scattered around in the yard. As soon as I jumped off the wall, I was stared at by two zombies."

"I bypassed the zombies, ran into a building, and fled all the way up to the sixth floor, but every door was closed."

"I thought to myself, if the doors of the three houses on the seventh floor were also closed, I would only have to fight the two zombies that came up to me."

"Fortunately, the door of the house in the middle was open. I was ecstatic and crawled and escaped. As soon as I closed the security door, a zombie rushed up."

"I jumped onto the sofa in one step and saw that it was just a thin girl. No matter what I thought, it would be easy to deal with it."

I swallowed my beer and said, "Wrong, wrong, the new corpse is so powerful that you can't handle it."

Wang Teng said, "But I didn't know it at the time. I saw a bottle of beer on the coffee table. I picked up a bottle and smashed it on the head of the woman."

"Who knows that it has nothing to do with it. It rushed forward and grabbed my ankle. The claws were like steel hoops. I couldn't get rid of it."

"There was a cold sweat on my head. I was dragged by the zombie and fell off the sofa. It let go of my feet and crawled over. A pair of dead white eyes blocked the drooping black hair for a while, and then exposed. Twisted, that look, tsk tsk, take a look, I promise you will have nightmares."

"I was so frightened that I kicked my legs desperately, the zombies fell to the sky, my hands fluttered wildly, and my legs kicked a few times,..."

"I got up and rushed into the bedroom a few steps. After locking the door, I felt that it was not safe. Then I pushed the desk against it. Haha, I'm not afraid of your jokes. I almost got scared."

"After panting for a long time, my stomach began to groan again, punched on the head, and cursed myself to make my head stunned. I was going to escape into the kitchen just now. Isn't there anything to eat? Why do I need to be hungry?"

"I rummaged in the bedroom, hoping to find something to eat, but there was nothing left except for two pieces of gum on the bedside table."

"But the more you chew the gum, the more hungry your belly is. A rice bucket like me has never been so hungry in my life. Alas, it really feels like the front of the chest sticks to the back.

At this time, the second box of hot pot has been heated, Wang Teng opened the lid, and after eating two bites of dishes, he continued:

"I wanted to brave the courage to rush out several times, kill the zombies outside and go to the kitchen to find food, but when I saw a circle of ankles, thinking of the female corpse's amazing strength, I flinched again."

"Just staying up until the evening, I suddenly realized that since escaping into the bedroom, I never heard any movement in the living room anymore, so I gently moved the desk and opened the bedroom door. I saw the woman's corpse still lying on the sofa. Come on, I have the courage to go out and take a look, guess what?"

"What's wrong? Is the female corpse already reimbursed?" I wondered, "No, those guys, except for their heads, would you just cut it into two pieces, or would open your mouth and bite someone. If you don't fall, you'll be finished? "

Wang Teng said, "It's really finished. It turned out that when I hit its head with a beer bottle, the beer bottle broke into two pieces. The woman's corpse fell back, and the back of her head was just inserted into the sharp bottom half of the beer bottle, just like that. ."

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)