Junk Rat

Chapter 41: Treasure friends


I couldn't help laughing: "Why don't you endure a day of hunger for nothing?"

Wang Teng smiled and raised his beer: "Who said no?" Gudong drank upside down, then opened a can and said, "I was so annoyed at that time, I quickly sneaked into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and took out cold dishes and meals. First mixed up with a round belly. Alas, it feels good to be full!"

I laughed in a low voice: "Later on, you kept hiding in the female corpse's house? Isn't it smelly?"

Wang Teng said: "The female corpse, I threw it out of the balcony at the time. Or else who can bear the stench of the carrion corpse?"

"Hehe, I stayed honestly and unceremoniously. Ten days later, I dreamed of my elementary school classmate in one night and woke up. But why did I wake up when I looked at the moonlight outside the window, but I was still in a trance. I can’t tell why."

I said, "Thinking day and dreaming night, right?"

Wang Teng shook his head: "No." Suddenly nodded, "Maybe it is, maybe the thought is hidden in the deepest part of the subconscious mind, and I didn't even notice it."

"Anyway, it wasn't until I glanced at the calendar on the wall that my heart suddenly shook. There was a flash of lightning in my mind, and I remembered that in the chat group, didn't some people just say that the catastrophe happened on this day?"

When I saw Wang Teng saying this, the expression on my face was extremely solemn, and I also wondered in my heart. Could anyone really predict the time of the disaster? Said: "So regardless of the danger, you must find your phone back?"

Wang Teng nodded: "But I didn't dare to go out at that time, until I found that the zombies were getting weaker and the food was about to be eaten, and I was determined to come out and uncover the mystery in my happy life. But after searching for three days, I still didn't find it. My cell phone."

I was silent for a while and said, "Give me a week. After seven days, whether I can find Alice or not, I will come back to help you find your phone."

Wang Teng nodded: "Well, I will be here waiting for you then, I hope you can find Alice, let's go to the Shuangcheng Zoo together."

The two chatted for most of the night. When I looked at my watch, I knew it was already nine o'clock in the morning.

Wang Teng said: "Behind the Wax Museum is Jinhai Road. There are fewer zombies. You can go to the east from Jinhai Road.

Pearl. "

I picked up my backpack and saw a short axe stuck behind Wang Teng's back, so I thrust the weapon into his hand and said, "This is for you to defend yourself."

Wang Teng was taken aback. Of course he understood what a weapon meant in a dead city full of walking corpses. His hands were swayed: "No, no, I absolutely can't ask for this."

I'm afraid to pat the crossbow on the shoulder: "I still have this, and it is cumbersome to bring an extra weapon."

Wang Teng sighed: "Brother Xiaoqiang, I and you hit it off right away, just like an old friend of more than ten years, but I didn't expect that you would be so righteous..."

I interrupted Wang Teng's words: "It depends on who it is." If I wanted to be someone like Hu Dacheng, I would lose my weapon and would not give him away.

Wang Teng nodded: "But I will definitely not accept this thing. If you insist on giving it to me, I will be very angry. You shouldn't consider you to be a friend."

Seeing Wang Teng's face solemn, I had to give up.

Opening the studio door, there were seventeen or eight zombies stranded in the wax museum hall. Wang Teng ran to close the hall door first, so as not to wait for the zombies outside to enter the hall.

I carried Langfang Hanyue, put two fingers in my mouth, blew a whistle, led the zombies in the hall to the corner, and cooperated with Wang Teng to kill the group of zombies.

In the empty hall, the floor was full of discarded items. The two picked them up separately. After a while, each held a dozen mobile phones in his hands.

Wang Teng recognized them one by one, but did not find his mobile phone.

"I will follow the road that day and look for it again." Wang Teng said, "I will send you out through the back door first."

The two walked into a corridor, turned two turns and came to the back door. I stretched out my head and looked out. Jinhai Road was bleak and messy. The corpse had been transformed in less than two months, but at this moment, everything in front of me looked like A hundred years have passed since it was deserted.

Wang Teng shook hands with me, shook them vigorously, and said to each other to take care.

I waved back: "See you in a week!"

I trot to the street, and there was a T-shaped intersection in front of me. Going straight was a shortcut, but there were a lot of zombies on one street, and I had to go around a few more streets to the left, but safety was the top priority.

I rushed over in a swift way and threw it away

The chaotic vehicles on the road dodge the zombies and quickly pass this street.

After running a few roads in this way, more and more zombies were trailing behind me. I was apprehensive. Although these slow-moving guys could not catch up for a while, they would cut off their back roads when they had to escape in an unexpected situation. Up.

And they chaotically follow behind, only provoke more zombies.

Last night I had a drink and chat with Wang Teng. I was very tired at this time, so I quickly passed through a small alley, got rid of the trailing zombies, flashed into a small hotel by the road, and pulled back two fence gates.

Compared with large hotels, small hotels are actually more secure, with few residents, and anti-theft measures are in place. In addition to two glass doors, one side also has a rolling door or an iron gate. Large hotels generally only have glass doors.

The hotel was quiet, and there was no one in the registration room. I took a bunch of keys from the wall and followed the cramped corridor to the second floor.

One side of the corridor on the second floor is facing the street, and the other is a row of guest rooms. In two of the guest rooms, suspicious noises were heard. Most of the passengers who had been transformed into corpses were trapped inside.

The living dead didn't know how to open the door, so I didn't bother to bother. I opened Room 207 and saw that the bedding was neat and there was an old computer under a desk under the window.

I closed the door, lifted the computer to the floor, pushed the desk against the door, checked the closet and the bottom of the bed, and I fell asleep.

I slept very deeply. It was probably the best sleep since the end of the day. When I woke up, looking at the bright colors of the sky, I was stupefied for a moment without knowing whether it was morning or evening.

Filling my stomach, the sky dimmed, I went downstairs out of the hotel and walked cautiously on the gloomy street.

During the day there is danger during the day, and at night there is darkness at night, so I dare not care about it at all.

Walking through the two streets, the night breeze was blowing on my face, and there was a faint smell of corpses. I didn't care, or even paid attention, as if the air should be like this.

The Oriental Pearl Tower is not far away. Its dazzling lights are just four or five streets away. Tonight, I will be able to go under the tower. I have not yet figured out how to proceed when I arrive.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)