Junk Rat

Chapter 47: Sudden accident


I hugged my weapon, fell asleep again in a daze, and woke up again the next morning.

After staying up until noon, I filled my stomach with the last box of self-heating rice. Wang Teng still did not come back. I started to feel a little anxious, but there was no other way except to wait in the studio.

An unbreakable truth, the waiting time always seems endless, a day has finally passed, I feel as if a year has passed.

The candle is gone, but the car’s emergency power supply can also illuminate. Pressing the switch, the studio is brightened, and I feel a little hungry when I feel late at night and feel a little bit hungry.

When I was at the Oriental Pearl Tower, in order to bring as many weapons as possible, I almost emptied my backpack, but it was not difficult to find food. There was a large supermarket chain across the road and across from the Wax Museum.

Putting on the headlights, pressing the two weapons inserted on the waist belt, lifting the weapons, and gently opening a gap in the door.

At the end of the hall outside, there are seven or eight black shadows shaking. Aren't these guys tired? No matter day or night, I have never seen them sleep.

Far away, these zombies did not find me. I walked out of the hall door lightly and thought: "That's right, they are all dead. What will the dead sleep?"

A full moon hung in the night sky, looking down the bleak world in a deserted manner. The night breeze blew by, and a plastic bag was weirdly spinning in the air, slowly drifting in front of my eyes. On the road, a dark shadow was shaking.

I strode across the road, tiptoed into the supermarket gate, discarded messy items, a row of shelves next to the cashier, full of various bags, took a backpack and walked into the depths of the supermarket indiscriminately.

This supermarket has a large business area. The first half is for daily necessities, clothes, shoes and socks, and food and snacks are in the second half. The shelves were rugged, standing in rows, and there was a sudden howl or two of corpses, and after that, it was as silent as death.

I hung the backpack on my chest, one hand holding the weapon, the other hand holding candles, food, mineral water, etc.

, Stuffed into the backpack.

The night is deep and the headlights are dim. If you are alone in this huge supermarket, if you are not afraid, it is a lie. When you look left and right, you are afraid that a hand will suddenly be stretched out from behind.

I took a few cans of canned corn and saw sliced Xuanwei ham on the shelf in front. I hurriedly went over and took two boxes. Suddenly, I heard two crackles behind me, like the sound of the upper and lower teeth clashing.

He turned his head sharply, but there was nothing behind him!

I was frightened and uncertain, and those two griddy voices were clearly audible, why is there nothing behind him

This is more than looking back and seeing a zombie standing upright in front of my eyes, which also makes me feel terrified.

White hair perspired on his forehead, and suddenly I realized something was wrong with the feet in front of him. When he lowered his head, he saw a burnt corpse lying on the ground, baring two rows of white Sensen teeth, already crawling under his feet!

With an exclamation, he almost rushed out, and when he hurried back, he tripped and fell to the ground.

The charred corpse twisted its body, stood up, and stretched out two fingers to burn the incomplete, charcoal-like palms, and rushed forward.

A face is weird and hideous, one can imagine how tragic it was when he was buried in the sea of flames!

I was terribly frightened. I got up on my bones, smashed his scorched corpse and fell to one side, hit the bottom of a row of wine racks, and the wine racks shook for a while. When I quickly reached out to help, it was too late. , Dozens of bottles of cocktails smashed to the ground and smashed to pieces.

The sound of this series of broken glass bottles was extremely harsh in the silent supermarket, and immediately alarmed the zombies in the entire supermarket.

In the darkness, there was a loud scream, and I didn't know how many living dead came around here.

I quickly zipped up my backpack and moved towards the supermarket gate. Under the dim headlights, I could vaguely see more than a dozen black shadows approaching oncoming.

Although the headlight line is not strong, it always emits light, and the group of zombies stumbles towards the weak light.

I'm clever and hurried across the shelf to go around

He escaped from the supermarket on the other side of the passage, and was suddenly taken aback. There were more zombies here, and he quickly moved back.

In the darkness, the headlight above my head became the target surrounded by zombies, but I couldn't turn it off, otherwise I couldn't see anything either.

After a dozen steps backwards, my back was stuck to the cold wall. I tried to rush out several times, but I was afraid of a sound, and it was even harder to escape. There is also the possibility of introducing the zombies on the street into the supermarket

I moved to the left against the wall, suddenly something chromed on my back? When I touched it back, it turned out to be a doorknob. I pushed it gently, and the door was locked from the inside.

The zombies surrounded on three sides, getting closer and closer, and now they had to bang open the door and hide in. As long as they held the door for more than ten seconds, these living dead with short memories would naturally walk away on their own.

I hugged my arms and slammed the door open. Suddenly, I yelled in exclamation and jumped back. It was really misfortune. A small warehouse behind the door was crowded with the dead.

A chill ran straight down on his back, and when he reached this point, he couldn't care more about it, so he rushed forward.

After I flashed to a row of shelves, I rushed towards the supermarket door desperately.

I rushed out of a dozen rows of shelves, and the moonlight at the gate of the supermarket could be seen, but suddenly the light and shadow flickered, and a group of dark shadows walked through the gate of the supermarket. Half of my body went cold. This is really going to be caught in the urn.

But fortunately, there were not many zombies, so I rushed out of the supermarket door desperately. He jumped up, pulled down the shutter door, and locked the gang of walking corpses inside forever.

Taking a breath, I turned around and looked around. There were zombies on both sides of the road coming here. Fortunately, the eyesight of the living dead at night was very poor and the distance was far away. I fled back to the wax museum with a cigarette, but was not found.

When I returned to the studio and closed the door, I threw my backpack full of food to the ground. This day is really damn human. I almost lost my life for a meal.

Alas, just think about when such a day will be headed, and you will feel ghosts and charms wandering in the day.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)