Junk Rat

Chapter 49: The corpses in the courtyard


On the road at the entrance of the district, a street is full of corpses. Outside the compound, a bunker made of sandbags is as high as one person.

With such defensive measures, the living dead should not be able to rush in, but in the compound, the dead bodies are also messed up, deserted and desolate, and the autumn wind is rolling on the ground constantly, but no living person can be seen.

A word suddenly popped into my mind-fortresses are always breached from within.

With the sound of footsteps behind, a dozen zombies surrounded on three sides. I turned over the bunker and walked forward on the ground with dead leaves and blood stains. While yelling: "Is there anyone else?" The cry shivered slightly. I can only hear the rustle of wind blowing leaves and grazing the ground.

There are three buildings standing in the compound, arranged in the shape of "goods", but I scanned the left and right sides several times, and there was no shadow of a living person in a single window, but a few zombies were seen.

The autumn wind blew my face, and my body was immediately cold. I touched the letter in my pocket, thinking about the Shuangcheng Division, it seemed that the whole army was wiped out.

At this moment, I faintly heard a scream, as if it was coming from behind the front building. I listened attentively, but there was no sound. I quickly walked around the building and saw a forest in front of me, passing through the woods. , The backyard is a training ground for the boss.

I saw a group of black zombies on the court, like hornet, blocking back and forth, chasing three people.

"Hurry up, run this way!"

While yelling, I started shooting at the group of corpses, all of them dressed in civilian uniforms, they should be urban civilians who had fled to the district to take refuge.

The three who fled, one man and two women, the other two, one old and one young, the old one in his sixties, hobbled, one leg seemed to be injured, young

In his twenties, holding the old woman to escape.

But with a weapon, it would be even more difficult for him to rescue the two people behind him. The three of them were bloodstained, and they were all embarrassed.

As soon as there was a sound from my side, there were hundreds of zombies around me, and I started to shout at the person: "You can't save them, run away!"

The man called to the girl: "Chen Xiaoxue, run away!"

Chen Xiaoxue's voice trembled: "Pharaoh, I... I can't leave my grandma behind."

The old woman pushed the girl and fell to the ground one by one, crying: "Xiaoxue, run away by yourself, grandma was bitten, and you will die if you escape!"

Chen Xiaoxue was going to help her grandma again, and seven or eight zombies suddenly rushed forward, holding the old woman and tearing and biting, Chen Xiaoxue screamed, her soul flew away, like a wooden person, unable to move.

There are more and more zombies around me. I can't kill them. I yelled anxiously: "Pharaoh, run away by yourself!"

Old Wang shouted: "No, I can't leave her!" reached out and pushed Chen Xiaoxue, and shouted loudly, "Quickly run away for me!"

Chen Xiaoxue was dumbfounded, seeming to have turned a blind eye to everything around him. After being pushed, he staggered for two steps and then stood still.

At this time, the old Wang was crazy. He grabbed Chen Xiaoxue's wrist and rushed forward desperately. I took care of it. The three of them fled to the front yard together, but they were still surrounded by the corpses. in the middle.

Lao Wang pointed to the wing on his right and shouted, "Get in first!"

At the door of the side building, there was a weapon standing out, and Old Wang pushed Chen Xiaoxue into the building door and turned around to leap at the weapon.

But there are too many zombies, there are thousands of them in black, and they will come up in groups, and they can't be killed for a while.

Although I was still in fear at this time, my heart gradually settled down. With such a killing method, it is not enough to be afraid of doubling the number of zombies. In his busy schedule, he turned his head and glanced at Pharaoh, his serious expression also showed a smile.

Suddenly, only the old Wang yelled: "Cover me and change weapons."

"Yes!" I said loudly, and from the corner of my eye I saw Lao Wang changing his weapon, but didn't hear the roar. I turned my head and let out an uncontrollable exclamation: "Lao Wang! You... You!"

At this critical moment, Pharaoh's corpse changed!

The group of corpses pressed up in waves, and there was no time for sorrow at this time, and I extinguished him with tears in my tears.

At this time, there was no time for me to ponder it slowly. As soon as I turned around, I took Chen Xiaoxue who was in a daze behind, and fled upstairs.

There are seven floors in the side building. I originally planned to escape to the highest floor, but when I went up to the sixth floor, I found that the seventh floor was equipped with a separate iron fence door and a large iron lock hung. I had to escape into a room on the sixth floor. In the future, it will be a dormitory. There are four high and low beds on either side of the wall.

I closed the door of the room and leaned on the door to listen to the movement outside. Not long after, rustling stepped outside the door, but the zombies had no IQ, and they would not be able to search every room, so it was safe for the time being.

I grew my mouth and looked back at Chen Xiaoxue. Her lips trembled, as if she was saying something, but her voice was as subtle as a mosquito. I took two steps and pulled her to the bed to sit down before I heard her. Muttered to herself: "Grandma, grandma..."

Suddenly open your mouth and you're about to cry!

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)