Junk Rat

Chapter 5: Don't be lucky


Withdrawing the knife, I stepped back a few steps and sat down on the sofa, only to realize that my forehead vest was in cold sweat.

On the seventh day of the apocalypse, I killed a zombie for the first time, and it was the first time I had confidence in living!

After a while, I stood up and looked around the room, wiped the blood from the knife with the sofa cushion, turned around and opened the door.

Quietly in the corridor, I walked up the stairs. Surprisingly, I didn't bump into a zombie, and climbed to the roof of the 37th floor. The bleak magic capital city was displayed in front of my eyes.

The doomsday occurred in only seven days. As an international metropolis with a population of more than 24 million, its appearance does not seem to have changed. There are many tall buildings and the large outdoor billboards are still bright and eye-catching.

But I know that without people, this magnificent super city is gradually desolate and eventually turned into ruin. It is only a matter of time.

The sun has set below the city skyline, and in the dusk, a tall building on six or seven roads suddenly lit up.

There was a move in my heart, followed by rejoicing, great, there are still people alive!

After seven days, the accidental fire had already burned clean. At this time, the fire was naturally caused by man, and the purpose was mostly to contact the remaining survivors. My heart said, "That's right, it's impossible for me to live alone."

I can find a few companions and keep everyone in a group to keep warm. Naturally, it is much better than alone. I started to figure out how to get to that building through the streets and alleys tomorrow.

As I thought, I got off the roof. When I came up, I found that Room 3102 on the 31st floor was the only room in this unit with the door open. I could spend the night there tonight.

When I came to the door, I opened the anti-theft door greatly, and slowly went in with the knife by myself. The door was not closed. If there were more than three zombies in the house, I immediately turned and escaped.

On the thirty-first floor of the tall building, the howling of corpses on the road could not be heard, and the room was silent and terribly quiet.

I looked at several rooms and made sure that there was no "person" in the room. Then I closed the security door and walked into the kitchen.

Power has been cut off

Yes, there is still some residual gas in the gas pipe, but if a pot of water is not boiled, the gas is exhausted.

I had to find two books, smashed two drawers, and started a fire in the living room. There were noodles in the kitchen, eggs in the refrigerator, and blue smoke, and I opened a pair of smoked eyes. I gave myself a bowl of egg noodles.

To fill my stomach, I lay half on the sofa contentedly, picked up a box of Yellow Crane Tower on the coffee table, and drew it comfortably.

Birds occupy the nest. Two days ago, I was still uncomfortable. But now, I put my feet on the coffee table and shook it, just like my own home. Human adaptability is really strong!

I figured it out. Before the corpse was transformed, I almost couldn't afford to eat, but now I don’t have to worry about eating and drinking, I don’t have to worry about no place to live, and to say something dark and inhuman, the end is not a good thing for me in the beginning.

People, you must think about the good while you are alive, and you must learn to comfort yourself.

After being addicted to smoking, I wandered around the room and found a backpack, a flashlight, a pair of binoculars, and a roll of nylon rope the thickness of my thumb. I packed these three things into my backpack. As for food and drinking, They only brought a small amount as a spare.

It’s not personal experience. Everyone would take it for granted that hoarding food is the first priority for survival in the last days. In fact, in cities, there are shopping malls and supermarkets all over the streets, high-rise houses everywhere, restaurants and restaurants along the street, where will they be short of food and drink

You can't bring too many things, otherwise you won't be flexible enough when dealing with zombies.

The most lacking in the doomsday is people. However, no one spoke for a week, and I already felt a bit jerky.

I said to myself: "From now on, I will learn to talk to myself."

I dropped an Apple mobile phone on the sofa. I picked it up and opened it. Unfortunately, fingerprint decoding is needed, but the signal of the mobile phone is gone. It doesn't matter whether it can be turned on or not.

Lying on my back, I fell asleep and woke up several times with nightmares.

When I woke up the next day, I put on my backpack and tied the two straps on the scabbard to my back.

The sadness.

Going down to the first floor, looking out from the gap in the fence of the intercom door of the unit, I saw thirty or forty zombies swimming in the open area of the compound.

I thought about going to the tall building outside six or seven roads. With just two legs, I would definitely not be able to beat the zombies all over the street. So my idea is to get a car for transportation.

Under the south wall of the compound, there are seventeen or eight family cars of various types parked, but how do you find the car keys? It's a difficult problem.

At this time, several corpses howled, and for a moment, seven or eight zombies passed by the intercom door. My eyes lit up suddenly, and a remote control car key hung on the back belt of a bald zombie.

I quickly coughed twice, and these zombies suddenly turned their heads, their grinning mouths exposed Bai Sensen's teeth, and gathered in front of the door.

Seeing their deadly pale faces close at hand, even though there is no danger behind the iron door of the unit, I still felt my hairs stand upright, and I was sure that I stretched out the blade from the gap in the fence and pierced my arms and slammed in.

I exhaled a long breath, endured the nausea, and did the same thing, killing the remaining seven zombies one by one. The other zombies in the compound were swimming in the distance, but no movement was noticed here.

Pushing open the intercom door, I pulled off the remote control car key from the back belt of the bald zombie, and while running down the south wall, I pressed the door open button. I only heard two beeps, and a black SUV flashed. Double down the lights.

This time, the other zombies were finally shocked, but when they were surrounded on three sides, I had already got on the car and started the engine, stepped on the floor oil, and rushed out of the iron gate of the compound.

The SUV rushed up the slope like a roaring bull. When passing through the green belt hiding in the row, I slowed down the car. Knowing that she had little hope of surviving, I honked the horn several times and saw that there was nothing around. The movement speeded up and rushed over.

On every road, there were more or less figures of the living dead, and they all followed behind when they saw the cars ramming and galloping over.

In my opinion, driving a car through six or seven roads should not be a problem, but I neglected an important issue, which almost killed me!

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)