Junk Rat

Chapter 54: Chong was born and died


The heavy rain kills and kills, the corpses are howling, thundering one after another, and the world is bleak!

Unexpectedly, a dozen zombies suddenly crawled out from under the car, just blocking my way.

The bloodthirsty howl reached the peak of excitement. There were wolves in front and tigers in the back, surrounded by groups of corpses, and the terrible faces of dead men dangling from side to side. My vest was chilly, and a chill rushed down my back.

The corpse group became denser and denser, and the encircling circle shrank. Unless the incarnation of Superman soars into the sky, there is no way to escape.

At this dangerous moment when life was hanging by a thread, a high-pitched voice suddenly sounded!

The corpse group on my left, as if being swept across by the death god's scythe, fell to the ground in a large swath!

I was bloodstained, surprised and delighted, I saw the entrance of the compound, one person raised his head: "Zhan Xiaoqiang! Flee here!"

I escaped from the dead, overjoyed, this person turned out to be Wang Teng! ! !

Wang Teng yelled: "Quick, quick, quick!"

I rushed to the gate desperately.

The corpses piled on each other and forced them over again, and the two quickly turned over the sandbag bunker.

The sky seemed to have torn open, and the rain became more and more fierce, washing away the blood on his body. I punched Wang Teng's arm: "Brother, you are not dead yet!"

In the wind and heavy rain, Wang Teng laughed loudly: "You are alive too!"

The zombies nearby came to this road, and Wang Teng pulled me: "Go back and talk about it."

I pointed to the bunker: "Open a gap first, so that the zombies can come out."

At this time, the zombies in the compound were all squeezed on the sandbags of the bunker. Wang Teng and I pulled it outside. There were a few muffled noises. The bunker collapsed in a gap, and the group of corpses squeezed out first.

"Okay." Wang Teng clapped his hands, and the two of them crossed the wide road and fled into a residential building next to the zoo.

Wang Teng went up to the fifth floor in one breath, opened the anti-theft door of the middle man, and said, "I have lived here for two days."

There was a mess in the living room, the coffee table was moved, and a fire started in its original position. Cigarette butts and instant noodle boxes were everywhere, and Wang Teng made it look bad.

The two were in shock. I picked up a towel on the sofa and wiped the rain on my face indiscriminately, leaned to the fire, and asked Wang Teng, "Where have you been during this time?"

Wang Teng took the towel in my hand, wiped it casually, and said, "I was trapped by zombies in the Parkson Mall and almost lost my life."

I asked again: "Did you find the phone?"

Wang Teng shook his head: "Oh, I didn't find it."

I said: "If you can't find it, don't look for it. Losing your life is not worthwhile."

Wang Teng nodded: "After I finally escaped from the Parkson Mall, I went back to the Wax Museum to look for you. I saw the situation in the studio. I knew that you had not waited until I was there. I remembered our agreement and knew that you must have gone to Shuangliu. City Zoo, I found it."

"But when I went to the gate of the zoo, the retractable door was closed, and there were all zombies inside. I thought you died before going to the zoo, so I had to live here alone. If I hadn't heard the sound today, we wouldn't see each other .Haha!"

Wang Teng laughed for a while, picked up a bottle of burning knives on the coffee table, poured two glasses, and said, "You have to celebrate!"

When the two clinked glasses, I ate a bite dry, and the burning knife smelled spicy, and my body suddenly felt warm.

When Wang Teng was full of wine again, he suddenly thought of something, he said, "By the way, who is the girl upstairs in the district?"

"Her name is Chen Xiaoxue. When the disaster happened, she fled to the district with her grandmother and hid in an air-raid shelter in the backyard. Later, they survived a total of four people. Unfortunately, in the end, she was the only one left." After roughly saying it again.

Wang Teng sighed: "The old Wang is a nice guy, come and make a drink for him!"

The two of them drank in one gulp, I picked up the wine bottle and filled it again, only to hear Wang Teng ask:

Who is one? "

"It seems that he is also named Wang, Wang... By the way, it is called Wang Bo."

Wang Teng stood up and stared at me excitedly: "What's your name?"

I said strangely: "It's called Wang Bo, what's the matter?"

Wang Teng shook his body. He kept pressing his hand on the coffee table and couldn't help shaking, causing the wine bottle on the coffee table to tremble. He trembled, "My brother is called Wang Bo!"

I was taken aback. Before I heard him talk about a brother, he said, "Wang Bo is a very common name. What if it is a person with the same name and surname?"

Wang Teng asked: "What is the wavelength of this king?"

I said: "Wang Bo could not escape from the air defense bunker. I have not met, but Chen Xiaoxue said that he is seventeen years old."

Wang Teng was shocked: "My brother is also just seventeen years old. Go, go and save people now!"

I grabbed Wang Teng: "It's been a few days, and it's too late to go now."

Wang Teng shook my hand away, his eyes bleed like he wanted: "That's my brother!"

"You calm down!"

I met Wang Tengli's sword-like gaze, and said loudly, "There are more than two thousand zombies in the partition. If you go like this, you will die!"

Wang Teng said angrily: "If you die, you will die, I'm not afraid!"

I calmed down and said, "Don't be impulsive. Whether Wang Bo is your brother or not, he is still alive or not, and I can't be sure."

Although Wang Teng was rude, but not reckless, he just lost control of his emotions when he heard the bad news at first, so he tried to calm down and said:

"Whether it is or not, I have to find out, um, that Chen Xiaoxue, did she see Wang Bo being caught by a zombie with her own eyes?"

I recalled Chen Xiaoxue's original words and said, "That's not true. She only heard Wang Bo yelling loudly and didn't dare to look back."

Wang Teng said, "That doesn't mean that you don't necessarily die?"

I pondered: "It's possible, like this, I'll accompany you tomorrow."

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)