Junk Rat

Chapter 55: Back room


Wang Teng grasped my hand tightly and shook it hard: "Okay!"

He knows nonsense such as "thank you", so there is no need to say more.

There are only two roads across the Shuangcheng River on the road where the Shuangcheng Zoo is located.

The next day, I used an emergency power supply to start a pickup truck abandoned on the side of the road. After smashing into the sandbag bunker, I drove the zoning compound and the zombies that were rushed to the road by the sound of fighting yesterday. By the city river.

The terrain along the river was cramped and the zombies pushed each other, many fell into the water, the white waves of the Shuangcheng River rolled, and after a while, rushed without a trace.

After a lap, the two drove the pickup truck back to the compound of the Twin Cities Army Division.

There are still zombies stranded in the compound, but the number is not much, only about a hundred.

I led the remaining corpses to the road.

He drove back to the compound again, took the weapon into the door, and closed the two heavy iron doors. Wang Teng went upstairs and asked Chen Xiaoxue. The more Chen Xiaoxue described Wang Bo's appearance, the more he felt that he was his own brother.

Wang Teng said, "Although my brother and I are quite different in age, the two brothers have a very good relationship. I must find him, whether he is a human or..." The voice choked and couldn't continue.

Chen Xiaoxue looked sad, and said, "The air defense bunker is right next to the backyard training field. You... go by yourself."

From the front yard to the back yard, but a mere 100 meters away, she was unwilling to even go back and forth. I feel that Chen Xiaoxue is becoming more and more self-enclosed.

Wang Teng nodded. He and I went to the backyard immediately. On the southeast corner of the training ground, there was a round reinforced concrete fortress with a height of one person. The entrance was an arched gate six or seven inches thick. The gate was open. It was dug deep from the outside to the inside, and there was a chill out of the chill.

I looked at Wang Teng and said, "Brother, after so long, I'm afraid it should happen. You have to keep your breath."

Wang Teng closed his lips tightly and nodded.

The cave was deep, and there was a faint corpse howling. The two put on their respective headlights, pressed their thumbs, pulled away their weapons, and walked down the steps.

There are 28 steps in total, about four meters deep underground.

In the front is a 20-meter square front hall, the inner wall is made of rectangular stones, and the opposite is a deep vent, air-conditioning is constantly coming out.

There is also a turning door on the left and right of the front hall, and I don't know where it leads. The space to come to this air defense bunker is really not small.

Wang Teng asked in a low voice, "Xiaoqiang, which way do you think we should take first?"

A zombie could not be seen in the front hall, it must be because the light from the archway made the living dead who maintained the phototaxis instinct go outside.

But in a corpse and the turning door on the right hand side, you can hear the zombies growl from deep in the throat, and the voice is soft, as if it came from the deepest part of hell.

The left turn door was buckled from the outside. I wanted to open it, but I was worried that a large group of zombies would gush out behind the door, and my hand stretched out and retracted again.

I pointed to the right and turned the door and replied, "From right to left, I touch each other one by one."

Wang Teng was originally a very assertive person, but his heart was tied to his brother, and his concern was chaotic, and some of the six gods were no longer in charge.

After turning the door on the right to enter, there is a walkway more than two meters wide. On the left and right sides are the door-to-door basements. Wang Teng and I walked forward side by side. We encountered three or two zombies from time to time, and we solved it at will.

Zombies have very poor eyesight in the dark, and often their weapons are almost reaching their eyeballs before they are alarmed. It doesn't take much effort to solve them.

The two of them kept a high level of vigilance, and went all the way to the depths of the trail. They saw the nameplates on both sides of the door saying: water purification room, medical room, logistics equipment room, weapon room, and so on.

Wang Teng looked worried, and holding a strong torch in his hand, he pushed open the basement door to check.

In the basements of different sizes, there are still zombies that can't find a way out. Although the number is not large, if they all grow up, the threat is quite big, so after Wang Teng checked that there was no brother in it, he closed the door smoothly.

I was a little desolate in my heart, thinking that these ignorant living dead were locked up in the basement between square inches. I don't know how many years will it take to decay and die in the dark

The trail was gloomy and cold. The more they walked in, the more they felt cold on their backs.

Walked out about a hundred meters, came to a cabin door, pushed the door in, and the front was abruptly empty. A hall was five times the size of the front hall.

Wang Teng swept the flashlight with a strong torch, and then closed it. There was a moment of light, but there were green tents everywhere, and the civilians who wanted to come to Chen Xiaoxue to wait for refuge were settled here at first.

I thought to myself: "There must be zombies stranded in and out of the rows of tents. Although the exact number is not clear, it is better not to be alarmed. The safest way is to make some noises and attract the corpses. go outside."

I told Wang Teng softly, Wang Teng nodded, and the two yelled a few times at the same time, but there were only a few corpse howls in the hall. It seems that there are not many zombies in the tent group. There is no need to spend a lot of money, directly Just check it in the past.

The two of them searched between the tents one after the other. Wang Teng whispered his brother's name, but apart from killing seven or eight zombies, no shadow of Wang Bo was found.

Wang Teng paused, with a fine bead of sweat on his forehead: "Wang Bo shouldn't be here. Let's go back and search for the sex in the middle, I hope my brother doesn't... Behind!"

Wang Teng didn't finish a sentence, suddenly pointed at my back, I turned around and killed a zombie with a single knife.

After pulling out the weapon, I saw the tent behind Wang Teng tilted over again, protruding a human face, and with a sneer, the tent cracked, a zombie showed its head, its teeth opened, and it bit Wang Teng.

When I was slightly relaxed, when I suddenly encountered strange edges, I had no time to give a warning and killed the zombie.

Wang Teng touched the back of his head: "Fortunately, your hands are fast!"

The voice fell to the ground, and he heard the corpse howling loudly, as if coming out of the ground, suddenly there were a lot of zombies around.

I was taken aback, Wang Teng shouted: "Run away!"

But in panic, the two of them were already surrounded by corpses in a corner of the hall when they realized that they were in the wrong direction.

Two headlamps covered with black cloth could not illuminate the far direction, and the group of corpses in front of him were layered on top of each other, countless black pressed, Wang Teng trembled:

"Xiaoqiang, it was I who killed you!" He was about to rush up with his weapons and shouted, "I will lead them away, and run away by yourself!"

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)