Junk Rat

Chapter 56: Hell should also be warmer


I grabbed Wang Teng, "There is a door over there!"


Escape is hopeful, rushing under the fluorescent words, there really is a **** appeared in front of him, and the thick iron door opens.

**Profound and bottomless, I really don't know where the end is misfortune or blessing, and where it leads, but a group of cannibal demons follow behind, and the front leads to hell. It is also important to escape first.

In fact, compared to this cold and desolate doomsday world, I am afraid that hell will be warmer.

The two ran wildly without knowing how high or low, they saw fluorescent arrows pointing to the direction under the long stone walls on both sides.

Suddenly turning a corner ahead, Wang Teng and I were too late, and we both rushed to the wall and flicked back, which only caused my back to fall in pain, as if it was about to break in two.

Where can I care for the pain at this time? I got up to my feet, and only heard Wang Teng cheer: "Look, there is light! It seems to be the front hall!" There was pain in the voice of surprise, and I fell severely when I wanted to come to him.

The howling of the corpse behind him was in the sound-gathering effect, like ten thousand ghosts crying, making the scalp numb, and the soul flew away.

The two limped, and hurriedly fled towards the bright light. When they passed through a splendid door, they pushed and closed the heavy iron door together.

I locked the door latch with a clatter, and looking back, I did indeed reach the hall in front of me.

I faintly understood in my heart that the two turning doors and the other led to the hall at the end. The turning door on the left was locked from the outside. Most of them were closed when the four of Chen Xiaoxue escaped.

Wang Teng and I had a rest for a while, all four eyes looked at the left turning door, nodded to each other, pushed them together, a strong smell of corpses puffed out, and a large group of zombies rushed out.

A cold and fierce light appeared from the gray eyes of the group of corpses, their teeth were baring, and their pale skin looked woody but hideous.

When the two reached the ground, they stopped ten meters away from the gate, and the zombies came up to kill one by one.

Wang Teng

By this time, I was desperate and desperate, but I didn't see my brother in person, and there was the last hope. He and I went down to the bunker again and walked into the left door.

On both sides of the trail, there were still basements of different sizes. Wang Teng pushed the door all the way to check. The sixth door was locked from inside. He shouted:

"Zombies won't close the door, there must be living people inside!" While slapped with his hands, he called out his brother's name, his voice changed from croaking and hoarse, from choking to crying.

I saw three zombies lying down on the ground.

Wang Teng yelled, "Wang Bo, Wang Bo, where are you brother?" Hearing the sound of footsteps, a zombie walked out of it.

Wang Teng said "Ah", his eyes rushed into boundless despair, his whole body seemed to be struck by Jiao Lei, unable to move, a sudden grunt in his throat, and he fell to the sky.

I hurriedly dragged Wang Teng aside, and saw that although the zombie's appearance was deformed after death, it was vaguely similar to Wang Teng's eyebrows.

Needless to say, this is probably Wang Teng's brother, Wang Bo, otherwise Wang Teng would not have seen it and fainted immediately.

Wang Bo opened his mouth wide, his upper and lower teeth glowing under the dim headlights, and walked over step by step.

I sighed, Wang Teng woke up leisurely, his eyes straightened, and he stared at his brother's body blankly. Suddenly jumped up and rushed out the door suddenly.

"What are you going to do?" I hurried out, Wang Teng, who lost his mind in extreme sadness, wanted to do

Wang Teng rushed all the way to the downstairs side of the front yard and shouted hoarsely: "I want to kill Chen Xiaoxue. Since they have escaped, why did they lock the door?"

I understand, Wang Teng furiously thought that if the left turning door was not locked, his brother Wang Bo might have a chance to escape.

He rushed to the sixth floor and saw Chen Xiaoxue screaming and fleeing into a dormitory.

"Don't be impulsive." I hugged Wang Teng in a hug. Wang Teng kicked open the dormitory door and grabbed Chen Xiaoxue.

, Red eyes.

Chen Xiaoxue's body trembled and she was silent, and my hands stopped in the air: "Don't... Don't be impulsive!"

Wang Teng suddenly sighed, turned and walked out of the dormitory.

I was afraid that Wang Teng would do something stupid under all thoughts, so I hurriedly picked up the weapon and went downstairs with him.

Wang Teng's face was green, without a word, he crossed the road and walked to the opposite residential building. A few zombies walked towards him, as if he hadn't seen them.

I killed these zombies and followed Wang Teng back to the house where he settled in the past two days. Seeing Wang Teng picked up the burning knife wine on the table, he reached into his mouth and poured it violently.

When I grabbed the bottle in his hand, most of the bottle of liquor had already been drunk upright.

Wang Teng shook his body a few times, and fell on the sofa, groggy called Wang Bo's name.

I secretly said in my heart: "Wang Bo is dead, who is to blame? Can it be on Chen Xiaoxue's head? Even if she closed the turning door on the left, she was just living for herself and her grandma. In that case, In order to escape, no one cares about the life and death of others."

For several days, Wang Teng was drunk Lingding.

The original owner of this house is also a good winemaker. He has high-purity burning knives. There are two boxes next to the big bed in the bedroom, a total of 16 bottles.

I know that no language can be used to comfort Wang Teng, I can only drink with him every day, and then sleep dimly after being drunk.

At noon that day, I woke up from a hangover last night and saw Wang Teng standing in front of the French window in the living room, motionless like a stone statue.

After a long time, Wang Teng walked to the opposite sofa and sat down, his face calmly said, "I'm going to find Liu Changgui."

I was ignorant of his thoughtless remark, and didn't react for a while, and asked, "Who is Liu Changgui?"

Wang Teng said lightly: "Liu Changgui is my primary school classmate."

I curiously said: "Why are you looking for him? He is dead or alive now, he has to put a question mark."

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)