Junk Rat

Chapter 587: Lip language


I landed lightly on the ground, seeing the Integral Stars turned invisible, everyone was stunned, and there was a sudden silence in the surroundings. The power workshop, which was originally noisy, was suddenly silent, so quiet that even a needle could be heard on the ground.

Suddenly only heard "Ah", someone burst into laughter, followed by cheers, mixed with An Daoqiang shouting hoarse: "We have won! We have finally won! Haha!"

After a long time, the voice gradually subsided, and everyone set out to treat the injured. I gave priority to my brothers and sisters. As for the team members who were unlucky and fell on their heads and their brains flew out and died on the spot, the nano robots were also helpless.

Ming Han walked over and said sadly: "I found Yang Hucheng and Zhuo Huina in the pile of dead bodies. Both of them are dead."

I shook my head and sighed: "Everyone will die."

Ming Han is very self-blame: "Oh, I didn't protect Zhuo Huina, anyway, after all, she and I are brothers and sisters, I have always regarded her as my sister."

I said, "Where is Wang Yajun, have you seen it?"

Ming Han shook his head: "There are too many dead bodies, I haven't found them yet."

At this moment, An Daoqiang came over, stretched out two hands, and squeezed the hands of Ming Han and me: "Zhan Xiaoqiang, Ming Han, thanks to you! Or my brothers, none of them will survive." The voice was excited. , With a cry.

I said: "We are all human beings, of course we should help each other."

An Daoqiang nodded, as if suddenly remembered something, and said, "Ah, I have to go to Professor Xiao."

I sighed: "Professor Xiao is on it, but... but..."

An Daoqiang hurriedly asked: "But what?"

I said, "You can see it by yourself."

Everyone helped each other and walked upstairs. I turned my head and saw Zhou Zi following me. I asked, "How did you get in?" I wondered how powerful the plasma mask was. The rabbits would burn even if they touched it. , How did thousands of them sneak in

Zhou Zi pointed to a thin back man next to An Daoqiang and said, "I only know now that Brother An let him in as an undercover agent a few years ago. He shut down the plasma mask."

I was slightly startled, and said to my heart: "This person is very powerful. I have been in the celestial nest for several years, but I haven't noticed it." Said, "What's his name?"

Zhou Zi said: "An Daoquan, he is An Daoqiang's real brother."

When I heard this, I immediately became in awe of An Daoqiang. In order to eliminate the stars, he even gave up his own brother.

Zhou Zi went on to say: "As soon as you left the China World Trade Center, Brother An got the news and immediately informed his brother to close the plasma mask, and then assembled the team and rushed together."

I said, "His brother is in the celestial nest, how can he notify him?" I thought that if it was contacted by a radio or other communication tool, the telecast might not be able to penetrate the plasma cover.

Zhou Zi said: "Using the most primitive method, a wolf smoke rises on all sides of Mushroom Mountain."

I said "Oh": "It turns out that it is."

While talking, everyone went through the corridor to the laboratory door, I pushed the door in, pointed to the instrument bay and said to An Daoqiang, "Professor Xiao is inside."

An Daoqiang took three steps and rushed to the instrument compartment on both sides. With an "Ah", a dignified man turned out of color and wept bitterly.

Zhou Zi said softly: "When the catastrophe just happened, Professor Xiao saved the lives of Brother An and his brother, so Brother An is very grateful to Professor Xiao."

I nodded, and I saw Professor Xiao looking at An Daoqiang, his lips kept closing, An Daoqiang looked solemn and nodded from time to time. I couldn't help but be curious: "This...what does this mean? Isn't it a communication with the sixth sense?"

Zhou Zi pulled my sleeve suddenly and whispered: "Xiaoqiang, you pay attention, Professor Xiao is telling Brother An with his lips..."

I was taken aback: "Lip language?" I felt bad in my heart.

Just listen to Zhou Zi continue to whisper:'Professor Xiao said:'. . . Even when teeth and tongues come together, they and we are not in the same world, and mutual suspicion is inevitable. One day, they will. . . There will be war, so Brother An takes advantage of it now. . . . Kill you guys now! '"

"What a Professor Xiao, so vicious!"

When I heard this, I was shocked: "An Daoqiang and they still have

There are four to five hundred people, but our side is now less than 50 people. Once we turn our faces, ten of them will beat us one out. Where will we be our opponents? "

I said, "Zhou Zi, thank you so much."

Seeing An Daoqiang couldn't help nodding, he seemed to have agreed to Professor Xiao, so he winked at Ming Han, and the two slowly approached An Daoqiang.

I thought to myself: "Catch the thief first, capture the king. At this stage, only if An Daoqiang is held hostage, can there be hope of turning defeat into victory."

Seeing An Daoqiang nodded again, bowed respectfully three times, drew out the dagger, and plunged it into Professor Xiao's eye socket.

The people crowded in the laboratory were shocked at the same time, and couldn't help shouting in exclamation.

An Daoqiang said, "Professor Xiao ordered me to give him the last ride."

Ming Han and I looked at each other, and were about to rush to grab An Daoqiang at the same time, and An Daoqiang suddenly said: "Everyone is out, I have a few words to say with Zhan Xiaoqiang."

I thought to myself: "You have promised Professor Xiao to take action on us. What tricks are you doing? Everyone is going out, but you and me are the only ones left. You want to control me first and force my men to put down their crossbow arrows, huh, Fight alone, you An Daoqiang is not my opponent yet."

I nodded towards Ming Han, told him, Athena and others to go out first, closed the door and said, "What are you going to tell me?" My right hand dropped naturally, as long as one was wrong, I immediately pulled the crossbow to force An Daoqiang.

An Daoqiang looked at Professor Xiao's head and said, "Professor Xiao told me just now that I want me to take advantage of your single-mindedness and kill you!"

"What?" When I heard An Daoqiang speak out of Professor Xiao's conspiracy bluntly, I was taken aback, "You... did you agree to Professor Xiao?"

An Daoqiang said: "I agreed, because I don't want him to have any regrets when he is dying, but although the blood on my body is cold, it doesn't mean that my conscience is also cold."

I looked at An Daoqiang and didn't speak.

He paused, and then said: "Professor Xiao said that we are not people in the same world. Don't look at the same enemy now, but once the common enemy of both sides is eliminated, in the end, there will be war eventually."

"But I think, although we come from two different parallel worlds, we are all human beings after all. Why can't we live in peace?"

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)