Junk Rat

Chapter 6: The parking lot is scared


When the SUV rushed into Yonghe Road, I suddenly found that the two-way six-lane road, with the wide sidewalk, was already blocked by unowned vehicles.

"Oh, awful!" I exclaimed, and suddenly stepped on the brakes. Not only did I not consider things well, but also with a great fluke mentality, I made a super low-level mistake.

Although I anticipated the possibility of traffic congestion, I thought that the roads in this area were very wide. Even if it was blocked, I could drive over the sidewalk, but things went against my wish and there was no way to go on the sidewalk.

I hurriedly put on the reverse gear to retreat, but when I looked at the rearview mirror filled with the crowd of black corpses, I really didn't have the confidence and courage to turn back.

Because once the SUV falls into a group of corpses, these gangs are like the living dead who have been beaten with blood, and they have to overthrow the car.

My heart grew furry, forcing myself to calm down quickly. No one has the perspective of God. In the face of unprecedented disasters, I will not make any mistakes. Now that the mistakes have been made, don't panic and make mistakes again and again.

At a glance, I saw the entrance of an underground parking lot on the side of the road, turned around and drove in. Right now, there is only this way to go.

The entrance lane slanted all the way and turned a turn. The darkness in front of me suddenly fell. I turned on the headlights of the car, and the two bright lights spread a ray of light, and there was a faint light in the distance, which should be the exit of the parking lot.

The SUV accelerated towards the bright light, and a black shadow suddenly blocked in front of the car. I don't know how many living dead were hidden in the parking lot. Suddenly, he saw the glare of the car lights and chased him from all sides.

However, two-legged zombies, no matter how powerful they are, can't beat a four-wheeled car. I stepped on the accelerator of my right foot a little more and screamed. The zombies in front of the car were hit and flew into the air.

Suddenly, the car rushed to the exit, but I was suddenly stupid and speechless. Seven or eight small cars were stuck at the exit. If you want to go out, unless the SUV can leave the ground in four rounds and vacate past.

I backed up quickly, I was in a hurry, and the SUV fell over

I turned my head, I saw the light and shadow swaying at the entrance, and the corpses that followed had flooded in like a tide. Hundreds of living dead roared together, and the howls banged back and forth in the enclosed space, buzzing. , My ears tingle, my heart shakes

I gritted my teeth and went crazy in the parking lot, and countless zombies were knocked out.

I got my driver's license in my sophomore year, and my car skills are not proficient at all. The hard-spoken coach once gave me a nickname-the god of the road!

At this time, the extreme mental tension was even more frantic.

"Oh!" I exclaimed, and hurried to turn on the wiper. Just as I pressed the switch, the car body suddenly shook and hit the pillar with a crackling sound. Several pieces of cement were shaken down and hit the car. On the window.

Under the huge impact, my body suddenly leaned forward. Fortunately, I was immediately dragged back by the seat belt, and at the same time, the airbag popped out, which minimized my injury.

But even so, there was still a buzzing in my head, and the Venus was fluttering in front of me. With such a few seconds of work, I just felt like lying in the clouds, my body fluttering, and I didn't know where I was.

A burst of howls penetrated into the eardrums, with the excitement of a three-point beating in the sorrow, I suddenly recovered, opened the door and got out of the car. Because of the violent shock just now, I haven't fully recovered. I swayed to the ground, and for a while, I couldn't stand up.

The lights on one side of the car shattered, and the lights on the other side flickered, reflecting on the faces of the dead people who surrounded them, making the ugly faces look strange and terrible.

I rolled over twice in a row, rolled under a Toyota, and then climbed forward again, climbed over seven or eight cars, and hid under a commercial vehicle without making a sound.

The parking lot is dimly lit, not to mention those guys with negative IQs won’t check it car by car. Even if they do, they can’t see where I am.

I breathed a sigh of relief, and realized that my knee hurts fiercely. I touched it with my hand and grabbed a handful of blood wet. It turned out to be a large piece of skin. At the same time, the chest hurts like needles and seems to have suffered internal injuries.

A group of corpses surrounded the SUV. After a while, it seemed that they had forgotten something. They scattered around and drove away. Some zombies saw the light at the entrance and instinctively walked out.

I lay on the cold floor, thinking that most of the zombies stayed, and I have to wait until they leave slowly. I don’t know how long it will be. Suddenly I saw a group of dim, faintly green fluorescent reflections, and I fixed my eyes. At first glance, it turned out to be "safe passage".

I lay on the ground, drew the knife from my back, and crawled over one foot by foot. From time to time, there was a low growl from deep in my throat. I was really afraid of being blinded by the dark light, and suddenly touched a pair of cold thighs.

At this moment, there was a sharp pain in the tip of my left ring finger, and a big foot stepped on it. I gritted my teeth and dared not make a sound.

This zombie was also wicked, as if he was wearing hard-soled leather shoes. If the entire palm was stepped on, instead of such severe pain, he would only step on the fingertips.

As the saying goes, ten fingers connected to the heart, but I tried my best to endure it and didn't dare to hum. The zombie paused for at least three seconds before moving to another place.

Regardless of the pain, I continued to climb forward, climbed to the safe passage, and slowly opened a fire door.

I gritted my teeth and stood up, I couldn't see anything clearly in front of me. I was drumming in my heart. Don't bump into the damn living dead again in this dark corridor.

I stepped in, leaned forward with a knife, pressed my back against the wall and stepped on three or four steps, then took out the flashlight from my backpack, covered it with five fingers, and turned on the flashlight.

The light from the flashlight made my fingers red, and a few gleams of light leaked from my fingers. Suddenly, my whole body trembled. On the steps in front of me, there was a zombie half-lying like a puppet! I'm going one step forward, and I must step on its stomach.

This is an adult male zombie with a burly figure and a dull look. With a cold light in his eyes, he stood up, because it was two steps higher than me, my head only reached its belly button.

It is condescending. Although I have a knife in my hand, it may not be easy to solve it quickly.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)