Junk Rat

Chapter 60: A female desperately


Lin Yaxuan bit her lip, and rushed forward without saying a word, grabbing the stubble beer bottle and stabbing it violently.

As the saying goes: "A husband is desperate, but a man is unstoppable." A woman desperately and equally unstoppable, Hu Dacheng turned around and fled, yelling around the sofa.

Suddenly, just hearing the sound of a sizzling electric current, Hu Dacheng already had an electric baton in his hand, and when he touched Lin Yaxuan, Lin Yaxuan screamed and fell to the floor and couldn't get up.

Hu Dacheng snatched the half-broken bottle in Lin Yaxuan's hand and smiled sadly:

"Okay, little fairy, I just like your desperate brutality, is that right?" Lin Yaxuan slapped again with a squeak.

Lin Yaxuan's body shook, and he curled up into a ball more painfully. Hu Dacheng asked, "Say, why are you harming me?"

Lin Yaxuan said miserably: "I can't avenge my mother, and I don't want to live anymore. You kill me."

I heard Lin Yaxuan say so sternly, I couldn't help but look at her with admiration.

Hu Dacheng said: "Your mother was forced to death by that kid, it's my business?"

Lin Yaxuan said bitterly: "But I think you killed my mother, but unfortunately I can't avenge her by killing you shameless old thing!"

I thought to myself: "Lin Yaxuan finally said something human." There was a heart to save her life, but the thought of Cheng Yongbo's tragic death made her heart hardened again.

I couldn't help it anymore, took out my weapon, smashed the glass door, went in to lift Hu Dacheng, and kicked him: "Stay in the charge room for Lao Tzu!"

Hu Dacheng frowned: "Brother Xiaoqiang, why do you always have trouble with me? Alas, I saw the U-shaped lock locked from the outside, and thought you had left early."

Lin Yaxuan seemed to have seen the savior and came over to pull the corner of my clothes: "Brother Xiaoqiang, you killed the old thing, I will...be yours in the future."

Push her away: "Don’t make a mistake, I don’t want to

Revenge for your mother. "

Hu Dacheng turned around and said, "Yes, Xiaoqiang's brother is right. Your mother is more than guilty. You can also deal with children."

I kicked again: "Don't be long-winded, you don't need to instigate the divorce, just go ahead!"

Hu Dacheng slowly walked into the toll room: "Little Qiang, what the hell did I offend you? You are always haunting me."

I threw the backpack that Hu Dacheng brought back into the charge room and shouted, "You didn't offend me, but Alice might find it here. I'm afraid he will find your way."

Hu Dacheng said, "If you are worried, why don't you kill me?"

I said: "Keeping you alive is to pass me a message. If Alice does find it, you tell her, let her stay here and wait for me, and I will come back again."

While talking, he pulled off the key from Hu Dacheng's belt, and Titicaca locked the security door of the toll room. Looking back again, there was no one behind, Lin Yaxuan had already slipped away quietly.

I don't care, anyway, whether Lin Yaxuan is alive or dead, I didn't care about it, and waved at Hu Dacheng: "Brother Hu, see you later."

When I walked out of Tianpeng Building, I felt happy, and felt that the night breeze was also much cooler.

The all-black stab-resistant suit gives me an extra protective color when I walk through the dark night. At dawn, I came to a two-lane road.

Row upon row on a street, either a snack bar or a smoking hotel. Seeing a group of zombies roaring in the street, I rushed into a snack shop and gently dropped the rolling door.

The shop was very deserted. I put four tables together and built a bed. He casually ate some compressed dry food, and fell asleep in a daze in the rustle of footsteps outside the door.

In my sleep, I seemed to hear the sound of an engine flying over the city. I suddenly woke up and sat up, listening attentively. There was only the howling of zombies outside. When I looked at my watch, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

I stretched hard and walked into the back kitchen with a yawn. The liquefied gas tank was still working, and there was bottled water in the store.

So boiled water to cook a pot of rice, filled the stomach with a bottle of oily chili in the cupboard, as well as canned ham and sardines.

After the meal, I lit a cigarette, one after another on the road outside the door, amid the corresponding howling of corpses, quietly waiting for the night to come again.

The light in the shop is getting dim, and a day has finally passed.

I gently lifted the rolling shutter door. In the darkness, the living dead without sound and light stimulation seemed to have entered a certain dormant state. Although there were zombies walking around without realizing it, they were mostly like a piece of rotten wood, motionless. Standing in the streets and alleys.

A cold wind blew through, and I couldn't help but shrink my neck, thinking that Hu Dacheng was not at all at this time, he must be trembling with the cold, yelling, and there was a burst of laughter in my stomach.

I thought he could only comfort himself: "Winter has come, is spring still far?"

Crossing two roads, there is a crossroad in front, and the sound of howling zombies can be heard from a long distance, stern and long.

Go straight from the crossroads and cross another road to Tianfu Road. I don’t want to make a detour. I saw a long steep slope at my feet. A bus was parked on the top of the slope. .

With the car key still inserted in the car, I sat in the driving position, released the handbrake, and the six wheels of the bus slid.

The speed was getting faster and faster, a few tons of steel rushed into the group of zombies at the bottom of the slope, crackling, and a dozen dark shadows flew into the air.

The bus was still in good condition, and it slid another half of the road before it came to a halt slowly.

I jumped out of the car and suddenly sweated in my vest. Wouldn't it be bad for me if the bus couldn't get out of the corpses

I patted my head and felt a headache for my impulsive and reckless actions sometimes.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)