Junk Rat

Chapter 64: Cross the river


"Little bad guy..." I spit out the three words, and immediately rolled aside, and continued, "Your heart is too vicious!" Rolled to the left again to prevent Lin Yaxuan from hearing my specific location.

Then she just heard her voice resounding in another place: "It was all forced by you!" The tone was grim, full of boundless resentment,

I called again: "Your mother killed Cheng Yongbo first!" After I finished speaking, I rolled aside. Be careful, you must not let this vicious-hearted person go today.

I yelled, and then listened to Lin Yaxuan's movement intently.

As soon as the sound stopped, the office hall returned to deathly silence. For a long time, a faint grayish white appeared on the glass in the corridor, reflecting a vague black shadow. "

"It's the moon coming out!" I was overjoyed, "Do you still want to escape?" Switching left and right with both hands, the dark shadow shook and fell to the ground.

"Finally killed you!" I thought to myself, "No matter how few living people, such a vicious person shouldn't stay in the world."

I'm not sure about Lin Yaxuan's life or death. I waited for more than a long time before I reached out and took the headlight that went out when I entered the Tianpeng Building. As soon as it turned on, I threw it to the middle of the office hall, lest Lin Yaxuan was completely finished.

But suddenly, I almost cried out in exclamation. I don't know when, there were a lot of zombies in the hall!

The headlights flashed, and the zombies surrounded the light. I hurriedly reached the entrance of the toll room, grabbed the key with my clothes and trousers, and hid in.

With the help of the faint light of the headlights, he vaguely saw Hu Dacheng shrink into a ball, squatted under the counter with his hands on his knees, and asked me in a low voice: "Did you kill Lin Yaxuan?"

I shook my head and said, "I'm not sure." Looking back at this moment, the black shadow on the corridor was rickety, but it looked like a zombie. Asked, "Where are these zombies

Here? "

Hu Dacheng said: "There is an office in the office next door. There have been many zombies trapped in it. Lin Yaxuan should have released it."

When I listened to Hu Dacheng's words, I was a little relieved in my tone. After thinking of something, I cursed: "Bad son, you killed the candle, didn't you? Why did you help Lin Yaxuan escape?"

Hu Dacheng disapproved, and said, "Little Huangmao girl, no matter how great, where can it go? The scream I just said said that her mother was behind her, she would be fooled? Humph, I always catch her again. one day."

I said angrily: "You were going to be an actor before, and the Oscar statuette was none other than you. Huh, Lin Yaxuan escaped, will he come back?"

"I will come back, I will come back, she won't kill me personally, will she be reconciled?" Hu Dacheng smashed his mouth and rattled, "Catch her then."


Hu Dacheng chuckled twice in the dark, stopped talking, and seemed to be thinking about it happily.

After daybreak, I saw the zombies in the outside hall clearly, but there were only twenty or so, so I opened the door and killed them all. There was no Lin Yaxuan in the dead body, and this person really fled.

I turned around and shouted at Hu Dacheng: "If you really catch that person, you'd better kill it. Don't even lose your life."

Leaving Tianpeng Building, I took a shortcut to the Huangpu River. The Baisha District where Xindu Manor is located is located on the opposite bank of the lower reaches of the Huangpu River. It is much faster to walk along the river bank.

The Huangpu River is about 113 kilometers in length and 300 to 770 meters wide. It is the landmark river of the magic capital. It divides the magic capital into Puxi and Pudong. The two banks gather the essence of the magic capital city landscape.

I walked less than two kilometers along the riverside landscape avenue, and I really couldn’t go any further. There were zombies everywhere.

There is an endless stream, unless I can be invisible, it will be impossible to pass.

I hid in a cold drink kiosk by the river. When I couldn't imagine it, I suddenly saw a small boat drifting up nearby. It was a garbage salvage boat.

On both sides of the river, there are many types of boats, cruise boats, barges, cement boats... But those are big guys, and the only thing I can control is this kind of rubbish salvage boat that is paddled by manpower.

The boat was seven or eight meters away from the shore. I paddled it and swam over it and took a look on the side of the boat. The cabin was full of plastic bottles and sundries, with a paddle running across it.

I pushed hard with both hands, climbed onto the boat, and paddled to the other side with the oars. From time to time, I could see floating corpses in the river water that had drunk the river water. They were round, like swollen balls.

The boat traveled down the river for more than 20 kilometers. After passing under a bridge across the river, I saw a place more than 300 meters away from the bank of the river. When sitting on a low mountain with verdant trees and swaying green leaves, the pavilions loomed, and that was an inch of soil. An inch of gold Xindu Manor is now.

It is said that in order to create the field scenery in the reinforced concrete city, the developer deliberately did not cut the low mountain on the plain site, but instead built dozens of villas scattered at the foot of the mountain. , Full of wild interest.

I rowed the boat to the shore, and after walking up a dozen steps, I stretched my head to see that there were many dead people on the road along the river. So I checked a gap, ran across the road, and hid in a bar.

Although it is not far from the riverside to Xindu Manor, it is not too close. The distance of 300 meters is estimated to have to cross several streets. To be on the safe side, it is better to act at night.

The bar is not big, and I can see it all at once. Three female corpses, black hair shawls, and long skirts are dangling in front of the bar. They should have been urban beauties when they were alive, but now they seem to be more and more ghostly.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)