Junk Rat

Chapter 65: Xindu Manor


The weapon was taken away by Lin Yaxuan, and I had to kill the three female corpses with Langfang Hanyue, and then closed the glass door of the bar, curled up on the deck and waited for it to get dark.

But before he went on a water boat, his clothes were soaked, and now he couldn't lie down for a long time, feeling getting colder and colder, and he simply ran out of the bar again, ran past the dead people, and turned into a road.

The road was almost blocked by abandoned vehicles, but there were not many zombies. I jumped on the roof of the car and walked half of the road. Seeing that there were clothing stores on the side of the street, I flashed into one of the men’s clothing stores. shop.

Pulling down the rolling door, two or three zombies slapped outside for a while, and then dispersed again. I was relieved and found a set of warm clothes to change, then wringed out the stab-resistant clothes, and still put them on.

This clothes can save your life when it's critical, no matter how it is, you have to wear it.

When twisting the stab-resistant clothing, twist it together with a dry towel or clothes. As long as the hands are strong enough, there is almost no water.

I sat down and ate some compressed dry food. After dark, I lifted the rolling door and walked out of the men's clothing store. The night sky was dark, with no stars and no moon.

Turning on the headlights, I walked towards the Xindu Manor a few blocks away. I also encountered waves of zombies along the way, but they evaded without danger. When I reached the bottom of the low mountain, there was a wall at the foot of the mountain, surrounded by iron barrels. Lived in Xindu Manor.

The wall was so high that I was too lazy to walk around the wall to look for the gate, so I ran a few steps quickly, grabbed the top of the wall and turned over the wall. There was a dark wood in front of me. I walked into the wood for twenty steps, and a villa appeared in front of me.

I stopped and watched for a long time behind a big tree. The exterior walls of the villa were all white, and the room was dark and dark with no lights.

After a while, there were a few corpse howls in the quiet night, and the sound of gurgling water. I tiptoed over and saw that there were two zombies floating in the swimming pool in front of the villa.

In this way, my heart is loose. Since the zombies are soaked in the swimming pool and no one is watching, then there should be no one in this villa.

I walked to the door of the villa and pushed it lightly. The door opened with my hands and was not locked. I raised my foot and stepped into the door. Suddenly, the lights in front of me were bright!

I yell and read one by one

The head flashed quickly: "As soon as I entered the door, the light was on, and I must have been in an ambush!" He turned around and escaped from the door, crawling under the steps, and aimed at the door.

But the strange thing is that no one chased it out from the gate, nor heard any movement. As soon as I exited for about five seconds, the lights in the living room of the villa also went out.

I lay motionless on the ground. After another long time, there was still no movement in the villa. I couldn't help wondering: "What the hell is going on? What are the people in ambush, what are you waiting for?"

I thought for a while, I have been exposed, no matter what the people inside are waiting for, it is not a wise choice for me to continue to stay.

So he crawled back into the woods, and then walked out from another direction, ready to find a hidden place, wait until dawn to find out the situation, and then make the next step.

When I walked out of the woods again, there was a grassland at my feet, and I bent down and ran over. At the end of the grassland was a rockery. After bypassing the rockery, I saw a villa.

I thought to myself: "It's impossible to have an ambush in every villa, but hiding in is the best place to hide." Seeing the villa door opened wide, I listened for a long time without any movement, so I walked around step by step.

This time, instead of going in through the gate, I went around the back of the villa and pried the windows into a study room. But to my surprise, I stepped into the window, and as soon as I stood on my feet, the room was brightly lit again!

I was clever all over, and although I was taken aback again, I faintly understood that this should be an automatic sensor light.

Seeing that there is a switch on the wall, press it with your hand to turn off the light. This light can also be controlled manually.

I sighed. It seemed that the previous villa was too strange for me to scare myself.

After touching the door, I locked the door first, remembering that when I jumped into the window, there was a couch with my left hand against the wall, so I walked over to lie down, closed my eyes and waited for the daylight. I thought to myself: "It's not strange to have an induction light, but where does the electricity come from?"

After daybreak, I opened the door and went to the living room. Suddenly, I was stunned. The marble floor was light and clean, and there was no dust. What does this mean? It means that someone cleans frequently!

I went upstairs and downstairs, and checked each room.


, Everything was in vain, every room was lifeless, not even a zombie.

"Does the cleaner live elsewhere?"

I lit a cigarette and walked around in the living room, thinking, "Since I can't live here, what else do I do? The cleaners either have obsessive-compulsive disorder, or are idle. Hehe, born to work hard. , If I mess up the house and change the house, three hundred and sixty-five days a year, I change my house every day, and I will never live in the house of the magic city for the rest of my life."

I threw the cigarette butt, stamped it out with one foot, turned around and walked towards the gate of the villa. Just two steps out, a slight buzzing sound suddenly sounded behind me!

I jumped up in shock, but saw a rice cooker-sized sweeping robot turning out of the corner of the wall, sucking a cigarette butt in, rolling four wheels, and then returning to the corner to automatically charge.

I was surprised and funny, "The sweeping robot is not a new thing, but this kind of robot can detect the garbage and come out to clean it automatically. It's rare."

I went out and came to the door of the first villa again. The ivory white door was still open. I searched the house again. I didn't see a living person. Although the floor was clean, the whole villa was lifeless.

With a finger on the dining table, a thin layer of dust, no matter how big the sweeping robot is, it can't fly on the table to clean.

"Look at other villas."

I mumbled and went out, walking up the mountain along a tarmac road that could accommodate two cars in parallel. After walking for a while, four or five zombies staggered out in front of me.

My heart sank: "Zombies are walking around. It seems that there will be no one in this Xindu Manor. I'm looking for clues to Wang Teng, I'm afraid I will be broken."

I walked past the zombies and ran all the way to the top of the hill, a lonely three-story villa on the top of the hill, broke the window and went in and searched it again, and there was no one.

Standing in front of the windows on the third floor, I felt a moment of loss. I saw that the roofs of the villas hidden among the trees at the foot of the mountainside were all equipped with solar panels. No wonder the catastrophe happened until now and there is still electricity in the house.

In the next two days, I searched a total of 49 villas in Xindu Manor. Except for the zombies, I didn't see a living person, nor did I find any traces of anyone coming.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)