Junk Rat

Chapter 68: Cabbage is more precious than caviar


I stretched out my hand and touched Zhao Junlong's carotid artery. There was no sign of pulsation, and my heart stunned. As expected, he was scared to death.

Zhou Zi stepped forward, looked at Zhao Junlong's body without saying a word, suddenly grabbed Hanyue from the ground and slammed Zhao Junlong.

"Okay." I stopped Zhou Zi, "he is dead."

Zhou Zi stayed for a while, threw herself into my arms and cried loudly, but suddenly couldn't catch it and fainted.

I carried Zhou Zi on my back and glanced at the unconscious old man Sun. He carried Zhou Zi out of the villa and walked up the mountain step by step.

When he reached the middle of the mountain, Zhou Zi awakened with a "buzz" on his back.

"Where are we going?" Zhou Zi asked.

I turned my head slightly: "Shantou."

Zhou Zi, who had just awakened, was a little confused: "Go home?"

I smiled bitterly: "Who has a home now? I live on the top of the mountain."

Zhou Zi said, "I'll go up with you, what about Uncle Sun, what should he do?"

I said mischievously: "The old man is not a good person. I left him down. He woke up in the middle of the night and touched his side. He suddenly touched Zhao Junlong's cold body. He must be scared to death again. Haha!"

Zhou Zi screamed, although she was in pain, she couldn't help but laughed out: "This...Are you too, too..."

I smiled: "Are you trying to say I'm too wicked?"

Zhou Zi stayed silent, sobbing again suddenly: "I... I will never see my brother again..."

There was a small pavilion halfway up the mountain. Zhou Zi struggled down and stood in the pavilion looking at the bottom of the mountain for a long time. He half-paid said: "Scaring Zhao Junlong to death is better than killing him with a single knife. Thank you for avenging my brother."

The cold wind was howling, and the sky was full of snow. I said, "Go up, don't catch a cold."

Zhou Zi said: "My name is Zhou Zi, I don't know your name yet."

I smiled: "I was hiding in the study, and I heard your name. My name is Zhan Xiaoqiang, Zhan Zhan Zhan."

Zhou Zi let out a "um", and the two slowly walked toward the top of the mountain. When they were about to reach the top, they suddenly heard the heart-piercing scream of Old Man Sun at the foot of the mountain.

Zhou Zi and I looked at each other and suddenly laughed.

Back to the mountain top mansion, because I have

A guest feels better.

After working in the kitchen for a long time, he brought out a large plate of steamed bacon, ham sausage, various canned fish, dried beef, and two bottles of caviar.

In the end, he brought out a big bowl of cabbage soup, which was said to be a big bowl. In fact, there were only six or seven leaves, and the rest was soup.

Xindu Manor does not lack all kinds of high-end ingredients and fine wines, but vegetables. I found a vegetable patch halfway up the mountain, which is all winter cabbage. I have eaten almost as much as I have left over the past few days. The root cabbage has to be boiled until the beginning of spring next year.

Now, cabbage is more precious than caviar!

However, Zhou Zi only ate a small bowl of rice and went upstairs to rest. I settled her in the bedroom next to me.

After three or four days, it was clear after the snow, and Zhou Zi's complexion improved a lot. On this day, she deliberately cooked and renovated a table of good dishes. The ingredients were still those ingredients, but after her cooking, the taste was the same as mine. It's not the same.

The two were sitting at the mahogany dining table. I wanted to turn off the lights and light two red candles, but when I thought that it was too pretending, I gave up.

I picked up the wine glass and wanted to say something, but with my mouth open, I didn't know what to say. After a moment of silence, I said, "Drink the bar."

Zhou Zi was stunned. She originally thought I would say a few toasts, but she didn't expect it to be a simple "drink bar".

Zhou Zi smiled and said, "Xiaoqiang, I thought you would say, cheers for our meeting."

I said: "This damn world, there is nothing to celebrate."

Zhou Zi nodded: "That's what I said."

The two of them were drinking and eating. I asked Zhou Zi, "I haven't had the opportunity to ask, why did you come to Xindu Manor?"

Zhou Zi said: "My brother and I, Uncle Sun, and the villain surnamed Zhao, all four of us originally lived in Xiangyuan Community, but Zhao Junlong said that he woke up in the middle of the night and saw someone outside the window, but we I live in a 17-story building. What can be left outside? A few days later, Uncle Sun said that he had seen it too. He suspected it was a ghost, and there was no shadow."

"My brother said, what the hell is there in this world?"

"Zhao Junlong said, I'm afraid it's the zombie's mutation and evolution. He became vigorous and climbed up in a building with more than ten floors. It is not safe for everyone to live in a tall building.

"My brother and I heard that Uncle Sun and Zhao Junlong were terrible, and they were worried in their hearts. The four of them left Xiangyuan Community together. They wanted to go to Mingdao, but when we walked halfway, we encountered many zombies. We couldn't choose our way. , Was chased here."

I smiled and said, "Those living dead have become carrion, what else will evolve?"

Zhou Zi said: "I think so too, but my brother said that he is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case."

I said, "Mostly Zhao Junlong wanted to make your idea, and colluded with Uncle Sun. You didn’t see what Zhao Junlong said when he was in the villa below. Didn’t Old Man Sun say right? Haha, I’m afraid Zhao Junlong said the sun is from the west. When it rises, Old Man Sun will also say, yes, the sun originally rises from the west, who said it is from the east?"

Zhou Zi smiled slightly: "Maybe, in fact, I never believed what Zhao Junlong said. When I was in the villa, when I heard you scare them, I immediately said that it must be my brother."

I said, "Zhou Zi, you are so smart. If you hadn't said so, I would have scared Zhao Junlong."

The two of them ate and chatted. After eating this dinner for nearly two hours, they both felt unsatisfied and the atmosphere became more and more harmonious.

Zhou Zi has a very good figure, but a mediocre appearance, but when she laughs, her voice is bright and crisp, which is like a spring breeze.

Dinner is over, after washing. I leaned against the door frame of Zhou Zi's bedroom, looked at her a little strangely, and said:

"If you feel scared, you can come over, this... everyone is an adult, and you know in this world... there is no time for us to get along slowly..."

Zhou Zi's face blushed slightly and interrupted me and said, "Let's do it later." With a soft smile, he closed the door.

I was dumbfounded for a while, thinking that it was a complete failure: "I'm really so, can I just pull her in? I also said a bunch of useless nonsense."

I couldn't sleep at all this night. I went out and went in several times, and quietly pushed the door of Zhou Zi's bedroom with my hands. I thought that if she wanted to, she would definitely keep the door for me, but every time I came back disappointed.

One night seven days later, I played a game in the middle of the night and found that I had finished smoking, so I went to the living room downstairs to get the cigarette back. I accidentally glanced at Zhou Zi's bedroom door as it was concealed.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)