Junk Rat

Chapter 69: I was shocked


I was stunned for a few days, and it was the first time today. Was she intentional or unintentional? Just yesterday, I pushed the door of her bedroom and it was closed tightly.

I was a little uneasy and went back to the bedroom and smoked a cigarette. I thought that when the opportunity came, why did I become more cautious? So when he went out again, he found that Zhou Zi's bedroom door was still vacant, so he pushed the door and walked in.

There was no light in the room, and a cool moonlight came in from the window, and it shone on the bed. Zhou Zi was facing inward, as if sleeping deeply, with long black hair scattered on the pillows.

After hesitating, I lifted the corner of the quilt and got in.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Zi's voice was dazed and lazy.

I hugged her from behind, "I'm so cold, two people huddled together to sleep together, warmer."

Zhou Zi said: "Then don't touch me."

I said, "Well, let's lie down quietly like this."

Zhou Zi said: "You swear, just hug and do nothing else."

I said sloppyly, "I swear."

"Do not talk."


"There is someone outside the window!" My lips touched Zhou Zi's ear and slowly released the hand holding Zhou Zi's mouth.

"Don't scare me, this is the third floor." Zhou Zi trembled. "Could it be true that what Zhao Junlong and Uncle Sun said was true."

of? "

I stretched out one hand and said, "The man outside is Uncle Sun!"

"How is it possible? Uncle Sun is so old, how can he be able to climb up? You didn't lie to me?" Zhou Zi whispered his eyes, but limited to the angle, she couldn't see the situation outside the window.

I held the Chuanyang Crossbow in my hand and gently opened the insurance with my thumb. Under the cold moon, I could see clearly.

Uncle Sun's face, beard, hair, and even eyelashes fell clean.

Under the pale to almost transparent skin, the dark blood vessels are distinct. Standing up on a window sill more than two feet wide, he suddenly wailed and howled at the moon, opening his mouth to an incredible angle.

This cold howl caused Zhou Zi to let out a soft cry. Although the voice was small, she immediately covered her mouth, but Uncle Sun still heard it.

With a crisp sound, Uncle Sun slammed open the window, and the broken glass made several blood marks on his face. Uncle Sun rushed forward without realizing it.


The Wearing Yang Nuo in my hand suddenly moved. After a series of attacks, Uncle Sun hit the head twice. The rest of the forward flutter was not weakened. A steel hook-like palm was placed on the edge of the bed!

I pushed Uncle Sun's hand to the ground, put on my clothes in a panic, and said in surprise: "What kind of ghost is this? A zombie that can climb walls!

Dao thinks that this day is not scary enough, and there is such a monster again? "

Zhou Zi pointed to Uncle Sun’s neck with trembling lips: “He... he committed suicide. You see there is a cut in the neck. Uncle Sun must think we left him alone, so he committed suicide.”

During this period of time, Zhou Zizu and I stayed at home and enjoyed the world of the two. Uncle Sun had already been thrown away from the clouds. I thought that he would live alone in the villa at the foot of the mountain and he would be happy.

But whether Uncle Sun committed suicide, I don't care at all. I just faintly feel that in the future, zombies will have a variant: agile, good at climbing, more ferocious than zombies, and it will be more difficult to survive in this world in the future.

Suddenly, I saw that Uncle Sun’s right ear was bitten off by Qi He. Now I understand that Uncle Sun was bitten first and then committed suicide.

After daybreak, I pushed Sun's corpse out of the window. When the sun was shining, black smoke burst out of the corpse. For a moment, the whole body was pitch black and turned into a scorched corpse. When a strong wind blew on the top of the mountain, it suddenly disappeared.

Zhou Zi was dumbfounded: "Can it see the sun?"

I nodded and spit out two words without thinking: "Night Demon! It is the devil of the night!"

Thinking of Uncle Sun’s bitten ear, I wondered that the zombies in Xindu Manor were cleaned up by me. How could he be bitten? Said to Zhou Zi: "Go down and take a look."

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)