Junk Rat

Chapter 72: Depend on each other for fate


Zhou Xiaoxiao raised her white face and stared at Zhou Zi: "Big sister, your last name is Zhou, just like me."

I looked at Zhou Zi and said to Wu Zeyong: "The zombies downstairs have been led to the road by us, so we left."

Wu Zeyong was taken aback: "Why are you in such a hurry?"

Zhou Zi understood what I meant, but saw Zhou Xiaoxiao and lovely and didn't want to leave, and said, "Ask them, would you like to go together?"

I thought to myself: "Are you confused? How do you get to Hengsha Island with a little girl?"

Wu Zeyong looked at Zhou Zi: "Where to go?"

Zhou Zi then told Wu Zeyong about the night demon and our plan to go to Hengsha Island.

Wu Zeyong said: "I have never seen any night monsters, but the hot pot restaurant rarely sees the sun, so sorry for the little girl, I am willing to go to Hengsha Island with you."

After listening to Wu Zeyong's words, I couldn't say anything about rejection, and said: "There are zombies outside, in case there is any accident..."

Wu Zeyong interrupted me: "Something happened, don't blame you."

"It's useless to blame me, not necessarily that I die in front of you." I waved, "Go now."

Wu Zeyong said: "I pack a little bit of food and take it on the road."

I said, "No need, you can eat everywhere you go."

The four people passed by the kitchen. As soon as I opened the anti-theft door, I only listened to the howling of corpses in the corridor. Wu Zeyong said in a low voice, "There must be zombies coming down upstairs. There are several training courses on it, with a lot of people.

I listened for a while, and had to say: "I will leave tomorrow. Anyway, the cabinet below will be dragged away, and the zombies will go away."

Zhou Zi hugged Zhou Xiaoxiao and returned to the box. Zhou Xiaoxiao yelled and got into Wu Zeyong's arms.

Wu Zeyong looked at Zhou Xiaoxiao lovingly: "On the day the corpse changed, I entered the kitchen from behind. I wanted to make a fortune, but I didn't expect to save Xiaoxiao..."

I wondered: "Make a fortune?"

Wu Zeyong smiled: "Now there is no need to hide anything. I used to be a thief. Apart from saving Xiaoxiao next week, I have never done anything good.

. "

Zhou Zi smiled and said, "The robber is showing kindness."

Zhou Xiaoxiao leaned on Wu Zeyong: "Uncle Yong, what is meant by a robber showing kindness?"

Wu Zeyong patted her little head and continued: "I took my tools into the kitchen that day and hid it on the ceiling. I stepped on it a long time ago. This hot pot restaurant has a good business, and the daily business money is put in The safe in the manager's room will take a week before it is deposited in the bank..."

Zhou Zi interrupted and asked: "Do you know how to open a safe?"

Wu Zeyong smiled and said: "I can't open the lock, I'm afraid there are very few."

Zhou Zi said: "So confident?"

Wu Zeyong said: "I hid on the ceiling and was about to wait for the hot pot restaurant to close, and then slipped down and unlocked. Who knew it was less than an hour after hiding, and there was a lot of noise outside, and after another ten minutes, it suddenly became quiet again. "

"Hey, I was surprised at the time. I hung the ceiling down and saw that the people in the shop walked cleanly, and even the waiter couldn't see any of them. The shoes, wallets, and mobile phones ran away from the guests on the floor. I thought to myself, could it be an earthquake, but I didn't feel it either."

"I couldn't manage that much at the time. I was just busy stuffing my wallet and mobile phone into my pocket. When I suddenly heard a strange sound in a box, I opened the door when I was curious."

"I saw a man chasing after Xiao Xiao around the big round table. Xiao Xiao's face was flushed, but he didn't dare to cry loudly. I got angry and pushed the man forward. The man leaped forward and threw himself on the round table. , I twist my body a few times and stop moving."

"I turned him over and saw that I was so scared that my hands were shaking. There was a wine glass on the table with a chopstick inserted in the glass. By coincidence, the chopsticks just penetrated his body."

"My head banged, and immediately went blank. Our thieves only ask for money and don't hurt people. Now we suddenly killed people. I turned around and fled."

"I ran to the entrance of the hall and suddenly stopped. Four or five people on the stairs were lying on the ground to grab a woman."

"That scene stunned me. I was shocked for a long time before returning to the store lightly and closing the hall door lightly."

Zhou Ziyu breathed out, "What happened later?"

"Later..." Wu Zeyong took out a box of crumpled cigarettes, smoked one, and handed it to me. The cigarettes were also soft and crumpled. I don't know how long he has been on him.

I hurriedly took out my body and Tianxia and handed it to him: "Pick this."

Wu Zeyong laughed: "Okay." He took it with both hands. "I found only a dozen packs of cigarettes discarded by customers in the hot pot restaurant. I smoked sparingly every day, and there are not a few."

"Today, you saw your car passing downstairs. You couldn't hear how I yelled. When you were in a hurry, you grabbed a lot of money and threw it down."

I laughed: "If money falls from the sky, the blind will also open their eyes."

Wu Zeyong lit the cigarette and took a deep breath, but the smoke did not spit out much, and then he said:

"I don’t need to say much about the later things. When I figured out what happened, I stayed with Zhou Xiaoxiao in this hot pot restaurant. I drew rain water for cooking, sprouts bean sprouts from beans, and planted garlic on the windowsill. , Planting onions... Every day I look forward to someone hitting downstairs."

Zhou Zi said sincerely: "Wu Zeyong, you are so great, I have never abandoned Zhou Xiaoxiao."

Wu Zeyong smiled and said, "There is nothing great, just relying on each other..." After a pause, he sighed and said, "Well, in fact, I stay in the shop like jail every day. I don't see any hope. I want to leave several times. Yes, but after all, I can’t let Xiaoxiao go next week."

Zhou Xiaoxiao snuggled in Wu Zeyong's arms, raised his head and said, "Uncle Yong, I know you can't bear to leave Xiaoxiao."

Zhou Zi said: "This little girl is really dead as soon as you leave."

I looked at my watch and said, "It's twelve o'clock. Everyone has a good night's sleep, and we will leave together tomorrow."

Zhou Xiaoxiao cheered: "Great Uncle Yong, we are finally leaving!"

In the early morning of the next day, I opened the anti-theft door and opened the fire door to see that there were still many zombies in the corridor.

I was impatient to wait any longer, and drew out the crossbow to discuss with Zhou Ziyi. I started, and after she broke off, Wu Zeyong and Zhou Xiaoxiao walked in the middle and rushed down like this, but the seven-story building would not take much time.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)